Wednesday, August 18, 2021


but first we noticed, as we drove by, that all the scaffolding on the Old Stone House in Manassas has been taken away.  It is looking very nice but then I have always thought so, even before these recent renovations.  I'm glad they are taking care of it for future generations.  We must never forget these places, or the people most importantly.  

The Old Stone House was used as a hospital during the Civil War, and the red flag signifies that it is a place of refuge for those who were injured. I thought that was the case but I wanted to make sure, and on my search for more information I came across this blog.  Jay, its host, is an amateur history buff.  I am always trying to glean more information about these places, some of which I am familiar with, but I found a few snippets that were new. Going through each page of history, and I will be going back as there are many, he tells us about Civil War characters.  Not just people but places too.  I sent the address to my dear other half, as he is also a history buff and I know he will enjoy it.

It took us an hour to reach Buckley Farm Market. We didn't walk around the back and would like to explore next time.  All the produce and other items for sale were in a big building. You can look at their home page at this link for more information, and the history of how it all came to be can be found here.
These were out front.  There were also lots of interesting items for sale inside, but I didn't buy any of those today, just grocery items.
We had fun walking around.  

And there's hubs in the center heading to the...
biscuits.  We bought a package and he
 said they were very good.  I also popped a loaf of bread in the basket.
There were dozens of jars of honey on display.  We have one at home but maybe another time.  We both enjoy local honey.
There was a little nook off to the side and it was a lot fun browsing.  
The painted pig was under the crape myrtle tree out front.  
The farm buildings in the distance got my attention right away.  It was the first thing I saw as we turned into the parking lot.
Closer view...
and one of this lovely house almost obscured by the trees.
There were a few Chicory blooms around (botanical name Cichorium intybus).
The next photo shows an American pokeweed (botanical name Phytolacca americana). It is a toxic plant to both humans and animals, and you can see more information if you click on the link. 
One last view of the farm before we point the car in the direction of home.
These were our purchases; the biscuits, white bread, a mixture of beans (looking forward to making soup when it starts getting cooler)...
 and a pork gravy mix that I was curious about.  My Mother-in-Law made the best pork gravy.  I don't remember tasting anything better, she had a gift. I will use this mix the next time we buy a pork roast.  It won't be as great as my Mum-in-law's but I have a feeling it will still be good.
Our produce: portabella mushrooms, sweet red peppers, tomatoes, peaches, oranges and pears.  They were all very good!  These were about to get a good rinse before storing them.
It was a very enjoyable visit and I would definitely like to go back in the Fall, not only in pumpkin season but nearer the holidays.


  1. I would love to visit this place, I bet I could look around for so long! So many unusual and cute things to see! I likely would have bought the biscuits and the honey. I love the pig, was it for sale, or decoration only? The farm buildings in the distance are gorgeous; white as snow and wonderfully kept up.

    1. It was fun Ginny and will enjoy going back :) I think the pig was for decoration only.

  2. What a wonderful (and productive (pun intended)) outing.

  3. Love the renovated house it is looking good.
    The produce place looks a good place to visit and buy produce, that pig is just awesome.
    Take care.

    1. It's an important landmark around here Margaret, and part of the Manassas Civil War Battlefield. Yes, I liked the pig. You take care too :)

  4. I would totally enjoy visiting this market! So many cute and wonderful things to see!

    Love the photos, Denise.

  5. That looks like a really nice place. I would love to have something like that here.

    1. It's the first time we visited Ann. I am looking around for our next Farmer's Market.

  6. Oh yes, I would want to go back in a month or two and buy, buy, buy!!! Love the farm nestled in the "valley". Pretty. And walking the market with you was a lot of fun.

    1. Now that would be fun to do :) Glad you enjoyed the market Anni.

  7. So much of color and life in the county the post

  8. Hello,
    The Stone House is beautiful. I like the market and the cute painted pig. You came home with some delicious looking produce. Take care, have a great day.

    1. Thanks Eileen, I enjoy looking for these places. You take care and have a great day also :)

  9. What a lovely trip! I enjoyed it. I haven't been shopping in over a year!

    1. It was, thanks Jenn :) I hope you get to do some shopping soon.

  10. What a great market to enjoy along with the views on the trip there!

  11. Replies
    1. Truly one of my favorite older places around here. Thanks William :)

  12. You see much more than just a farmer's market when you go places.

  13. Hello Denise,
    How do you manage to find so many places of interest, the old house look's beautiful with a good history to it as well. the food in the store looks delicious , love the pig
    Best wishes,

    1. Hello John :) we have many places around here to visit fortunately, with such a lot of history which I enjoy. Also many places to explore. Best wishes to you also!

  14. This place looks fantastic, Denise! We've never been there. Warrenton is not too far for us so maybe in the Fall we'll plan a visit there. Your choices look wonderful!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen :) it was an interesting place to look around. Most of what we bought are gone now. The fruit and veg were wonderful!

  15. i never had much of an interest in history when i was younger, now i enjoy information like this!! looks like some great finds at the farmers market. too bad you didn't live closer, i have so many tomatoes!!

    1. Ah how I would love to try your tomatoes Debbie, homegrown is the absolute best :) Happy you enjoyed the history. I have always had an interest and was taking night classes just for fun when I first met Gregg.

  16. We love Farm Markets and this one looks exceptional!

    1. They are great aren't they? I love to go to them :) Lovely to get produce straight from the fields.

  17. I love a good farm market, don't you? This DOES look like a good one! And that old barn/house and the pig -- all great shots.

    1. I certainly do Jeanie. Thank you :) it was fun!


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