Arugular and Poached Eggs
Monday, February 28, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
I had time to play on my laptop this morning, and for a change decided to share something on Saturday. Normally I take the weekend off.
This is a recent visitor (Black-capped Chickadee) out back. I decided to add the spring blossoms and fancy frame found on - made it a bit too fussy I think but I thought I would share. Same photo below which I changed to a sepia tone.
Friday, February 25, 2022
This morning I was looking for a particular photo and I don't even know how these popped up. One of those times I should have made notes on the steps but forgot. Anyhow, I enjoyed looking at all my posts over the years and thought you might enjoy too. You can enlarge to get a better look.
It rained heavily yesterday but looks pretty decent today. It is going to get up to 53 degrees Fahrenheit. We're off out for a quick trip. Gregg wanted a Bahn Mi sandwich from a favorite Vietnamese shop we know a few miles from here. We have been going there for years, ever since he discovered it on his way home from work in Washington DC (before retirement). There are no seats inside and we always end up having a car picnic. No breakfast today as we slept in, but Bahn Mi sounds wonderful for our first meal of the day.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
you wake up, get out of bed, not fully awake, tap-dance your foot around under the bed, searching, find the slippers one at a time, struggle to put the right slipper on the right foot, the left slipper on the left foot, all this while not looking down obviously, go downstairs into the kitchen, start the coffee to try and wake yourself up, go over to the window to look at the birds, look down at your feet and stare at those feet in disbelief, then you start laughing. Sweet Other Half joins you. You point in the direction of your feet and he starts laughing too. It’s good to start the day off with a laugh. It’s good to laugh at yourself. The rest of the day went well, and I wore my mismatched slippers all day, just because I could. Maybe I will start a new trend? Have you worn any mismatched slippers lately?
Voilà! A recipe for mismatched slippers!
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Well, the squirrels sounded like Hannibal crossing the Alps as Gregg put it. They were very loud. We have two trees that are overhanging the roof, one in back and one in front where they have a nest. We have made a call to the same man who cut our other two down. Not to remove them but a good trim so that they will not touch the house. Our furry friends will have to take the longer way around, and we won't hear the sound of elephants crossing the alps waking us up in the morning! And we don't want them chewing through the roof and taking up residence in the attic, bless their furry cotton socks.
It was gorgeous on Monday (65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit). Blue skies and Huntley Meadows was calling to us. The rest of the week is going to be rainy. The photos above and below I took because of the single leaf caught in a tangle of branches. The splash of red in all that brown got my attention and begged for a photo. I notice these things. I would have taken a better photo of that leaf, but someone forgot to put the battery back in the camera after they recharged it last night. Not pointing any fingers but I saw that person in the mirror this morning, still rolling her eyes! The battery is now back where it belongs.
All my photos were taken with my cell phone, which is my camera of choice these days, unless I want to get closer to the wildlife, and you know what happened there. These phones are getting better and better for taking photos. I do need to get a better holder for it, so that I can grab it more securely. Do any of you have one for your phone that you can recommend? I have been looking for a while.
The first thing we noticed at the park was how high the water level was. It had extended further towards the wooded path we take to get to the wetland. Of course, the water birds are loving it. I cropped the ones of the ducks below from the photo above.
I read that Beavers form monogamous pairs and usually live in family groups of up to eight related individuals called colonies. The younger siblings stay with their parents for up to 2 years, helping with infant care, food collection, and dam building. Talking of which, you can just about see a dam in the lower part of this photo.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Three Doves and a Downy - if I was good with prose, that would be the start to a lovely poem, or the beginnings of a great joke. Unfortunately, not even a short ditty comes to mind.
Monday, February 21, 2022
It was a delicious meal! It is quickly put together and is on the table under half an hour. We kept this vegetarian, but you can add your own favorite protein, taking into account this might lengthen the time it takes to prepare. We thought it was hardy enough it didn't need anything else. We made a few changes also, which I have added to the bottom of the recipe.
1 pound fresh tagliatelle, or dried
A little salt for use while cooking the pasta
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
3/4 pound mixed wild mushrooms, sliced
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary, plus more for serving
1/3 cup dry white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc
8 ounces crème fraîche
Freshly ground black peper
1/4 cup peeled, roasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped (about 2-1/2 ounces), for serving (see notes)
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil on the stove. Add the fresh tagliatelle and cook, stirring occasionally, according to package directions, 3 to 5 minutes (this will take longer if using dried pasta).
Drain, reserving about 1/2 cup of the pasta water, and return the cooked pasta to the pot.
Meanwhile, in a large heavy-bottomed skillet, over high heat, add the oil and butter until the butter melts. Add the mushrooms and sauté, stirring occasionally, until they dry out and turn a bit golden (about 5 minutes), adjusted heat as needed.
Add the garlic and rosemary. Cook until fragrant (about 30 seconds). Pour in the white wine, reduce the heat to medium and cook until slightly reduced (about 1 minute).
Fold in the crème fraîche until it melts and makes a smooth sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste, if needed.
Pour the mushroom sauce and a couple of tablespoons of the pasta water over the cooked tagliatelle. Stir well to combine, adding more pasta water as needed.
Portion the pasta into bowls and top with the chopped hazelnuts and rosemary.
Calories per 1-3/4 cup serving: approximately 586
Suggested storage time: refrigerate for up to 5 days.
This dish is best with crème fraîche, but you can substitue an equal amount of mascarpone, or in a pinch, Greek yogurt. The yogurt makes the sauce thinner
If possible, buy peeled, roasted hazelnuts. If they are not available, toast and cool the nuts. Then place them on one side of a clean kitchen towel. Fold the towel over the nuts and vigorously rub to remove any loose skins. Some skins will remain.
I always have Angel Hair Pasta in the pantry, and used that instead of the tagliatelle.
For the crème fraîche we substituted sour cream.
For the wild mushrooms we used Portobello (the small button-sized ones). You can use your favorite.
For the Rosemary we subsituted Cilantro.
We had a bottle of Beringer's White Zinfandel (a favorite) which we used instead of the Sauvignon Blanc, and had a glass with our meal.
No unsalted butter and used salted.
No hazelnuts and toasted walnuts instead.
I realize these substitutes may have altered the taste to our recipe, but the honest truth is we thought it was delicious. Also the calorie content may have been altered.
There was enough for a second meal the next day, and it tasted even better!
All that being said next time we will prepare ahead, put everything on our shopping list beforehand, and use all the ingredients on the original list, just to see how different it tastes.
A delicious meal even with all the changes.
Thanks for looking, have a great week and Bon Appetit!