Tuesday, November 12, 2024


Thank you family and friends, which of course include my blogging friends, for continually supporting me and telling me you are enjoying these weekly happenings/ramblings. They may get a bit boring at times so feel free to skip.

(There are a lot of Kitty graphics on my blog today, all from pixabay.com)

I want to also thank all followers of my blog, also my new followers I noticed recently and not so recently. I appreciate you doing that and only wish I could visit you but can't seem to find a way to return your visit. Would you please leave a comment so that I can do that if you don't mind leaving comments? I am happy to read in any language spoken, as I go straight to Google Translate to transcribe. This is not always possible I realize, just if you are so inclined. Maybe you just like to pop in and out and that's great too. 

I have a bit of family history mixed in among my daily happenings. Husband and son like me to do that and if you find it interesting also, that makes me happy. Truth be told I ramble about anything and everything, though quickly add the more personal info I do keep to myself, for my family's privacy.

Monday, 11-4-24: we had an early morning visitor. We have seen sweet kitty before. I have a post at this link from February of this year. I am convinced that we have a house cat that escapes every now and again to explore the outdoors. Our birds wisely stay out of the away. My dear other half took these photos at around 10:00 a.m. After he had left to do some shopping, she visited again at 11:00 a.m. The photos in the collage are his. I'm sure that if I had opened the screen door, she would have made herself at home. She looks well fed and well taken care of, and is very curious about us.

This is the third visit. The first time was in May 2023, which you can see here

Gregg left earlier to get his bagel breakfast from our local shopping area. He asked if he could bring one for me, but I felt like oatmeal. I added a tablespoon of raw almonds and 2 tablespoons of chopped dates, topping it all off with half a cup of almond milk. It is one of my favorite breakfasts.
I have Gregg's Mom to thank my dear's enjoyment of shopping. He and his brother were always sent off to the store to shop when they were kids (the shopping area was right next to their home). They were given a couple of dollars to get a treat. This was depending on the store they were sent to, and that treat was always different. Thinking our son would enjoying reading about his Dad's memories, I asked him if he would write something for the blog, and below are his words:

"We moved to Norfolk, Virginia in 1954. Mom and Dad purchased the last house in a large project called Roosevelt Gardens. Across the street from us was a large empty lot and about a year after we moved in, a new strip mall was built. Mom would send us shopping at Colonial Supermarket. The store closest to us was High's Ice Cream Store, which we frequented regularly. Further down the strip mall was People's Drugstore, which we loved because you could get a Vanilla Coke there. A few years later, developers built another strip mall just a little way down the road, and there they had a Woolworths with a dining section. There we would order milkshakes and ice cream sundaes, and on occasion banana splits. Next to the Woolworths there was a Bay Drug where we would get a special vanilla smash (similar to an Italian Soda)."
Back to what we ate today. Lunch was a toasted chicken salad sandwich with a thin slice of beefsteak tomato and a slice of lacy Swiss Cheese. Dinner was tortellini with Rao's spaghetti sauce and a mixed salad of chopped romaine with artichoke hearts, cherry tomato halves and black olives. (My dear was in the chair for all of our meals this week.) I don’t put dressings on my salads. If at all, I might use a teaspoon of Blue Cheese Dressing but that is rare. Generally I prefer my veggies as is and that is a habit since childhood. We didn’t have the available dressings back in those days. I didn’t know about mayonnaise until I got married. Mum always had a bottle of salad cream in the pantry but it was a bit too sweet for me. Her favorite sandwich was buying one of those small containers of shrimp (real tiny shrimp) that she would mix with salad cream and make tea sandwiches with them. 
Son called late afternoon, and we had a nice chat about this and that and enjoyed catching up with what he and our sweet daughter-in-law have been doing this week.
I am going to get all my clothes set up in readiness for my 8.00 a.m. appointment with the doctor tomorrow. He is a sports medicine specialist, which is ironic I told Gregg and got him to laugh, as it is well known that I look at any kind of ball and I glaze over. I just wasn't brought up with it, though my dad was a boxer and a cricketer on the police teams when he was young. In his youth he was a football player (soccer player here in the U.S.). 

(My sister on the left, me on the right and unknown baby. You can see the cricketers in their whites in the distance. Dad was in there somewhere. There must have been one of the other police wives looking out for us and this was probably her baby.)

He often took us along when he played cricket. We were young girls, bored out of our minds but giving Mum a well-deserved break no doubt. These old photos were found in an old trunk of Dad's memorabilia after he passed away. 

Dad can be seen holding the ball first row in the middle. Below is a cartoon figure of Dad from an old and faded booklet, with a short write-up. Dad would have been 15 years old.

Do you enjoy sports and if so, what do you like to watch the most? Do you remember anything in particular from childhood? 
I enjoy listening to baseball and football games in the background when I am blogging. My dear will often say, you've got to see this, it's a great play. He is the real enthusiast in the family, and I sit here on the couch with laptop on lap, always looking up at those great plays and enjoy them. It took me years to learn four balls you walk, three strikes you’re out. My dear always asks what team am I rooting for and I always pick one.
My knee is really sore this evening. I suppose trying to keep up with that young marine on those long flights of steps - story here if you haven't seen it before - could qualify me as an idiot, as I role my eyes up to the ceiling once again. I was shocked to realize that I have been dealing with this sprained knee since my birthday in July, but back in May I sprained it for the first time, which I had forgotten all about until I read my blog post a couple of days ago. I thought it had healed on its own but was apparently laying in wait. 

I have been dealing with sprains off and on since the first one when I sprained my ankle badly playing netball at school when I was 13 years of age. That's basketball here. I got a "Oh stop blubbering girl and go sit down" from my sports teacher. I do believe she rolled her eyes up to the ceiling also. By the time I got home my ankle had swelled up like a balloon. There was no trip to the nurse's office in those days, I don't think we even had one. And yes, I got a chocolate bar from Mum, bless her cotton socks. She had heard me crying, put her head over the gate and saw me limping down the street. She was the 'nurse' in our family. Thereafter I re-sprained one or the other ankle every couple of years or so, and to add insult to injury I was always wearing flatties. It's been that way throughout my entire life. I have always been able to roll an ankle or fall out of my shoes at the drop of a hat.

As for this last sprain, my regular doctor treated me with topical pain medication originally, in the hopes that my knee would heal on its own given time, as all my other sprains have in the past, but this hasn't been the case. Dare I say perhaps it is an age thing?  Nope, not going to say that! I  am smiling, sort of. I see the writing on the wall.

It does give me perspective on what people have to cope with when they have permanent chronic pain. I just can't say enough how sad I am knowing what they are having to deal with and no respite. I've known a few people, who have had to put up with pain, 24 hours a day, 12 months of the year over the years. I can only imagine what it must be like. I wish I had a magic wand to take all that away and pray that medical science will one day sort all this out.

A lot to write on Day One. Yes, I am rambling! I think I had better put this up for the night.

Tuesday, 11-5-24 at 10:58 a.m. and I am back home having had my 8:00 a.m. appointment with a doctor. I can't say enough how impressed I am with our local medical center. All the doctors (and I include nurses and office staff) have been super. The doctor I saw was very professional and oh my gosh he seemed so very young. He did a nice job of not only putting me at my ease but checking out my knee and looking at my x-rays, pointing out what the problem was. Osteoarthritis was mentioned several times. Long story short I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon next Monday and am still hoping I don't have to have surgery. I have a list of exercises to strengthen my knee in the meantime, also stronger prescription pain medicine. On the whole I am happy the process has been started.  

Gregg dropped me off at the house, made me as comfortable as possible on the sofa, and went up to the pharmacy inside our local supermarket. I was given a prescription for a stronger pain medication. He also brought home a cane which was right next to the pharmacy area. He had mentioned it to doctor who said it would be a good idea. I'm having a hard time using it and obviously need a lot of practice.

I am getting ahead of myself. I must tell you what greeted us when we came downstairs this morning. It was 7:00 a.m. and was a 'before-seeing-the-doctor’ gift. (This is of course not a surprise if you read my post last Saturday). Gregg tapped on the window as we didn't want the little darling to hang around. So sorry foxy! I went into more detail in my other post. He ran down the steps and jumped with ease over the neighbor's fence and was gone. 

On the way to the medical building, I spotted a big bird flying overhead and it swooped really low. I thought at first it was a Red-headed vulture. I am used to seeing them and they can be very regal in flight. However, and much to my delight, it was an American Bald Eagle. Oh look at that, I said. I haven't seen one in I can't remember when, and there it was flying back and forth over the car as we headed down the road. The sunlight was shining off its white head and tail like a beacon, and it seemed very low. No photo but another incredible sight, another gift. I was so happy seeing both the fox and the eagle that morning. It wasn't long after seeing the Eagle that we reached the clinic. 

12:51 p.m: Our son and daughter-in-law called and we had a lovely, lengthy chat with them. They were off out to enjoy all this sunshine we are having. It is 74 degrees F., going up to 76. They wanted to know about my doctor's appointment and how I was feeling about all of that. They are my Sweeties! Gregg is a great notetaker and has an excellent memory, so he had written all the details and sent it to them previously. But, after that part of the conversation was done, we wanted to know what they were doing for the rest of the day, so we talked about that. They both live a very active and busy life and it was good to catch up.

We also talked about our goal and plan to go with them for when I can walk around the parks and gardens again. The four of us are going to Huntley Meadows together, and then going for a nice meal to celebrate. Gregg manages my expectations and said it probably won't be until next spring, maybe summer. In the meantime, we will have their company closer to home and that is always looked forward to.

Gregg went into the kitchen and asked me if I needed anything. I asked if he could make me a cup of my green tea with ginger. Next thing he brought my tea in Grumpy Bear Mug. He knows me so well and I had a chuckle as he handed the mug to me. Anything with Grumpy Bear is a pick-me-up.

Tuesday, 11-5-24 at 2:35 p.m: Breakfast was Weetabix first thing, with 1 tablespoon each of pumpkin seeds and dried chopped dates. My dear fixed himself a toasted banana sandwich.

We got in the kitchen and made a copycat P. F. Chang stir fry for dinner. He did all the standing at the stove fixing our meal, while I sat at the kitchen table peeling, cutting and chopping vegetables. (I will post the recipe before the end of the month.) It was very good and as we always do, we critique and make our suggestions of how we could make it better next time, to fine tune it to our own tastes.

81 degrees Fahrenheit today and it’s November?

Wednesday, 11-6-24: I slept a lot today and forgot to write anything down. 

Thursday, 11-7-24 at 11:42 a.m: I came back from my regular doctor's appointment a couple of hours ago. This is a lady doctor who is a resident. I will be seeing her one more time before she leaves mid 2025. I shall be so sad to see her go as she is not only a wonderful doctor but has a very warm personality. We had a lengthy discussion and later the nurse came in and gave me a flu shot and then I had to go downstairs to get some blood drawn, and even though it all went very smoothly, I was so glad to get back into our car and be on our way, but first...

we visited my favorite coffee shop (Gregg is not a coffee drinker). When we rolled up to the entrance of the drive-thru, a lady was driving towards us from the other direction to join the line at the same time. She waved us on but Gregg held back and motioned for her to go in front of us, at which she smiled and waved. When we got nearer to the window, Gregg said he thought she must be late for an appointment but coffee was important too. He heard her saying something to the young girl, that she was rushed and was still putting her make up on. She left and we rolled up. The young girl said that "that lady has just paid for your coffee." You know? That act of kindness was a real pick-me-up. How sweet was that? I looked behind us in the side rearview mirror and to Gregg, we ought to pay it forward and buy the guy behind us his coffee. Gregg said that's a great idea and that's what he did. A lovely little interlude!  Receiving kindness and paying it forward, you can never can go wrong doing that. It reminds me yet again that there are a lot of good people out there.

Friday, 11-8-24: Gregg had lunch today with an old navy buddy. They get together every couple of months or so. He left at ten this morning as he has quite a drive to get there. It takes him about an hour-and-a-half to get to his friend's house. I was happy for him to go and encouraged him not to cancel. Our son called to see how I was doing later. He gives me recommendations on what movies to watch on Netflix, but I'm finding I rarely put the TV on during the day. I will know what to watch when I do. He will be over again on Sunday. 

I tend to get focused like a laser on things (Gregg's words😉), and am always surprised when the day has gone by and he's rolling into the garage. The birds and squirrels are once again entertaining me. I look up from the sofa every now and again when there is a slight bang, but nothing untoward has happening and everyone still has their ears! Their hierarchy is showing. I know who the boss is out there. 

The medication the specialist gave is working well, though perhaps making me a little extra tired. Apparently, these pills are very strong, and my regular doctor told me that's why I only get a certain amount, that I will be taken off them at the end of the two weeks. I see the surgical specialist next Monday. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that something can be done other than surgery. My whole leg is sore today. I did quite a bit of walking yesterday. My dear dropped me off at the door to park on the multi-story parking lot. I waited for him sitting in a comfortable chair in the foyer where a lady chatted to me for a while.  I had a hard time hearing. She was smiling and talking very quietly. Her daughter arrived and off they went. People kept coming and going and Gregg arrived.  It is a big building and even using the elevator, there were long walks down corridors to the office spaces which seemed even longer today. 

6.57 p.m: I was heading up to bed early again. I always check outside and lo and behold, another evening visitor. I took a video and frankly I sound like a freight train. Gregg arrived home shortly afterwards and I showed it to him. He said you were holding your breath again weren’t you?  I have this habit of doing that as I read once that it would stop you from wobbling your camera. It doesn't work anymore and I have to break this habit. So, I was doing the same while taking the video and got out of breath. I had popped my head through the curtains to see if there were any critters out there. It was pitch black but I thought I saw movement in the dark. I wondered if it was a trick of light but thought it might be the fox. As I turned on the outside lights, this little darling greeted me.  


The video lasts for 1 minute and 21 seconds.

It's time to put this down for the night. I am off to bed.

Saturday, 11-9-24 at 3.00 p.m.

We just had a lovely one-hour conversation on FaceTime with my brother-in-law in Germany. Always a fun time chatting with him and we had a good chuckle talking about the old days. Our parents came up in the conversation. I was always very fond of his Mum (his Dad passed away several years before, a lovely man). His Mum and I corresponded via regular letters for many years. We always exchanged presents at Christmas time. She would send me a little animal figurine. I would send her a Christmas Tree ornament. Her letters are in a box somewhere. I will have to find them one of these days.

We just had dinner and were very hungry as we missed lunch. We bought a packet of British bangers (sausages) when we went to The Pure Pasty Company in Vienna. They were thawed out and removed after from my friend the freezer the night before. They were delicious. We told my brother-in-law what we were having for dinner and he was very enthusiastic, told us not to forget a grilled onion (it’s a tradition to do that with bangers and mash. Another tradition is to make a brown onion gravy but not this time). Brother-in-law can’t get bangers where he lives, so I know what I will be filling the fridge with when he visits again. Gregg cooked a grilled medium chopped onion, but we cheated with Bob Evans Original Mashed Potatoes. They’re the best and we are very picky with ready made things from the supermarket. They are great when you don't want to fuss. Frozen Brussels sprouts for the greens next - not in this photo as I forgot to add them until later. We both enjoyed the bangers and we are going to buy more when we are out that way again. Coleman's mustard on the side, also from the shop. The entire meal was very tasty.

Bird feeder is all quiet today!

Sunday, 11/10/24 at 7.38 p.m: I am in bed getting an early night. Gregg is downstairs watching basketball. I slept very little last night and may drop off any time. Usually, I stay downstairs and listen but definitely felt like some quiet time, with no background noise.

My appointment with the surgical doctor is in the early afternoon tomorrow, so hurray for the timing on that. I can ease into the day as we won't have to leave the house until noon. (Since writing this I have had my appointment. No surgery but likely sometime down the road. Meaning getting cortizone shots and pain medication until that runs out. Thank you Ginny for sharing what you have learned. I am very grateful to you my friend.)

Our son came over at his usual time, always stopping off for my coffee. I got lectured once when I left my cane and hobbled into the kitchen. I am still trying to remember when the parent/child roll reversed. I lectured him about something later so tit-for-tat. We mums must retain some of our power. We sat down at the kitchen table and the three of us talked while his Dad fixed us scrambled egg, bangers (had one last packet left) and toast. We told our breakfast chef his food was very tasty, which it was. 

Son left an hour earlier to pick up his sweetie. I am a pain and always ask for selfies before he goes. It’s tradition and he is really good about it. He is the self-ierist-in-charge and always takes several, so eventually I say that’s enough isn’t it? There are usually a couple of odd expressions which he says he is going to put on Facebook but I know it is a tease as they never make it to Facebook. And that was our time with the lad today.

The rest of it we spent reading, with a bit of pottering in between. Gregg fed the critters outside. All quiet out there but saw a squirrel and a couple of doves. We had a throw-together faux pho soup with ramen noodles in broth, and leftovers in the fridge for a late lunch/early dinner. Gregg tried a new Lidl on his last shopping trip and bought a jar of great artichoke hearts. We both decided these were the best we had had so far, out of any of the other stores around here. It was a Lidl brand. On each of our servings we tossed in a few artichoke hearts, a good handful of mung bean sprouts, a few cherry tomatoes, a handful of torn Thai basil leaves, a tablespoon of hoisin sauce and splashes of sriracha hot sauce. I sprinkled in a few drops of toasted sesame oil on mine and sesame seeds to finish off. It might not have been our best pho soup but for an end of the week meal before putting this week’s shopping list together, it turned out pretty good. I forgot to take photos.  

I started a new jigsaw puzzle and also played Scrabble, both on my iPad. 

I made more of these Autumn Angels thanks to Copilot. I asked for the Lion and the Lamb to be included this time. Most of these have them.

I love the serene expressions on these angels. I asked for ones who were shyly smiling.

My little Scottish Angel.

Here is a Mexican Angel wrapped in a Serapes. I saw these a lot when we lived in San Diego. I didn't know anything about them and my curiosity got the better of me, so I went on a Google search. "A Serapes is a long, rectangular woven blanket that is often brightly colored and fringed at the ends. Serapes are handwoven and can vary in the secondary colors between blankets, making each one unique. They originated in Mexico during the colonial period and were popular with horsemen because they were suitable for life on horseback." As well as my original requests, they offer added suggestions and one was 'wrap the angel in a serapes'. Truthfully I didn't know these beautiful blankets were called this. And once again, I love learning these things. I remember them for sale in all the gift shops near where I used to live back in the 70's/80s.

Each Angel I was given was delightful. You just never know what background designs will be used. I always ask for beautiful gowns also. They certainly gave me those. This sweet little girl looks like she is wearing something incredible, I only wish I could have seen the full-length design. I will add those requests next time.

These are just a few of what I have saved. 

Another little Scottish Angel because I loved the tartans they used. I didn't ask for those, they just appeared. And again, no lion and lamb in this one. It was done in a separate collection.

It rained a bit when we were out earlier, just a sprinkle.

And that was our week.

Thanks for sticking with me until the end. It certainly was a long ramble.



  1. Jolly adventures to read about! That cat is just trick or treating for food, probably in the whole neighborhood. As a Physical Therapist how to use the cane. Their info will prevent falls. Or, you're so good with the computer, Google that for some info. Can't imagine hubby going to one store for groceries, after that upbringing to several nearby stores. All for treats. Does he require treats for grocery shopping these days? Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda, I thought that might be the case on the food. Thank you for the good advice on the cane. I feel very unsteady right now and the help is very much appreciated. To this day hubby enjoys going to different stores every time he goes out, and he does enjoy his treats which makes it more adventurous for me :)

  2. The Scottish angel is so different and delightful, she is my favorite. Goodness, I remember High's ice-cream so fondly. We had one on the corner when I was a child. Five cents for two scoops on a cone, and ten cents for three. I always got two five cent cones, thus getting one extra scoop for the same money. And Woolworths, what a treasure trove! I guess they have been replaced by the Dollar Stores now. But they do not have the same charm, and no lunch counters! A cane can be quite tricky, and can cause more problems than they are worth if you are not very careful with it at first. When you are in a lot of pain, a walker really helps. There are even totes you can attach to them that will carry drinks and all kinds of other things. More than I could carry myself if I was walking without one. I really liked our Lidl. I think it was open less than two years, and then closed. The kitty is so beautiful, and look at that tail!! I love hearing your pretty voice and accent! My great great grandfather came here from England, worked his way over on a tramp steamer (free lance merchant ship).

    1. Yes, she’s a beauty isn’t she Ginny? I love the tartan too. I will have to show Gregg your comment about High’s. He has good memories from all these places. So lovely reading yours. We had a Woolworths in our town when I was growing up and my family popped in all the time, finishing off with a pot of tea in their restaurant. Thanks for the advice on the walker instead of the cane. I didn’t realize that any Lidl’s had closed down. It is puzzling to me that after living 49 years here, I haven’t lost that accent. I suppose if I had come earlier it would have been a different story. I always remember going back and people thinking I was a Canadian, so it has changed some since I moved here. How interesting about your great great grandfather. I do have family members who moved to America both in the 1700’s and the mid 1800’s but only found that out a few years ago. I agree about the kitty. She has the most beautiful blue eyes.

  3. Lovely post. I wish you well with your knee and mobility issues. We are okay, thanks for asking.

    1. Thank you my friend, I appreciate that and so happy to know you are okay.

  4. Hello Denise,
    I hope you have some relief with your knee pain and mobility. I enjoy reading your post, the family times, descriptions of your meals. It is so nice to have someone in front of you pay for your purchases. I think the kitty likes your home. I would not want the fox hanging around. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. I very much appreciate your saying Eileen :) glad you enjoyed my post. Yes, it was very nice for that lady to pay for the coffee, I was very touched at her kind gesture. No, we discourage the fox but such a beauty. Thanks Eileen, I wish you the same.

  5. Your weather is a lot like ours this week. Not hot, not cold, just right for this time of year. Loved reading about your old neighborhood, the Woolworths, the ice cream store, I bet you have great memories from back then!

    1. Hi Jim and Barb, glad to read about your good weather and that you enjoyed all our memories. Fun to look back :)

  6. Good to read that you are getting some relief from your painful and continuing knee issues, Denise. You have given me a dinner idea for this week as we have sausages and onions available and some potatoes to mash.

    1. Thank you Dorothy :) That's great, we certainly enjoyed ours.

  7. I wish I had a hubby or a dad, that would shop. or cook. you are a wonderful with copilot, mine never look as good as yours. I gave up on it, but who knows, might try it again. I do the same thing as you, get focused I am shocked when its lunchtime or dinner time. so sorry about your knee, that is a long time to deal with the pain. I have had osteo in my knees for years, and in 2015 went to a Ortho doc and they sent me to therapy to teach me exercises and told me to do them every other day and I still do them every other day. 10 minutes every morning. when you are done with your shots and pain meds and if the doctor gives you excercises to do, do them faithfully. if I miss more than 2 days the pain comes back. it really helps, but only do what the doctor tells you to do. I am just chiming in to say if they do then do them... so far I have not had to have surgery.

    1. Thanks Sandra, I enjoy playing with it and it's always fun to see what pops up. Thank you for all the great advice, I will definitely follow it and am really happy you have avoided surgery. I'm so sorry you have this too.

  8. I love these posts. May your pain lessen with each day that passes.

  9. Hoping the knee heals...and I loved all the stories! Cute images, as well!

    1. Thank you Donna, and am glad you enjoyed my post today. Sending hugs :)

  10. Denise, I'm sorry your knee is being persistent in causing you pain. I do hope you can get relief with a shot. What a treasure those old black and whites are. Fun to see them and see the Cricket activity in the background. My favorite sport to watch is soccer/futbol. That is a beautiful fluffy cat that comes to visit! Hope you have a good day.

    1. I appreciate your caring comments Ellen, they are very much appreciated. Fun to find out what you like to watch. Yes its a beauty and I am surprised it's been around as often as it has. I saw the pretty thing outside again this evening.

  11. Morning Denise what a very fun and informative post with such fun activities (well not the knee). They kitty is quite beautiful. Do you know if it belongs to any one near you. It is very well cared for.
    My orthro visit in August 2023 ended with measurements taken and sent off to have a special brace made for me. I has made a world of difference. This morning I took a 1.8 mile walk oh and I bought a new pair of New Balance 990v walking shoes they are the best.
    Hugs to you and all around you

    1. Thank you for all that great info Cecilia. That's a wonderful walk you went on. I look forward to when I can start walking properly again. I'm not sure who the cat belongs to, not an immediate neighbor. She does look well cared for. The brace sounds interesting. I'll definitely pay attention to that and look into those New Balance, as I need a new walking shoe. Thanks again and I wish you the same :)

  12. you asked a question about sports. i have always loved football and was a cheerleader from a young age until senior year of hs. i still adore football, i LOVE the KC Chiefs, they are 9 - 0. our weather has been all over the place but still no rain. we got 1/4 of an inch sunday night but it had not rained in more than 40 days. i am glad you are getting some relief from that nasty knee pain, living in pain is no fun!! that cat is beautiful, i'll bet it belongs to someone who lets it wander!! i enjoyed all of the angels!!

    1. I can see you being a cheerleader Debbie. I bet you were a great one. What fun memories you must have. I remember you loving the KC Chiefs. I hope you get some rain soon but not too much :) Thanks for the caring words and yes I believe you are right about the cat. Glad you enjoyed the angels.

  13. It's lovely to read about your week. I think the pretty cat is trying to come indoors. Some cats are like that and visit several houses for treats!
    I have been using a stick around the house - I always use walking poles when we go walking with the dogs. What I thought was my hip hurting me was actually my back and I, too, have exercises. Use your stick on the opposite side to the painful joint and rest when you can.

    1. I am very happy to know that Janice, thank you so much! I think cats are very clever :) so sorry about your back. Back issues are awful. Thank you for the advice on the cane, much appreciate that. I am getting lots of good advice here.

  14. Thank you for this rambling post. I enjoyed it - and I really, really hope that you can avoid surgery. Hugs.

    1. Thank you sue, so glad and you are very kind. Hugs received and given my friend :)

  15. Hope that your knees get better, Denise. That kitty looks so cute!

  16. Your kitty visitor looks like a real sweetheart. As for sports, I've never gotten into any of them. I used to try and understand football and watch with Wade but I found it totally boring.
    Love that grumpy mug.

    1. She certainly does :) I think you and I are very alike with sports. Even when the TV is on I have to have something else to occupy me. My grumpy mug always makes me smile. I'm going to be heading into the kitchen to get a cup of chamomile before I go to bed.

  17. What a lovely ramble, my friend. The photo of you and your sister and the baby in the carriage is adorable! How wonderful to have such treasures to view. I do hope the plan for your knee gives you relief soon. As I've mentioned those shots have helped me as well as PT exercises. Trying to put off surgery as long as possible is my goal. I enjoyed reading Gregg's remembrance of growing up in Norfolk. Sounds like a great place to grow up! And being sent for errands by his mother and getting a reward sounds very enticing to a child. Have a wonderful afternoon!

    1. So glad you enjoyed Martha Ellen, thank you and for the caring comments about the knee. I will tell Gregg you enjoyed his memories of growing up, and I do hope you knee is giving you no problems right now. Gregg always has fond memories of his growing up years, school and so on. Yes, his dear mom was a very smart lady in more ways than one. She was lovely! You have a wonderful afternoon too :)

  18. Replies
    1. Very much appreciate that Christine, thank you :)

  19. I was so in hope that you would heal quickly and completely. I hope the pain medication makes life a bit easier. I so love hearing about your mom and dad and your life in general. I must say, I would be inviting that kitty in for a visit. It is beautiful. We used to have a neighbor cat that would come to visit...they knew where to look/call if he didn't come home when they thought he should.

    1. Hi Rose, thank you and so kind of you :) very happy you enjoyed my memories today. It is always tempting to me to invite kitty in, though I keep an eye on her just to make sure she is looking healthy. It's unusual to have a cat wandering around here. That's lovely about your neighbor's cat, like having a pet but not having one :)

    2. That cat is so beautiful... I have never seen one with the color eyes it has.

  20. Me enamore del gatito que te visita. Me gusto verte de niña. T e mando un beso.

    1. Muito obrigado pelo seu gentil comentário. Passei a gostar muito do gato :) Mando-te um beijo.

  21. Sorry to hear you are in constant pain with your knee. We have similar complaints except mine is in my back. I had one op which relieved all the pain that I had down the right leg. But now the pain is in the left side but two surgeons have said it is not wise to operate due to my age and the condition of the bones in my spine, I need a fusion with plates and screws. An op could even make it worse. So like you I'm on strong pain killers. I loved all your ramble for the week. The fox's tail is lovely. Not fussed on cats though. It's great to hear that your son and DIL often pop in for a visit. I hope your knee improves soon. We find it hard to stand in the kitchen for any length of time so our meals a quick easy ones like Vienna sausages and sauerkraut with boiled potatoes and carrots. We also order Lite'n Easy prepared frozen meals which are delivered to the door. This growing old is not for sissies.

    1. Hello Diane, I can’t tell you enough how very sorry I am about your back and how it is affecting your leg, and about the op too. How awful for you! Well, you are right about this growing old my dear friend. You know, I often think of that time we met you and Bill when you visited our area. It is one of my fondest memories. So glad you enjoy my rambles. We love having our son and daughter-in-law so close. It is our biggest blessing. Yes, our meals have been quick this week. I am very fortunate that Gregg likes to cook and we are in the kitchen together. We have Thai food to thank for that. He is the adventurous one in different cuisines and I have thoroughly enjoyed these adventures. I think because of his time in the navy and all that traveling he did. When he asked me if I could make his particular favorite Thai dish after he retired, I said sure but that’s a lot of prep work and maybe you could help with that. Well, lo and behold, he discovered how much he enjoyed the process of cooking, and so I sit at the kitchen table and read out the recipe step-by-step, and help with preparation these days. With my knee it has been trickier and there are lots of times we eat faster meals, like our bangers and mash. Yesterday it was a tomato and cheese sandwich with lettuce, and a commercial tomato soup :) A favorite combination of ours and Gregg makes the whole thing, and things like the bangers and mash. Agree on the foxes tail and I understand about the cat, though I do enjoy his visit, I worry about it with the foxes around. Well, I see I am rambling again, smiling here, so I will quit. Just one more, I do hope they will be able to find a solution for you for your back. Thank goodness for these meds. Take care and sending hugs :)

  22. I was out and about today and wound up with very sore feet. I have chronic problems with my feet. The doctor says I have loose ligaments and I have sprained my ankles so many times that there is scar tissue, which I had mistaken for fat ankles!

    You kitty visitors are adorable. It’s exciting that you saw a bald eagle.

    1. Oh dear, that also sounds very painful Linda. I have loose ligaments on my ankles too, since I was very young. I have had problems with walking my whole life. I am very sorry you have had these too. Yes, very much so on the cat and the eagle. You take care too and thanks for sharing that. I enjoy coming over and seeing where you and Charlie have been going :)

  23. You've had quite the week!
    I have social anxiety these days. Hubby shops for me.
    I hope your knee settles down. Mine are arthritic and I have to keep moving, which helps.
    All the best! I enjoyed your ramblings!

    1. Glad to know your hubby shops for you Jenn. I can understand your social anxiety. I find myself staying away from crowded places more and more these days. Good to know you keep moving. I will be able to do that a bit more soon I hope. So glad you enjoyed my ramblings. That means a lot. Thank you and all the best to you too :)


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