Monday, July 22, 2024


I forgot to take a photo so relied on an artsy picture. I described to the app what I wanted and it was 99% accurate. I asked for big windows with sunlight streaming through them, overlooking a pretty garden, an old-fashioned mixing bowl filled with potato salad, the old pots and wonderfully old rustic wooden table that reminded me of my grandmother's home, the warmth of the colors. I enjoy the 'old' feel to places, like stepping back in time, which is probably a touch of nostalgia going back to my childhood. Until we make this recipe again I thought to replace with a photo of my own, I'll leave it here for now. Or as I love art in general, I just might leave it here permanently.

We made our potato salad on the 4th of July. Many of us seem to have our own favorite and if you have any suggestions, I am always open to them. I have seen crumbled bacon added for instance, and that sounds a tasty addition. Today’s recipe is actually a combination of two. One is from Happily Unprocessed hosted by Debi, and the other is Stuck on Sweet hosted by Jessica Erin.  There are no hard-boiled eggs as my dear other half is not a fan and it was delicious without. He wanted to add an ingredient, can't remember what it was now, but I said no thank you! It doesn't happen that often but when making things there is the odd occasion where we compromise on ingredients. Fortunately we have similar tastes most of the time. If you look at the original recipes, you may see a few tips I have not added. 

4 to 5 lbs. red potatoes, peeled and cut in half, or if larger, into quarters

1 cup diced red onion

2 to 3 stalks diced celery (approximately 1 cup)

1/2 to 3/4 cup sweet pepper relish

2 to 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

Salt and Pepper to taste


1-1/2 cups mayonnaise (you can use light mayonnaise if preferred)

1/2 cup sour cream

1 tablespoon yellow mustard 

Prepare all ingredients.  

Place prepared potatoes in water until you are ready to boil them. Pour original water out, pour in fresh and cover potatoes so that they are covered 2 inches above them.  

Bring to a boil on high heat. Once the water is boiling, turn down to medium and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until fork easily goes through a potato. I try to avoid getting them too overly done as they won't hold their shape when you mix them up. I always check after ten minutes of boiling. (This being said, one of those recipes make their potatoes and mash them before mixing with the other ingredients. We followed the way we always do them in large-ish but not too large cubes.)

Drain hot water carefully over a colander in the sink, place thoroughly drained potatoes in a mixing bowl and let them cool for five minutes or at least until they have stopped steaming.

Pour two to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar over the potatoes. Carefully combine and allow to absorb for a couple of minutes.

In a smaller bowl mix the mayonnaise, sour cream and yellow mustard until thoroughly combined. Add salt and pepper to taste if needed, and set aside.

Add the onions, celery, pickle relish and fresh parsley to the potatoes. Combine and add salt and pepper to taste.  

Add the dressing ingredients and mix gently until well combined. Mixing the dressing into the potatoes while they are still warm makes it all blend in more smoothly.  

Cover and chill until ready to serve.

I have added the following website addresses in full.


This was a great potato salad. We thought we might add the three tablespoons of vinegar to give it a little more zip, but this is entirely to taste so you may think differently. Everything else we followed the recipe and were very happy with the way it turned out.

We served it with steamed shrimp, corn on the cob and sliced avocado.


  1. Looks really good. I would eat a bowl of it just by itself alone! This is the most beautiful pic of potato salad that I have ever seen!!

    1. Thanks Ginny, it was very tasty. Happy you enjoyed the picture :) I was very pleased how it turned out.

  2. Thank you. This looks a good one. Pickle relish? What sort of pickle?

    1. You are very welcome Sue :) The relish is a commercial product that comes in a jar. I will take a look at the ingredients and let you know.

  3. What a perfect recipe for summer! Thank you so much! Aloha!

    1. You are very welcome Cloudia, I thought so too :)

  4. Love your arty creation Denise. The photo salad does sound delicious very different from the one we make.

    1. That’s great, thank you Margaret! I would love to see how you make your potato salad. I am always looking for new ideas :)

  5. Potato fans would for sure enjoy it!

    1. Thank you Angie, I hope it will be enjoyed :)

  6. the image is perfect, well done in describing it. I love old things also and bright light coming through windows. remove sour cream, vinegar, add boiled eggs and this is my mothers. I make mothers but remove celery onions and add a dab of yellow mustard. when mother made hers, daddy would get mad because I refused to eat onions/celery. she took part of it out for me before she added onions/celery... we had my bowl and their bowl. now I am IN CHARGE and bob doesn't care one way or the other. he eats what I eat. I still don't eat onions but like celery with PB on it

    1. That all sounds excellent Sandra. Your Mom was so kind to your needs :) Thanks for sharing, I am taking notes :)

  7. I've never been very keen on potato salad, though I don't know why as I love potatoes. This recipe looks inviting, though.

    1. Thank you Jan :) the first time I tried potato salad was at a 4th of July picnic. I enjoyed it very much and I love potatoes also.

  8. Summer is the time for potato salad. We have made it a couple of times recently.

  9. This sounds good..I like to cook my potatoes, let the cool..add the onions and I add salt and pepper, and then approx a fourth cup of italian dressing..stir.. over and let set in fridge before adding other ingredients. I used to set aside a portion just like this for myself...then I grew to lokecregular potato salad.

    1. Yours sounds delicious Rose, I like idea of Italian dressing. Thanks so much!

  10. YUM! I love homemade potato salad. I don't go by a recipe when I make it. I just play it by ear. I always add egg to mine and other things added depend on what I have at the time. I've always got onion so that goes in, celery depends on if I have it or not. Wade used to like green pepper in it too.

    1. I don’t think I have met a potato I didn’t like :) It’s always fun to wing it and not follow a recipe. The addition of green pepper sounds good too. Thank you Ann, I am getting a lot of good ideas for next time.

  11. Yum. Great potato salad recipe which would be easy to add other ingredients to. I like the idea of bacon pieces. have a great week, Denise x

    1. Glad you liked the look of it Beverley :) yes very easy to add favorite additions.

  12. Looks yummy, my hubby loves potatoes.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. Mine too Eileen :) Thank you and you have a wonderful week too.

  13. We love potato salad here. Both our mom's made it a bit differently...and we liked over the years I've combined them. My dad liked lots of Mayo (we don't like lots of mayo) not sure which of them used celery but neither of us like raw celery. I added my own twist I use red potatoes in mine (don't peel them).
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Hi Cecelia, how lovely that you used a combination of both your mom’s recipes :) I like your idea of not peeling your red potatoes too. Thank you and sending hugs.

  14. Hi Linda, the stores have a lot of nice potato salads. The deviled egg one appealed to me and canned cubed potatoes, I will have to take a look next time I go to the store. Thanks for the great ideas :)

  15. Sounds delicious. My recipe is very different from yours.

  16. Sounds like you've got all the right ingredients in the salad. It's always a treat at a gathering! Happy Monday to you!

    1. Thank you Ellen, it's a lovely salad to share to a larger group. Happy Monday to you also.

  17. Potato salad says summertime and yours sounds good. Most of us have old family potato salad recipes. Grayden's mother's recipe is always requested here, but it does have boiled eggs in it and her homemade sweet pickles and of course Duke's mayonnaise! I love the picture your app painted for you.

    1. Grayden's mother's recipe sounds wonderful and I have never thought of making homemade sweet pickles. I think you have planted that seed :))) Never heard of Duke's mayonnaise, a commercial brand is it? I will do a search to find out. Maybe they have it in our store and I haven't noticed it yet. I do seem to laser on our brand only :) I am glad you like the app picture. Thank you my friend, have a great week!

    2. I found Duke's mayo!!! I'm going to have to keep my non-eagle eyes open next time I go to the store. Mind you, I keep saying to Gregg I really need to get a new subscription for my eyeglasses :)))

    3. I'm glad you found Duke's mayo. The C F Sauer company, that is in Richmond, was begun in 1887. They bought Duke's Product Company in 1929 and the original recipe for Duke's mayo has not changed all these years. Our daughter can't get it in New England. So when she visits she stocks up! I've even mailed her quarts of it and put it in her stocking at Christmas!

  18. Replies
    1. Me too Christine. We hadn't had it in quite a while and this was a lovely treat. I can see we will be making it again soon :)

  19. This sound delicious. Have you ever tried Tartiflette which is also very yummy. Cheers Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, and for the Tartiflette. I will look that up after I have sent this off. Cheers! :)

    2. I found a recipe, looks delicious! Thanks so much for mentioning it.

  20. Forgot to add we like it both hot and cold. Diane

    1. I can see it would be very nice either way :)

  21. Looks so good and thank you for the recipe.

  22. Me encanta esa ensalada. e mando un beso

    1. Me alegra mucho que te guste mi ensalada. ¡Gracias! Te mando un beso.

  23. My potato salad is more bland than yours - no onion, no pepper, no mustard in the dressing. Your ai image looks yummy - come over and teach me how to do that, please?

    1. Bland can be good. I also enjoy bland :) I will send you the address of this AI website soon.


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