Friday, December 6, 2024



I wish I knew who wrote this. It is sad to read at first but when you get to the bottom line, read from that bottom line up. It takes on a more positive spin, very cleverly done. It is powerful! I will continue to search for its author.

I’m very ugly

So don’t try to convince me that

I am a very beautiful person

Because at the end of the day

I hate myself in every single way

And I am not going to lie to myself by saying 

There is beauty inside of me that matters.

So rest assured I will remind myself

That I am a worthless, terrible person

And nothing you say will make me believe

I still deserve love

Because no matter what 

I am not good enough to be loved

And I am in no position to believe that

Beauty does exist within me

Because whenever I look in the mirror I always think

Am I as ugly as people say? 

Don’t forget to read this again from the bottom up. Its meaning changes for the better.

Any thoughts? Mine are that I think we should all do our very best to read from the bottom line up in life. I remember people saying negative things to me when I was young, to make me feel bad about myself, and not just when I was young. I wish I could have told the young me and even the older younger me, to read from the bottom line up.

Thanks for taking the time to comment with any of your thoughts. 


  1. Wow, totally opposite meanings. This is so clever; whoever wrote it must be a genius. Yes, we must think positive because God made each of us for a purpose and loves us.

  2. Love how you go opposite to what we are meant to hear. Very dramatic message

  3. We do indeed need to think, and act, positively.

  4. Clever who ever wrote that poem, Denise.

    1. Very Margaret, I keep searching for the name of the author :)

  5. Wise advice, to read from the bottom up. It's all too easy to be cast down by others and then take on that task ourselves and become convinced we are of little merit.

  6. I don't know if it's the same one or not, but I have read something like this before. It's amazing how reading it backwards changes the whole meaning entirely.

    1. Thanks Ann, it was the first time I had seen anything like this :)

  7. Beauty is a moveable concept, anyway. Kindness is forever.

  8. means totally positive if you read from the bottom line up. thanks a lot for sharing this with us.

    1. You are very welcome Angle and appreciate you saying so :)

  9. That's a very clever poem and switches in meaning totally. Amazing, how we can turn things around by looking at them differently.

    1. Isn’t it though? We need to do more of this turning around such things in the world. Thank you Jeanie :)

  10. Ah, this is clever!! I love uplifting things like this.

  11. Very clever. Even to come up with the idea this pattern to write is interesting.

  12. I wish I had this in high school, but I probably would not have believed it if I read it bottom up. it's true and my head says its true but I have struggled my entire life with believing I was born ugly and unwanted. must be a lot more people out there that feel that way.

    1. And this from the beautiful lady that you are. It pains me that you went through this my friend. :*) I think you are right and the people who cause this kind of pain, it also makes me wonder what kind of life they have had. We need to reach our children with love.

  13. this is so profound and i really enjoyed it. i wish every young woman could read this in reverse...some kids can be so unkind!! the picture is lovely!!

  14. Denise ....I agree with you so very much. I will never understand how cruel people can live with themselves. I guess they are raised in a very negative environment...and that is all they know.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Denise this powerful piece moved me and my dear other half. It is so clever to read from the bottom up and see what we all should see in ourselves. Not only when we are young do words hurt. Thank you for this post. I will be sharing it!

    1. Thank you for sharing that Martha Ellen and you are so very welcome :)

  16. I had a lot of negativity about my looks all through my growing up years...and it has stayed with me all my life. I think the reading of that backwards ought to be taught to everyone.

    1. I am so sorry their words affected you so deeply Rose, but those kind of scars are deeply embedded aren’t they? We need a lot more kindness in the world and it starts with teaching our children. And you are a beautiful lady! :)

  17. Las palabras pueden ser un arma y dañar como hacer sentir a alguien bien. Es duro cuando uno deja de creer en si mismo. Me gusto el texto. Te mando un beso.

    1. Muito obrigado! Você é muito sábio :) Te mando um beijo.

  18. That’s nice. There’s another reverse poem going around. It’s a clever idea.

    1. Thank you Linda :) and I would like to see that other one.

  19. When I first read this, Denise, my first reaction was how awful to be feeling this way, but when I read it in reverse, it was powerful. Sorry to read that your childhood contained comments from uncaring people.

    1. That is very kind of you to say. Thank you my friend :)

  20. Amazing difference when you change the perspective to read from the bottom. It's a great reminder to try and alter your perspective when dealing with difficult issues.

    1. I totally agree Carol :) A great way of putting it. Thank you!

  21. This is beautiful, Denise.
    It is also a good reminder of how a change of perspective can change the way you experience something.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I am so happy you thought so. Thank you Sandra, a lovely way of looking at it :)

  22. Oh my - that was so interesting! Glad you reminded me to read it again. Perspective is everything, isn't it?


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