Friday, October 26, 2018


This is an old photograph and one I shared before years ago.  I haven't taken any photos over the last few days, so am going back into my archives.  We found this little bird in the Everglades in Florida.  I had never seen one quite like it before.  The original photo was in regular color.  This one I played with again years ago, and I came across it recently in a folder.

You can see his true coloring and find out more about him here.

I hope your week is going well.  We visited friends for a sit-down chat and a cup of tea.  It was lovely!  These moments in a day are part of those treasures I enjoy.  

Rain is headed this way over the weekend. I hope where you are the weather will be sunny and warm.  I find myself heading for a hot drink more and more, so that I can feel toasty while I warm my hands around the tea cup.  Small pleasures, great treasures, true.

I won't be posting over the weekend.  Enjoy whatever you are doing and take good care of yourselves.  I will be here on Monday with a new recipe.


  1. The warblers are so confusing to me! I would have mistaken this one for a sparrow. It is to rain all weekend here, too. And right now I am drinking a large cup of coffee and warming my hands with the mug! Hoping you have a great, though rainy, weekend.

    1. They seem as small as a sparrow, I can see why the confusion. Stay warm and dry! ;)

  2. Hi Linda, I hope you are feeling much better. I am hoping the rain won't mess up our plans either. Breakfast with your family sounds very nice. You have a great weekend and Gregg says hi.

  3. Have a great weekend, we have some rain here today as well.

  4. I do hope the rain is just rain and not part of the big ugly storm that is headed to the NE. stay safe. LOVE this photo of this precious bird

    1. Thank you Sandra, no more big, ugly storms I hope.

  5. What a beautiful little warbler! Stay warm and dry this weekend and thanks so much for stopping by and being part of our No Tricks Just Treats for Shelters comment-a-thon!

    1. Happy you enjoyed him and I was glad to take part, a very worthy cause.

  6. Hello, it is a pretty bird. I have never seen one like this. We are expecting more rain tomorrow, I hope it moves by quickly. Have a great day and weekend.

    1. It is very much so Eileen. Our rain turned into sunshine, eventually :)

  7. Enjoy your weekend - and stay warm and dry.

  8. Warblers are very attractive critters.

  9. Looks like we are going to have rain over the weekend as well. What a pretty bird, love this shot. Take care and have a good weekend Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, I hope you have good weather this week.

  10. We are also expecting fain and wind this weekend, Denise. Hope everyone will be safe from this latest onset of nasty weather. Thanks for the bird ID and info. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. You are very welcome on the ID Dorothy. I'm always happy when people identify and I always enjoy any help. Hope you had a great weekend and that your weather wasn't too bad.

  11. Having tea with friends just sounds so relaxing and fun Denise. Yesterday it was rainy and cool, which is my kind of weather. So I was able to work on my Planner and finish some other projects around the house. I'm waiting for 30-40 degree weather every day please.(lol) Hope your weekend was amazing! Hugs...RO

    1. It was fun RO, very pleasant. I enjoy that kind of weather too RO, and the rain as long as it doesn't hang around too long, The gardens always love it and so do our farmers, at least not too much and just enough. I sound like Goldilocks, LOL. I Had a great weekend and I hope you did too :)

  12. Hi Denise,
    Thank you so much for your kind reaction about my fattened little grandson Jahnay. Next week Wednesday or 31 October it is a year ago but it still feels like the day of yesterday.

    I really like your photo of the palm singer. The colors come out nicely and the photo is pretty clear :-)
    In the Netherlands there is a lot of rain now and we are really deep in autumn now.
    I wish you a very nice evening.

    Dear greetings,

    1. Hi Helma, I will be thinking of you all on the 31st. My heart goes out to all of you.

  13. Hi Denise,
    Super image of the Palm Warbler, such a colorful little bird and also noisy.
    It has suddenly become very cold in England and we had some sleet this afternoon.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, it is a darling little bird. Stay warm :) All the best to you too.

  14. too late for sunny weather here, we have had a lot of rain today and it is quite stormy!! the bird is beautiful, i am lucky to see so many pretty birds right in my yard and i have been taking a lot of bird pictures lately. enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

    1. Hi Debbie, I hope you stayed dry at least and didn't have to go out in it. I always enjoy your bird photography, you do get wonderful little visitors. Hope you had a great weekend :)

  15. Nice to see this photograph.
    Enjoy your weekend, it's getting a little cooler now in the UK.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad Debbie and thank you. It is a time of the year when I enjoy things getting a little cooler, probably because of the humidity. All the best to you too :)

  16. Have a nice weekend, Denise.

    I have loads of photos but no time to post.

    1. Thank you Small Kucing. I look forward to your photos :)

  17. Fazia falta este tempo chuvosos.
    Gostei da fotografia.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Obrigado Francisco, e um abraço e uma boa semana para você da sua amiga na Virgínia, Denise :)

  18. so easy to miss that bird, never saw one when I lived in Florida, sorry I missed them.


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