Tuesday, December 17, 2024


 Our wedding took place on the coldest day in 200 years, according to the news. We could see our breath as we said our vows. They started building our village church in 1348 and it had never been heated. The only warmth that day came from a small electric heater placed behind the vicar. Gregg just laughed out loud as I read him this. The memory came back like a thunderbolt, and he said, "True, true, true!" and then we both laughed.

49 years ago seems like yesterday.
I was so cold I had trouble getting his wedding ring on and he helped me. He has been helping me ever since. 

1 comment:

  1. Awww, so sweet! Happy anniversary! You have really each found the perfect person for each other!! Wishing you many, many more happy years. You are both gorgeous in the wedding photo!


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