Sunday, December 15, 2024


 I have enjoyed a few birds out back these last few days. I left a link on all their names if you would like to know more about them. 

An Eastern Blue Bird.

 It has been a bit of a dreary week weatherwise, a lot of cloud cover and not a lot of sunshine but the birds always brighten my day, even if I can't get a brighter photo of them.

Next is a Red-bellied Woodpecker.

White-breasted Nuthatch

The Northern Flicker. I was very happy to see this one as it is a rare visitor. I wasn't able to take a photo of the front view, but I will take what I can get. From what I have read, this one is a male as it has a black ‘mustache’. The females don’t.

There were other birds that day but difficult to get decent photos of them. House finches and Dark-eyed Juncos are daily visitors. The Juncos arrive in winter and leave in the spring.

This one is showing it has been raining this week. 
I found him at and he gave me a smile.

An honorary mention for this little guy, the Eastern Grey Squirrel. Looks like a young one.

Thanks for looking everyone and I hope your day is a great one.


  1. Replies
    1. That's so sweet of you, thank you Sue and you are very welcome :)

  2. Gorgeous photos. Wishing you a good week, too.

    1. Much appreciated, thank you so much. You have a good week also :)

  3. Oh Denise, what beautiful little birds!
    I bow to the beauty of nature!
    You made my morning brighter, and I thank you so much!
    Wishing you a lovely day!

    1. Hello Katerina, I am very happy you enjoyed my little birds :) I bow to the beauty of nature also, eloquently said and thank you! So glad they brightened your morning, they always start my day with a smile. I wish you a lovely day also.

  4. The detail and sharpness of your photos is wonderful! And you know, the little Wren is still my favorite.

    1. The wren is a little beauty I agree, I love to hear them call. Such a hearty song for a tiny bird :) Thank you Ginny, your comments always make me smile.

  5. Oh I do so much like the first one, Denise. They are all lovely.

    1. Thank you Margaret, I love to see the Eastern Bluebird :) I never had him visit the garden for years but now they are a regular summer visitor. I think this is the first time I have seen them here in the colder months.

  6. They are very sweet and lovely...I love the blue bird the most though.

    1. Yes, he is definitely a favorite :) Thank you Angie :)

  7. That’s a very nice suite of birds to have visit your feeders, Denise. A couple of days ago we had a Northern Flicker too - very unusual in December.

    1. I agree David, I was thrilled to see them :) How wonderful you had the Northern Flicker. They are a delightful bird!

  8. Hello Denise,
    You have wonderful photos of all your yard birds. The squirrel is cute too.
    Take care, Happy Sunday ! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you Eileen, they blessed me that day for sure. Always love my squirrels also. Watch all of our nature's wildlife, you can distinguish that they have such varied personalities. You take care and have a wonderful week also :) I hope your Sunday was a wonderful one.

  9. Little birds are too sweet as is the rainy day squirrel!

    1. Thank you Donna, they certainly are. Sending hugs :)

  10. Thank you for sharing your lovely birds of the week Denise. The blue bird photos are great as well as the other sweeties. We haven't seen the flicker in a while so hopefully yours will fly our way. Happy Sunday!

    1. You are very welcome Martha Ellen :) I am always glad to share. I hope the Flicker does indeed fly your way. We all need to enjoy them don't we? I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Sunday!

  11. All so lovely, but the Eastern Blue Bird is really so pretty. It's quite dull and dank here, too.

    1. Thank you Janice, I agree about the blue bird, I always love to see him at the feeder. That time of the year for dull and dank :)

  12. Oh, I love your bird photos so much! We have enjoyed our backyard birds for years. We have all the ones you show along with cardinals, tufted titmice, chickadees, brown thrashers, mockingbirds, house finches, phoebes, and the solitary bird with big brown eyes...oh, I can't think of the name, but it's a gorgeous bird. It will come to me. Now, squirrels, I don't have too much love for them! LOL

    1. Hi Kay, so kind of you to say, I really appreciate that :) You have a lovely selection of birds. The ones I don't see that you do is the brown thrasher and phoebes, and a rare sighting of a mockingbird. I would love to know what that solitary bird is. I know, people either love squirrels or gasp, hate them, lol! I'm one of the those who loves them. Naughty, rascally little things I admit.

  13. I love to watch the birds and feed them. I have all of the ones you mentioned except the Flicker.....never seen that one.

    1. It's a wonderful thing to do isn't it Pam? The flicker is a rare one around here, hence the excitement of seeing one :)

  14. They are sweet! Way too cold here for the bug eaters...

    1. Very much so, and sounds extra cold up your way? Stay warm :)

  15. each adorable and oh so sweet little pudgy bird I said this is my favorite. I ended up with all of them my favorites.

    1. I know what you mean Sandra, especially in the wintertime when they fluff their feathers up into little furry snowballs. It's hard to choose :) Thank you!

  16. Those are some great shots! The Eastern Bluebird just brings a smile to my face as they remind me of happy times and sunny days.

    1. Hello Jim and Barb, that's a lovely way to put it, thank you :)

  17. We have northern flickers in the woods here but they are so small and they love the vegetation and so I have not got a photo of them yet but I capture them all the time on Merlin ID. And the carolina wren is similar. All I see on the trail is tiny little birds that Merlin tells me is that bird. We don't have eastern bluebirds at all here.
    Great photos.

    1. Thanks Yogi! That's interesting about the flicker. It would be hard to spot them. I keep forgetting to put my Merlin on. I really have to remember to do that. I would be great to see what the app can pick up on a walk through the woods :)

  18. You have some interesting visitors. Juncos show up here occasionally.. They are hardy little birds.

    1. We're very lucky with our birds here. Hardy indeed I agree. Thanks Red :)

  19. Love all of our fine feathered friends Denise. Oh those woodpeckers are such a fun and interesting species. I love watching their antics as the partake of the suet cakes. They are my favorite in the winter and the humming birds in spring and summer.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. That's great Cecilia, thank you. You have reminded me to put the suet cakes out. They really need them in the cold weather months. I don't get to see too many hummingbirds. Now that would be a wonderful treat. Thank you and sending hugs :)

  20. awesome captures of your sweet yard/feeder birds!! i see all of these at my feeders except for the bluebird!! the pictures of the bluebird are really spectacular!! it has been pretty gray here too...the sun has only been making brief appearances!!

    1. Thanks so much Debbie, now seeing your birds are my treat when I pop on over to your blog. I think we may be getting snow showers here. It's very cold and it has been raining constantly. I shall be celebrating the sun when it comes out :)

  21. All of these are fabulous pictures. Love all the birds but I think the bluebird is my favorite. That squirrel sure is cute too.

    1. Thank you Ann, so kind of you. The Eastern bluebird is very popular. I love him too, and of course the other birds and squirrels :)

  22. Replies
    1. Thank you Roentare, they are lovely aren’t they?

  23. So nice to see your garden birds, a very good variety.
    Sweet picture of the squirrel too.

    All the best Jan

    1. That's great Jan, thank you so much :) All the best to you too.

  24. I have never seen an Eastern Bluebird in person. They're so lovely.

    1. Thank you Jeanie, I remember the first time I saw one, I was totally enamored :)

  25. Wonderful photos of all the birds and the little squirrel, too. We finally have had a dry day with some blue in the skies. Hope you have a good new week.

    1. I am happy you have blue skies out your way :) Thank you Ellen and I wish you the same.

  26. Replies
    1. Gracias, me alegro que te gusten. Te mando un beso.

  27. You got some great them all. Specially that Carolina Wren.

    1. Thank you Rose, I am always happy to get a photo :)


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