Tuesday, June 25, 2019


and a poem.

 Photos from way back, but I found a poem on Instagram recently.  Remembering this incredible experience of seeing a bear in the woods on one of our trips up to Skyline Drive a few years ago, and another of a mother bear and her cub.  Well, seeing this poem with its very important message, I felt the need to share them again.  I have had no sightings lately.  Unfortunately the author wasn't recognized, but it came from 'shenandoahnps' (Shenadoah National Park Service)
"I Want To Live"

I am a bear
Shenandoah is my home.
I have plenty of trees, and water
and a beautiful place to roam.
I want to live forever....here.

Slow down for me
when I am crossing Skyline Drive
I might be walking with my family.
Did you know the speed limit is 35?
I want my cubs to live forever...here.

Please don't get me into trouble,
I don't need your food.
I have acorns, berries and bugs to eat.
Leaving garbage is very rude.
I want to live forever...here.

Keep your distance from me,
I am a wild bear.
Never get too close for selfies,
If you love me please care,
I want to live forever...here.
It is a beautiful poem and speaks volumes.  I apologize for my photos as they are very blurry, taken a couple of years apart.  I had only seconds to get the mother and bear, taken through the front window as we stopped to let them cross the road.  We heard the baby crying for its mother, who had gone on ahead and was waiting for her little cub on the other side.  The cub was scared, it almost sounded like it was bleating, and did not want to cross.  Mother waited patiently until the little bear found courage to follow mum and we could hear quite clearly as she huffed her encouragement.  We watched as they disappeared into the undergrowth.  One of those magical moments I will always remember, and that is why I felt the need to share the poem I found a couple of days ago in Instagram.

(Illustrations found at pixabay.com, with thanks)


  1. The photos may be blurry, but they are so sweet, and they show us what you saw! I adore this poem, it is so true!!!

  2. Such an important poem. And such a privilege to see these beauties.

  3. I like the photos. It is difficult getting bears to pose!

  4. scary bear....
    and beautiful poem...

    # Yes, indeed that we never feed wild bear....

  5. I just hope the bear's plea keeps intruders away from his home.

  6. Magnifico estes instantâneos, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Obrigado e desejo-lhe uma boa semana também :)

  7. it is a beautiful poem and applies not only to bears but all wildlife. we humans should never feed wildlife... and to be aware they are there...

  8. Hello, I love the poem! I have seen people speeding on the Skyline Drive and some have actually passed me illegally because I go the speed limit. I love your photos. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a happy day!

    1. I am happy you loved it Eileen. People do need to respect the speed limit up there, for their own safety also. Happy day to you :)

  9. Niedźwiedź to nie pluszowy miś , to nie zabawka . Ludzie często o tym zapominają. Piękny i mądry wiersz. Pozdrawiam:)

    1. Zgadzam się, ludzie muszą odróżnić niedźwiedzia od misia. Jedna to urocza, milutka zabawka, niedźwiedź jest wspaniały, ale jest też dzikim zwierzęciem, które należy podziwiać z daleka. Dziękuję i życzę wspaniałego tygodnia :)

  10. I would love to see bears in the wild. There are very few left in Europe but they are around. Enjoy the rest of the week. Diane

    1. It is always exciting to see one, but from a distance. I would not want to meet one on a trail :) Enjoy the rest of your week also Diane, and thank you :)

  11. They are wonderful animals, and must be given plenty of space and the respect due them. It is a privilege to see them in the wild.

    1. Thank you William, I totally agree :) We must remember we are in their space, they are not in ours.

  12. Hi Denise,
    Wonderful words for a wonderful animal, you were so lucky in seeing these animals, the thing with bears is to respect that they are wild and when they have young can be unpredictable.
    All the best,

    1. Thank you John, I agree. I hope they are around for a very long time for future generations to enjoy. All the best to you too L)

  13. a lovely poem love from Poland


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