Friday, July 22, 2022


The house beyond the trees is part of Green Spring.  It contains offices and I am not exactly sure for what.  The visitor center is on the other side of the garden.
It has either been very rainy with thunderstorms or hot and humid weather so, with those elements to contend with, we haven't been on a lot of walks.  We decided that even though it was going to get up to 92 degrees Fahreneit (33.333°C) yesterday, we would go out early and drive to Green Spring Gardens.  The last time we were there was on April 15th. We have been to other places for our walks since then, but not in the last week.  The following shows you what our weather is going to be like for the next 10 days, which included yesterday.
We didn't go on a very long walk because of the humidity.  Consequently we didn't stay as long as we usually do.  I might add that the garden was very quiet, and we only saw a handful of people walking around.
My main interest today was to take photos of flowers, the lotus in particular...
and was hoping for birdlife also.  
We started off in the pond area, and only saw one female mallard.  A few smaller birds flew around. We counted two turtles, but they bobbed their noses under the water as soon as we got a camera out.  
Further along when we were going through the wood, we came across a family of deer.  They were mostly obscured by trees, but we were happy to get this photo.  We enjoyed them for a little while and it was enough to see these glimpses of them, with an occasional head bobbing up and eyes staring at us, before going back to their munching. 
This is a path we take after we have looked at the pond area and walked through the wooded area I mentioned.  You can't really tell but it's quite a steep hill...
and on each side the undergrowth can get quite tall.
I am keeping this short today as it's getting late, and I want to publish it for tomorrow (today).  As you might guess I have more photos to share.  


  1. Of course our weather has been pretty much the same. But I'm glad that despite the weather you had such a beautiful trip!

    1. Thank you Ginny, it was great and also great to get back to the car where I keep an extra flask of water in the shade. It was still icy cold :)

  2. Lovely photos and nice to get out before it gets too humid. Nice temperature though, well for us down here.

    1. Thanks Margaret :) Temperature is all about how you can tolerate it I suppose. I don’t mind it getting hot but the humidity makes me ill if I am out too long in it.

  3. Replies
    1. You are very welcome Cloudia and thank you :)

  4. Going early in the day to that beautiful place sounds like an excellent decision. I look forward to seeing more photos when you are ready.

    1. Thank you Sue, it felt like the right decision :)

  5. We have had rain in our forecast but haven't gotten any. It's just been hot and humid. Glad you were able to get out early to visit this place. Love those lotus, they're so pretty.

    1. Hi Ann :) we got a storm last night but we were on the edge of it and it didn’t last long. Glad you enjoyed the lotus, thank you!

  6. Beautiful flowers and photos. The weather is going to be hot, I do not like the humidity.
    Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen, yes it is and I shall be staying near the a/c today :) You take care and enjoy the days ahead.

  7. That lotus is a stunner!! But, today, the photo of the really is a hidden gem.

  8. don't tell the gorgeous flower but the Duck and the Deer beat the flowers for first place. awesome shot of the duck, every detail of his feathers show.. ad the deer wins the SWEET award

    1. I would agree with you Sandra and the deer, next to the duck, was my favorite. I took six photos of the deer and that was the only one that was decent :)

  9. our heat is wake up to 82 go to high 90's.. humid, hot and huddle in AC is the name of our game

    1. Ugh! The air conditioner and I are very good friends in the hottest months. Stay cool :)

  10. As I've aged I cannot tolerate heat very well.

    1. I understand completely Red, though I have never been able to tolerate either heat or humidity at any age :)

  11. It's hotter there than here. It gets to 87 here, but very humid. BTW, I tried your recipe for the Cumin and Parsley Chicken Thighs last night. It turned out great! Something different for our palate.

    1. I am so pleased you enjoyed the recipe Gigi :) I enjoy trying something different, and it is a win-win when it tastes good to us. Stay cool!

  12. really gorgeous images denise, you are so brave to deal with this weather!! ours has been, hot, humid, muggy and soupy!! yep, that and 100 degrees defines it!!

    loved the image of the deer!!

    1. Thank you Debbie :) Not brave really, I'm just glad we went early and we said earlier still next time. It was sweltering by the time we got back to the car. Sounds like you've been getting higher temperatures than us. Stay cool!

  13. The sacred lotus is a beautiful bloom, Denise, and in itself might have been worth the walk on a hot day. Going out early was a great decision too!

  14. Your shot of the deer is my favourite.

  15. Such lovely photographs you've shared.
    When the weather is hot going out early is so often a good decision.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad you enjoyed them Jan :) So true! And it will be getting hotter in August for sure. I just may become a bit of a hermit again. All the best to you too.

  16. Now that sounds like fun! I haven't been on a bicycle in years. This time of the year it's either going out before the sun gets too high or after it goes down :)

  17. What a delightful deer! The flowers are beautiful.

    1. Thank you Linda, agree on both as we felt the same :)

  18. That is daunting weather! Early morning is the only time it even approaches bearable. On the coldest day in the winter I can dress up, stay warm and enjoy the outdoors. But it's impossible to escape heat and humidity and it saps your energy. I am eagerly awaiting the first frost of the fall.

    1. Hi David, it surely is and does! Fall with its more moderate temperatures will be very welcome :)

  19. It's lovely to see your photos as always, Denise. The white rain lily is gorgeous! It's been so oppresive it's hard to get a walk in and I commend you for doing so on such a warm day. Stay cool!

    1. Thank you so much Martha Ellen :) I'm glad we did but couldn't do that with these higher temperatures. You stay cool too.


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