Sunday, July 21, 2024


These photos were taken on July 16th, in the garden of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, link here. As it turned out, it was a very short trip due to the heatwave we were having. I think it was actually hotter on this day than the time before when we got it into our heads to take a trip out. We got a clue when the very kind staff from whom we purchased our tickets, kept saying to be very careful outside, to stay hydrated and pointed on the map where we could find air-conditioned buildings and buy bottled water. I have an inkling that some visitors had already had a problem and they were being extra cautious. And then they saw the two of us walk in, and there was that look of concern, especially after we told them we were heading to see the glass exhibit at the garden. 

As it turned out we were here for only 30 minutes if that, and we gave up. Even the shady areas were just too hot. The glass exhibit would have to wait.  It wasn't a total wash-out as we always have fun in the journey. The exhibit is here until October 13th and we will be back on a much cooler day. 

When we saw the lady we purchased our tickets from on our way out, she had such a sympathetic look on her face. She smiled and when we told her the heat and taken us by surprise and we were leaving, she said we were very wise. I thought there was a look of relief on her face, but perhaps I am projecting. We originally thought we would be okay as we had once again brought with us a backpack with lots of water and hats for the shade, but even they were not enough protection. 

It seemed as though the head above us looked down and shouted, "Daft bats!"

As we left I noticed a security guard making his rounds. I had never noticed anyone before in the garden, there perhaps but never noticed until today. It occurred to me that he may have been making sure there were no visitors needing help. He smiled at us and said hello, and then his last stop before leaving was to check on one of the staff members at the gate, to make sure she was okay. I heard her say she was fine, that the air-conditioner in her small kiosk was working well.

We only had the energy to see three of the glass sculptures, and I will share them in the next couple of days or so. Thankfully I think the heatwave has broken. It rained today (7-20-24). Happy farmers, happy gardens and a blessed breeze cooling things down.

Thanks for stopping by and 
I hope your Sunday is a great one.


  1. That poor security guard! You were so wise to leave! I can't wait to see the glass. And also the rest when you go back! I want that little pink house! It could be my She shed!

    1. He deserved a medal that’s for sure. I am looking forward to going back and seeing it all but was appreciative of the few pieces I saw. That pink building would make you a perfect she shed, as long as it is air conditioned, lol!

  2. I am glad that your heat wave has finally broken and look forward to seeing the photos from this outing - and from your later follow up. Happy Sunday.

  3. What a beautiful and relaxing place! Happy Sunday, Denise.

    1. It is normally, but the heatwave got in the way of all that. Next time! Thank you Angie and Happy Sunday to you also :)

  4. A relief from the heat is always welcome Denise. Looks very ice there, that security man must have been warm.
    Take care.

    1. It certainly is Margaret :) and I think he must have been. Thank you and you take care too.

  5. Blistering heat is no fun at all. I can understand the concern of staff.

    1. Yes indeed, I am almost certain they have had experience with people becoming ill with that heat. Thank you Janice :)

  6. Too bad the heat cut your trip short. Nice that they were checking on people to make sure everyone was ok

    1. Thanks Ann, I was very impressed with them for that :)

  7. Lovely place. Happy Sunday 😊

    1. Thank you Ashok and a happy Sunday to you also :)

  8. I am a huge fan of glass and can't wait to see your photos. I also would love to visit that pink house. wow. I love it. even in pink... it is good they were minding out for visitors. sorry you did not get to see it all. hope it cools off before the glass leaves.

    1. Thank you Sandra, we should be able to get back hopefully soon, and at least before the exhibit leaves in October :) I normally would not paint my house in pink but this fit perfectly. It was lovely! And I was very pressed at the level of concern the staff showed their visitors. Good people!

  9. And it’s just going to keep getting hotter. And still politicians deny it. Some even vow to overturn whatever meagre measures have been legislated. And people will still vote for them?

    1. Thank you David :) This is something I have often thought about, and acknowledged. It should not be ignored. I read about it continuously and my vote will always go to the politician who takes it seriously. We can’t afford to stick our head in the sand on this one.

  10. Hello, Denise
    The heat wave was horrible for any kind of outdoor activity. I am glad you were safe and cut your visit short. The exhibit does sound nice! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

    1. Hello Eileen :) and thank you! It certainly was! I wish you the same.

  11. Sorry about the heat but looks nice there

    1. Thank you Christine, we enjoyed what we saw :)

  12. Looks like it is worth the trip back on a cool day! We are hunkering in air conditioned buildings these days. We will start a gradual cool down on Tuesday!

    1. Very much so, thank you Ellen. Best to stay in air conditioned buildings. Enjoy your cool-down :)

  13. This certainly looks like a beautiful place to visit! The pink on the glass house is stunning. And your statuary comment is a hoot. I'm so glad you both took care not to linger too long. It's so nice that the heat has broken somewhat. Only an eighth of an inch of rain fell on our garden, but so welcome still! Happy Sunday to you.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I hope you get more rain. Looks like the temperatures are cooling up here and we will get rain for several days off and on :)

  14. Okay Denise, how hot was it?

    1. Thanks for asking Red :) 98 to 100 degrees F. - 36 degrees C to 37 degrees C - but what really gets to me is the high humidity. It feels like walking into a wall of heat. I realize people have had it even hotter though :)

  15. You are braver than I am... I just hug the air-conditioner all summer long.

    1. You are too very kind Latane. Brave was not what we said when we got back to the car, lol! :) I am hugging the air-conditioner as we speak but it really is a much less hotter and humid day today, thankfully!

  16. I'm glad someone asked the temperature so I could see how hot is too hot in that area. Add in high humidity and it can ruin an outing.

    1. Hello Karen, I can tolerate the neat more than l can the humidity. If I am out in that for too long, I get very lightheaded and have been known to keel over. My face also turns into a patchwork quilt. That has not changed since that first year in Virginia 49 years ago :)

  17. Goodness it was hot there, and humidity is horrid!
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, so glad! Yes, it has been very hot :)

  18. Ten un lindo domingo, y me alegro que ya no tengas tanto calor. Te mando un beso.

    1. Muchas gracias, aprecio tus amables palabras. ¡Te mando un beso!

  19. I’m sorry it was so hot. I saw that exhibit right before the heat wave came, and I mainly went then because hot weather was in the forecast.

  20. That must have been disappointing not being able to see the exhibit.

    1. Thank you Diane, it was and I will be all the happier when we try again :)

  21. A shame you couldn't stay too long because of the heat but hopefully you can visit again when the weather is cooler. The staff seem friendly and helpful to customers as well.

    1. Thank you Beverley, we were very impressed with the staff being so considerate. It was all for the best and will look forward to going back. Thank you :)

  22. That pink buildng is lovely. I'm so sorry you had to leave early -- even though you were quite well prepared. It sounds terribly hot and I suspect I would have done exactly the same thing. Always better safe than sorry.

    1. Thanks so much Jeanie, lessons learned :) and most definitely better safe than sorry.


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