Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 On a very hot and humid day our walk took us back to Meadowlark Gardens. Reminder: no more hot and humid walks until it gets several degrees cooler. For some reason, it took us by surprise. We have been to this garden many times and if you ever wanted to weave through them all bit by bit, you will find them at this link

The Fairy Garden has always been a favorite and is just outside the visitor center's garden entrance. It is generally my first stop as I am always interested to see what changes have been made. This is the first time I have visited since it has been set up for the year. I usually tell Gregg that he can walk on ahead of me and I will catch up. I spend several minutes as my inner child and I have fun looking and taking photos. Then I walk on to find Gregg who hasn't wondered too far down the hill but is enjoying taking his own photos.

This area seemed more overgrown than it has been in the past. The plants have filled in considerably. There don’t seem to be quite as many fairy folk.

There have been a few new additions.

Some I can't remember if they are old or new, but I enjoy each one as if seeing them for the first time. Some are gone completely. Wear and tear has inevitably taken its toll.

The dragon is permanently on guard. I remember him from last year.

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So, I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"  John Lennon

"Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame."  William Butler Yeats

"Spread your wings and let the fairy in you fly." ~ author unknown

One last photo of a little bird.

That's all for this visit from the Fairy Garden. I will be sharing other photos from the rest of our walk soon.

Thanks for putting on your fairy wings with me, and I hope your day is a great one.


  1. I finally made a fairy garden and it is sitting out in the living room now. I think my favorite here is the fairies riding the snails. Are you still going to make one? Indoors or out?

    1. I saw your fairy garden Ginny, I loved it! I am going to make one still but at the moment I am very slow. I'll get it done eventually but whether it will be an indoor or an outdoor one I'm not sure. I'm thinking that an indoor one would last longer if you know what I mean. These rascals have been very destructive on my dream of having a little oasis out there, but since I stop filling the birdfeeders in the summer months, maybe an outdoor fairy garden would have more of a chance of surviving! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing the magic from this part of your hot and humid walk. Stay cool, stay safe.

    1. You are very welcome Sue and thank you for your concern. The heat keeps me indoors lately. I have been enjoying your frosty photos. Always amazes me you are going through winter when we are in our summer months.

  3. Oh isn't that just wonderful. The mind could think of all kinds of things wandering there Denise.
    Take care.

    1. It is, I love this fairy garden and I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks Margaret :)

  4. I enjoyed this visit to the Fairy Garden. Thank you.

    1. So glad Janice, it's a fun place and I like to share it :)

  5. What a fun and fabulous garden this is. I would have had to have stopped to wander and take pictures too.

    1. Thanks Ann, it certainly is :) I can never get past the place when we enter. The fairy garden is my siren song :)

  6. I like how you ended with that dear little bird. So pleasant walking with you

    1. Yes, he's a little cutie, and new to the garden :) I am very happy you enjoy walking with me Cloudia. Thank you!

  7. Even though I live inside an air-conditioned house this heat is draining even staying in the house I’m not as energetic as I am when it’s cold outside. They’re talking about the heat wave all over the United States this morning on ABC and have been talking about it people are dying from it I think it said over 600 have died from heat related. We don’t do well as humans an incredible head but I am glad you got out to get these cute little pictures of the fairies and that first little house is my favorite out of all of it what a precious little house

    1. I totally agree, it seems to seep in doesn't it? The statistics you mentioned are incredibly sad! I have been reading about such things, just can't imagine! Death Valley was 161 degrees F. yesterday. Anyhow, onto the fairy garden, it makes me happy you enjoyed it but it will be a while before we visit again, at least until the weather gets cooler. Thanks Sandra!

  8. The fairy garden is looking quite fantastical. Love the vibe

  9. If one is prone to believe in fairy tales the current political situation delivers endless satisfaction!

    1. Not touching that comment with a barge pole David, lol! We do live in interesting times, to put it ever so mildly.

  10. The fairy garden is charming. Our inner child is where our joy springs. I want magic in the world.

    1. Beautifully put Carol, thank you and me too :)

  11. I love the pretty fairy garden, the houses and statues are so cute.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Happy you enjoy it Eileen and I agree. You take care and enjoy your day also :)

  12. Cute little sculptures! Beautiful.

    1. Thank you Gigi, much appreciate your comment :)

  13. You create a good story about the characters as you follow the display. You've found some very appropriate quotes.

    1. Thank you Red, I very much appreciate your kind words :)

  14. That humidity really zonks me out. I love the sculptures and the fairy garden -- it's so charming and I can see why it is one of your favorites!

    1. Oh yes, definitely know what that feels like Jeanie :) Happy you enjoyed the garden.

  15. I love fairy gardens...this one has beautiful little treasures too
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Hi Cecilia :) They are truly a delight aren't they? :) Sending hugs!

  16. I enjoyed the Fairy Garden, Denise! I enjoyed slipping into the world of fairies and dragons through your post. Great quotes!

    1. That's wonderful Martha Ellen, so glad. Makes me happy you enjoyed :)

  17. Hoi Denise,
    Thank you so much, this is such a beautiful post. I too always tell my husband: "You go ahead, I’ll catch up..." and then I take lots of photos. So much fun, all those fairytale characters. I really enjoyed it. Is it that warm there with you?


    1. You are very welcome Aritha and thank you! Your husband sounds a dear just like mine :) It is 95 degrees F. right now, I just looked it up. I believe that is 35 degrees C. for you.

  18. I'd melt for sure on a hot and humid walk. That Faerie garden is so cute. I love the dragon!

    1. Hi Ellen, I practically did melt on that walk :) Yes, the fairy garden plus the dragon is very cute. It is always fun to see what has been added.

  19. Thank you for sharing this lovely visit to the Fairy Garden.

    All the best Jan

  20. Oh, I so love this fairy garden!

  21. The fairy gardens are always a main attraction. I have been collecting miniature items to create a fairy garden someday. Thanks for sharing this one, Denise.


    1. You are very welcome Sheri and I am sure your granddaughters will love their fairy garden :)

  22. Thank you for sharing this lovely little fairy world, Denise.

    1. You are very welcome Beverley :) I am very fond of the fairy garden.


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