Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)

An old photo that I thought I would showcase today. It has other names, Crane Flower, Mzimvubu Flower and Queen's Bird of Paradise. It is native to South Africa. Its name comes from, as you might guess, its resemblance to the head and beak of a colorful and exotic bird. 

I haven't seen one in several years. I found this one inside the conservatory of Brookside Gardens, in April 2013. Others I found while on vacation in various areas of the States. 

It doesn't do very well in cooler climates. Summers may be okay depending on where they thrive, but in the winter-time it should be brought inside. You just have to check on your zone I guess. That's why we saw it in the conservatory. Also, people tend to put them in large pots in their gardens, so that they can be brought inside in the wintertime.

We haven't been to Brookside in a very long time as it's a little further away in Maryland. Only 47 minutes to an hour by car but as we have several botanical gardens within easy reach, we usually head to one of those. Still, it would be nice to go back, maybe this year. It has a lovely butterfly house in the summer. I am not sure if it still does as it's been a long time, and I need to check on that. The butterflies are always a big draw for me. You can click on this link which will take you to Brookside’s website. More information can be found here. Added note: The inside butterfly exhibit was closed in 2023 due to staff and supply shortages. Hopefully it will open again one day, but I have not been able to find any current information. There is an outside butterfly garden. It is always worth looking through their website for extra info, and that is what we will be doing before going again, whenever that may be.


  1. This is a favourite too! Have a fabulous day, Denise.

  2. What a spectacular photo! I have seen one real one, in a pot in the backyard of a friend. I have also been to a few butterfly gardens, they are such fun! And they will land on you! One of the gardens gave us some kind of nectar to put on our fingers.

    1. I have never been given nectar to attract butterflies to land on you. How lovely! Butterfly gardens are fun. I bet your friend’s potted Bird of Paradise looked beautiful!

  3. What a beautiful photo of the Bird of Paradise!
    Its colors really do look like an exotic bird.
    I hope you get to visit Brookside Gardens again soon .

  4. Butterfly houses are wonderful to visit and see all the different stages of the life cycle.

    1. It certainly is Janice, I love going to them :)

  5. It is a beautiful flower, I have seen them in Hawaii and in the Caribbean islands.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. How lovely! Thanks Eileen, I wish you the same :)

  6. they were common here, but the drought did away with a lot of them, we have a white one in our back yard, but no blooms and the storm did a number on it

    1. That’s a shame Sandra. I hope yours begins to thrive again :)

  7. Beautiful plant. I've never heard of anyone growing one in their garden unless they were somewhere like Hawaii. Have a great weekend.

    1. I was surprised too. I remember seeing them where they have hotter climates, always beautiful to see in a garden :) You have a great weekend too :)

  8. I have seen Bird of Paradise flowers in the Fybos of South Africa with sunbirds sipping nectar. Now that is to experience paradise!

    1. What an awesome memory David! Paradise indeed :)

  9. What a beautiful flower that is and you captured it perfectly.
    My daughter and her friend have gone to a butterfly garden in Canada several times. She's always gotten some fabulous pictures there.

    1. Thank you for the sweet compliment Ann, lovely for your daughter and her friend.

  10. I find the bird of paradise such a beautiful work of art...just amazing
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. They certainly are, totally agree with you Cecelia :) sending hugs!

  11. I've always liked that name, bird of paradise. It really speaks of warmth and sunshine. Happy day to you!

    1. Perfect description Ellen, thank you! And a happy day to you also :)

  12. Replies
    1. They certainly are Sandra, so tropical looking :)

  13. It's so nice to have a place like this to visit. I hope you can go back soon!

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that. I hope so too :)

  14. This is such a beautiful plant but it won't be happy growing here. I have seen it growing in the Caribbean when we visited and some Mediterranean places.

    1. Thank you Beverley, they love those hot climates don’t they?

  15. I've never seen one in person, but they are gorgeous! Do remind me of those cranes with the poof on their head. A butterfly garden would be amazing! I remember being in the field near our house when I was a kid and seeing what looked like a million Monarch butterflies stop there. I would manage to lie in the tall grass and wildflowers and all the milkweed to watch them from beneath. Thousands of them. Not something I will ever forget. They dug it all up to build a senior high and all we ever saw for a few years after that were a few stragglers.

    1. Hello Rita, I can see that. They do have that look about them don’t they? What a beautiful memory you shared of seeing all those Monarchs. Thanks so much for telling me about them :) I can just see you lying in the tall grass looking at all of them. That is a memory I would like to have had. So sad that their habitat was destroyed.

  16. Replies
    1. it certainly was and is. I look forward to the time when I come across another. All the best to you too Jan :)


  17. I got many birds of paradises planted in my backyard

    1. How lucky you are :) thanks for sharing that Roentare.

  18. I have fond memories of visiting Brookside Gardens multiple times when we lived in Howard County and Baltimore Co, MD. Sorry to read the butterfly garden closed. We visited one in Rochester last month with 2nd daughter and her family at the Strong Museum of Play.

    1. How wonderful Marcia! I am so happy you got to enjoy the garden on a regular basis. I was sad about the butterfly house closing. That sounds like an interesting place you visited when your daughter :)

  19. Replies
    1. Muchas gracias. Me alegra que hayas disfrutado la flor. te mando un beso :)

  20. I recall seeing these in Hawaii and perhaps at a flower show! Very pretty!

    1. Me too and also on the grounds of a hotel in San Diego :) Thank you Val.

  21. When we move I'd love to create a butterfly garden. They are so pretty, both the flowers and the butterfly

    1. That would be lovely and I agree. I want to do this myself :)

  22. That is a beautiful photo of a Bird of Paradise. We do see them a lot in Hawaii. I guess I've taken them for granted since we always had them growing at our house when we were children.

    1. How fortunate you are Kay, I remember them on our visits :)


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