Monday, October 8, 2018


In my first two photos, and always on the look out for interesting bits of nature, Gregg pointed out the fungi growing on the fence.
Good Morning, I hope you all had a great weekend.  Ours was busy as we had company.  Strangely I took no photos, didn't even think of it as we had such a good time talking until after midnight.  

I fixed one of those cheat meals for dinner but we all enjoyed it. It had been a busy week and I had no time to cook or fix ahead.  We were going to be out all day and this seemed the way to go for dinner that night, to get something on the table fast.  I was serving up half an hour after we arrived home.

For an appetizer I had two types of cheeses with crackers, plus some dates and a few nuts put together on a cheese board.  I know where to get really great chicken noodle soup.  It is the next best thing to homemade.  We have known our friends for many years and they do not expect anything more than good company.  One of them recommended the soup.  I added butter croissant and for dessert individual portions of Tiramisu, the kind that comes in a small glass.  A bottle of wine, great conversation and the evening was perfect. 

Not sure what we will be doing during the upcoming week, not sure if I will be taking any photos but in the meantime here are a few more from Frying Pan Park.
A barn housing an old cider press...
Tired piggies!
And more tired piggies in the next stall.  They all have access to the outside.
I shared these goats in my previous post.
I found another goat in the field, too busy eating to pose for a portrait.
Far too busy feeding face for posing.  Note: clucking noises are of no help at such times.
If you saw my last post here, you will recognize this little charmer.
His brother was a hundred feet away having a snooze.
Brother looked like he would be following suit very soon.
There were signs asking us not to feed the horses as they were work horses.
This lovely cow was busy licking its trough, expectantly waiting for lunch.  We saw staff making their rounds feeding all the animals.
One expectant face looking through the fence.  Sorry little guy, no food but I can see it coming.
Thankfully these turkeys don't have to worry about making an appearance at the Thanksgiving table.
I read that for many years those turkeys who had been pardoned at the White House ceremony were sent here.

there will be

This post is dedicated to farmers everywhere, including those in our own family.

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I love that sweet black face looking through the fence. What a good capture! The turkey's head really does look like an alien creature from Star Trek! You have captured the essence of these animals so well! The fungus does look a bit like mushrooms, but I know it's not.

    1. Thanks Ginny, I agree about the turkey. You can see where movie people get their idea for aliens.

  2. It does sound like a busy (but delightful) weekend with the very best sort of friends.
    And thank you more more photos from frying pan park.

    1. Yes, it was definitely fun and you are very welcome. Thanks EC, so glad you enjoyed.

  3. What a wonderful place to explore. The animals look so restful. We are all grateful for the farmers of our country.

    1. We are indeed, very grateful. Thank you Kay :)

  4. Replies
    1. I'm happy you enjoyed them Francisco. A hug and a good week to you also :)

  5. I liked the first photo of the pig. She looked so comfortable lying there. Oh, and I really, really like Tiramisu. When I used to go out for meals Tiramisu was always my choice.

    1. Thanks Valerie, she was a cute one. I am a fan of Tiramisu also. These little pots we bought came all the way from Italy and they are consistently delicious.

  6. What would we do without farmers? So important.
    The minister of Agriculture in South Africa has other ideas. Apparently, she or one of her colleagues, stated in a speech that farmers were not necessary as all food and meat came from the supermarkets!!! The news is not reaching the rest of the world that there are farm attacks every day and many murders!!!
    On that note I hope you enjoy your week, Diane

    1. Hi Diane, this is a very interesting comment and one that I wasn't aware of. I hope the situation improves. Thank you and you enjoy your week also :)

  7. Hello, what a fun park to visit. I love all the farm animals, they are so cute. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen, I had a great time, always do around animals. Happy Monday and a great week to you also.

  8. every single critter photos has melted my heart, I even liked the turkey shot and I don't like big gobblers, having been attacked at age 8 by one just like this white one, shredded my new easter dress to ribbons, the cows and pigs melted my heart. love them love them... I have been guilty of calling out for pizza for company and grilling burgers and having tater chips also. your meal sounds perfect

    1. So happy you enjoyed these pretty animals Sandra. The gobbler attack sounds frightening. Around the same age I remember being chased by a big white goose who pecked my legs but yours sounds scarier somehow. Nothing wrong with calling out for pizza or grilling burgers for guests. I'm sure it was all very welcomed. I said to Gregg it was one of the easiest meals we had put together, was very welcomed and also we felt able to enjoy our company even more.

  9. Visiting farms is always a big hit with people.

  10. Thanks Linda, that's one of my favorites too :)

  11. Thanks to the farmers and the creatures! Glad you enjoyed your weekend. we sure did this post, D!

  12. Hi Denise,
    What a wonderful place to visit with some super images.
    All the animals appear very well looked after, the sow looks so relaxed.
    Always love images of a calf, they have such a pretty face.
    I have several farmer friends that I visit to get bird images,and they are all the salt of the earth and really lovely people.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, thank you, I agree and know that I thank all your farming friends also :)

  13. Livestock do have their priorities- food and sleep being high on the list!

  14. Looks like a great place to visit for photos ops, Denise. And when friends get together, all that's needed is some simple foods and lots of good conversation because that's really why we get together in the first place.


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