Thursday, January 20, 2022


The trail cam produced this nice clear photo of the Blue Jay.  When the sun is shining I get better pictures.  It was about three feet away from the camera, and was sharper and not quite as blurry.  

The Blue Jay is considered to be boisterous and a bit aggressive, but when I hear them squawking outside I am happy to see them.  

Since we had to have two of our largest trees cut down next to the deck, the Blue Jay doesn't visit quite as often.  I suppose it lost its protective cover.  When one does visit on the odd occasion, it pleases me greatly.  And that squawk seems to be a signal to let others in its family know that the dinner bell has rung and there is food on the table.  

Blue Jays can be beneficial to other birds.  In the "Birds of Maine Field Guide" written by Stan Tekiela, you will read that they are "known as the alarm of the forest, screaming at any intruders in the woods".  This also lets other birds know that there is a predator around.  Blue Jays will also mob raptors, which will provide protection for other birds.

Their history is quite interesting.  Did you know that because of the Blue Jay's preference for acorns and beechnuts, they helped facilitate the migration of oak and beech trees thousands of years ago?  By burying these nuts in the ground, they helped spread nut-bearing trees northward at the end of the Ice Age.  This in turn benefitted numerous species of wildlife.  They continue this behavior even today.

You can read more about them here.


  1. It is such a good photo of the Jay. And, as is befitting it's noisy nature, it has it's beak open!

  2. They are very beautiful birds - and totally exotic to me.

    1. Thank you Sue, and your birds are very exotic to me. Always amazed at the birds you get in your garden :)

  3. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado! Mando também um abraço e um desejo de continuação de boa semana :)

  4. That's a great photo. I did not know that about Blue Jays. Very interesting. I had heard that they were quite aggressive around other birds but I always enjoy seeing one.

    1. Thank you Ann, I am very pleased with our bird cam. It can take lots and lots of not so good photos, but then you come across something like this and it makes it all worthy while. Even the not so good photos I enjoy :) Yes, Blue Jays can be a bit naughty. They remind me of this little boy in our old neighborhood, many, many years ago. He was a complete and utter rascal but I was very fond of him and he and I got on just fine. I feel that way about the Blue Jays and I hope he never reads this post and connects the dots, lol!

  5. Hello,
    The Blue Jay enjoyed being first to the buffet feast, great photo.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, he certainly did :) You take care and enjoy your day also.

  6. Did you know that blue Jays are really it blue but brown?!! Look it up

    1. I didn't know that Anni, appreciate the information and I will. Thank you!

  7. I knew none of this information. very interesting. I have seen them diving at birds, cats, all kinds of things and of course heard their screaming. you have a beautiful view off your deck, I like that the house next door is a blank wall and you don't have to feel like people are watching you on your deck. you already know I love your cam pics

    1. Hi Sandra, glad you found it interesting and you enjoy these cam pics :) Yes, they designed these houses really well for privacy, especially as they are so close to each other. I always admire my neighbor's garden, her flowers during growing season are really something and the colors are gorgeous!

  8. They are a handsome bird...whether they are blue or brown. LOL Always learning through blogging.

    1. Hi Rose, I agree, and it's always fun learning when blogging :)

  9. Around here people feed peanuts . It's a good thing peanuts don't grow here or we'd be covered with peanuts.

    1. Thanks Red and if you could have seen all the peanuts we used to feed them. These were in the shells and the birds were fascinating to watch but it was such a mess. Now I have seen peanuts that come without the shells for sale, maybe I will try that again. I miss watching the chipmunk stuff those peanuts in its mouth :) and the squirrels loved those peanuts too.

  10. That's interesting background on the blue jay. I enjoy them, though they are a little scrappy. Interesting about the tree cover. I often see many blue jays by the tree cover in the back of the yard and not many at the feeder. I need to rethink that. Thanks for the acorn tip, too!

    1. I agree Jeanie, I was very interested learning it all. A little scrappy is a great description of them :) We still miss our beautiful trees, we felt like we were living in a forest.

  11. That's cool. I always thought blue jays were noisy pests but I can see where being noisy can be helpful.

    1. Thanks Yogi, I love learning about them, and seeing the other side of things :)

  12. Thanks Linda, glad you enjoyed. I found those facts interesting too :)

  13. Replies
    1. Hi Christine, they certainly are :) I was surprised when I first heard one. Now I recognize them immediately when they start calling to their family.

  14. The Eurasian Jay is quite different. I see them out walking but they are very shy, I have ever seen them in the garden. Lovely photos of your Jay. Keep safe and have a good weekend. Diane

    1. I'll have to look up your Eurasian Jay. Interesting about them being a shy bird. Thank you Diane, you keep safe and have a good weekend also :)

  15. Hello Denise, I just love this post. The picture of your Blue Jay is beautiful, and you laid out quite a spread for them. I used to give them peanuts in their shell's, but now buy shelled peanuts like you, not nearly as messy. I like their noisy calls to each other, but didn't realise that other birds pick up on this as danger signals. Just goes to prove that each wild creature has it's part to play in the ecology of the planet, the way they have always buried acorns. A great read, about one of my favourite birds, although it's the Eurasian Jay that I see.

    1. Hello Breathtaking, and thank you, so glad you enjoyed my post. I have shelled peanuts on my shopping list now :) They play a big part don't they? We're all connected in some way or the other. Diane mentioned the Eurasian Jay and now I really must go look them up right after I post this message. Thanks so much!

  16. I love the information on the Blue Jay, Denise! I do believe he has gotten a bad rap.

    1. So happy you enjoyed this Martha Ellen. I think that too :)

  17. i love blue jays and i think they get a really bad rap!! you are getting great pictures with the trail cam!!!

    1. Me too on both counts Debbie :) Always better photos in the sunshine


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