Thursday, October 12, 2023


"I love Fall!  Fall is exciting.
It's apples and cider.
It's an airborne spider.
It's pumpkins in bins.

It's burrs on dogs' chins.
It's wind blowing leaves.
It's chilly red knees.
It's nuts on the ground.
It's a crisp dry sound.

It's green leaves turning
And the smell of them burning.
It's clouds in the sky.
It's Fall And that's why....
I love Fall."

~Author Unknown~

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who visits my blog.


  1. Gorgeous fall shots, and a great poem. Except the airborne spiders!

    1. Thank you Ginny, happy you think so, except for the airborne spiders, lol! :)

  2. It is a gorgeous time of year isn't it? The world over.

    1. It certainly is, and most definitely the world over :) Thank you Sue!

  3. Heartfelt thanks for sharing such mesmerizing photos of fall and such a lovely poem wow you just made my day dear Denise !
    hugs and blessings

    1. You are very welcome Baili. I am so happy to read your comment, thank you! Hugs and blessings to you also :)

  4. The autumn sentiment is so thrilling. Love the autumn!

  5. What a fun poem. I love fall too for all those reasons.

    1. And they are very good reasons aren't they? Thank you Ann :)

  6. our autumn is not like this, but we do have cooler days. the thing is we had 3 days of Florida autumn, which means waking up to 65, 68, 69 and going to bright sunny 84 without humidity. it felt so good, our walks we walked faster and did not sweat. today we woke up to 84 hot/humid degrees.. your fall is beautiful, love the colors, all of it and your poem all about the fall I remember when living in GA. did I mention, no AC for 3 whole days? that is how we know it is fall in Florida

    1. No, I can just imagine what it is like down in Florida at this time of the year. For me it's lovely to be able to go on my walk without the humidity. It doesn't tire me out as much. I'm glad you could shut off your AC for a while. We haven't put our heating on yet and I have the windows open. It was in the low 40s in the early hours and went up to 72 today. I still have the windows open at 6.38 p.m. There is a definite nip in the air and I will be closing them soon. Thanks Sandra :)

  7. I love fall too, the colors are beautiful. The apples are delicious. Great poem! Take care, have a great day!

  8. I agree with all those except the airborne spider. That I can do without!

  9. A charming and timely poem! Happy week (or weekend, which, I guess, is closer!)

  10. Great little poem describing the best parts of fall.

  11. I love early fall. The last days of fall are sad. I’m not a fan of winter. If it weren’t for the holidays, I don’t think I could stand it.

    1. Understand Linda :) I'm a Fall, Winter, Spring person, and might sound a bit weird but summer isn't a favorite. The humidity of summer is too much for me. I'm thinking because I grew up in a much cooler climate.

  12. What a delightful poem, Denise. Fall is my very favorite season for so many reasons. I can see you love it too!

    Have a sweet October week.


    1. Happy you think so Sheri :) I surely am enjoying it. I love that nip in the air at this time of the year.

  13. Enjoy the beautiful fall weather, Denise!

  14. I love Fall/Autumn too ...
    Nice poem and pictures.

    All the best Jan

  15. Autumn is the best season not only for the colors, but the temperatures as well. you are not alone in liking this season, Denise.

    1. That's nice to know my dear friend :) Thank you! It must be wonderful up your way.

  16. I've been dragging my feet going into autumn (I'm a summer kind of girl) but this poem and your photos really help with my fall spirit:) Thanks! Hope you are having a wonderful week!

    1. I'm glad my post helped Jennifer, thank you for letting me know. Had a super week thank you and I hope yours was the same :)

  17. Your photos and poem say everything that fall represents to me. Thank you, Denise for always making me smile.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, so glad and you are very, very welcome :)

  18. i love fall as well!! i always say "autumn" because it sounds prettier!! awesome images, i can't wait until the leaves change here!!!

    cold weather and hoodies are BEST!!!!

    1. That’s great Debbie :) I look forward to your leaf-changing photos.


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