Friday, May 31, 2024


  I meant to get back to these sooner as our visit to the garden center was on April 20th. 

The foxes told me they wanted me to take them home but I stood my ground. I told them there were enough foxes in our neighborhood but I was sure they would be going home with someone that day.
Ahhh, dragons! 
"Let your creativity soar on dragon's wings across uncharted skies."
~Author Unknown~

The Zen Frog was giving some advice today: "Make a splash, look before you leap, don't jump to conclusions, enjoy a good swim, stretch your legs often, spend time at your pad, and hop to it!" I may have read this on Pinterest and yes, you may have read this before.

I was very taken with the bronze fairy. She is a birdfeeder/birdbath holder. It seemed like she was five feet tall but couldn't be sure as she was displayed on top of a table, and she towered over me. I wasn't surprised at the price on the sticker, so I wistfully put it down and said goodbye to my sweet fairy.
I asked my little buddies here if they decided to give her away to let me know, but they weren't hearing, speaking or seeing me. They knew nothing and I will always respect them for that. Good little bunnies!
So here we are away with the fairies.
I think I mentioned before I am hoping to put together a small fairy garden inside a planter. I enjoyed looking at the ones here.
The fairy house is the last photo from this side of the nicknack shop. Below is the one on the other side of the corridor. I had fun browsing through there also, but I will save that for another time.

Remember, if you are away with the fairies, in my mind that is a good thing. I have said it many times before, we all need to get in touch with our inner child/fairy once in a while. Let it fly!

Thanks for looking and sending you only the very best wishes for a great day! 


  1. It really is a lovely garden center with all types of 'things' in it.

    1. Thanks Margaret, it certainly was a fun walk around :)

  2. I would have found the foxes very, very hard to resist. And may well have failed.

    1. It was hard, I could see them joining the family out back :)

  3. A visit to a garden centre is a favourite way to spend time. I get inspiration and there are the garden ornaments to delight us. I would like the foxes because they're made of wood and I like natural materials. Each one looks different which also appeals to me. Thank you for sharing your visiting experience.

    1. Thank you Linda and you are very welcome :) I do have a great time must admit :) Natural materials are always nice to have in the garden.

  4. These ornaments and sculptures are just so lovely and adorable to look at

  5. Too many things to tempt in that place. The fairy is lovely and the rabbits look so sweet. You did well to resist :-)

    1. I agree with you, so many items to tempt me. I was surprised I only bought one or two. I concentrated more on plants this day :)

  6. These garden ornaments all have an appeal and it would be hard to pick one theme. However, the idea of a fairy garden is sublime. :)

    1. Thank you Penelope, I am still coveting the fairy birdseed/bath feeder :)

  7. What a fun garden center. They have so many wonderful things there. I think I could go broke there. Those foxes would have been able to convince me to take them home.

    1. I had a hard time keeping my purse closed! :)

  8. Looks like a fun place to explore, so many beautiful garden decorations. Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. I could have stayed there for at least another hour :) Thanks Eileen, you take care and have a great weekend also!

  9. So many beautiful and cute things. I would probably buy more than what I need if I went there.

    1. I was very surprised I had such willpower :)

  10. Going to the garden centres these days requires a line of credit! Prices are ridiculous!

    1. Isn't that the truth? One can certainly empty one's pocket book in a hurry! :)

  11. What an interesting and fun place to visit. I loved the fairy, the fox, oh, so many of the things. I could have spent a fortune.

    1. Oh Latane, you have no idea how hard it was for me to just take photos instead of making a purchase :) Part of me taking those photos was to remind me what was there, for perhaps an addition to the garden later on. I got lots of ideas that's for sure.

  12. Oh wow...I'd be in there all Day! lol

    1. Me too and if the hubs wasn't there, probably would have, lol!

  13. my favorite is the golden frog and I wish I could give it to my mother. a delightful place to wander and WANT and it did not hurt my back to wander slowly along enjoying all the beautiful things

    1. Froggy was lovely! Was your mom a frog lover? I hear you about the back pain :) I felt a few twinges at the end of that walkaround, both sides of the gift shop and the plant area which is where I made most of my purchases.

  14. That was a post that made me smile! So cute!
    They are precious.

    1. Always happy to bring you a smile Jenn, thank you :)

  15. How nice to browse in a shop like this one. I love that fairy in the swing.

    1. It was, very much so and she was a cute one I agree :)

  16. That is a fun garden center to walk about in. So much eye candy. Have a wonderful weekend, Denise!

    1. I like this center, it is one of my favorites to walk around. Thank you Ellen, you have a wonderful weekend also.

  17. Oh, I love to look at the garden knick knacks. There are some delightful ones here. I like those foxes, and the zen frog is so cute too. So glad to hear you appreciate the fairies as much as I do, Denise.

    Wishing you beautiful June days.


    1. Always appreciate the fairies Sheri. Next time I might be taking a wheelbarrow around, ha! I wish you the same my friend :) have a wonderful weekend!

  18. I LOVE this, because I love looking at the same things that you do. But our Garden Center is nothing compared to yours. I can't wait till your next post of more. The foxes I would not have been able to resist. And I would buy the bronze fairy if she was not too expensive. But I imagine she was well over $100.00. I am making an indoor fairy garden, too!! In a shallow basket. Let's see who finishes and posts first!

    1. We do seem to have the same taste Ginny. Everything was hard to resist I admit. I'm afraid it was more than the amount you mentioned, that coveted fairy. Wonderful that you are making an indoor fairy garden. I think yours will be finished before mine :)

  19. You are a sweet person and I enjoy spending time in your world with you. Aloha

    1. And you are so sweet and kind to say so. I'm glad you join me in my world my friend :)

  20. Foxes, fairy and bunnies. I'd be in such trouble!

    1. Join me Jeanie, methinks we could both get into trouble at that place, lol!

  21. Lovely post, some wonderful garden knick knacks. I don' think I'd have a problem spending money there!!! So good job I will not be going :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, I know what you mean :) All the best to you too.

  22. How adorable is that little LLAMA!! 🦙

    1. I can't believe I forgot to mention the llama!!! Thanks Sandi, I totally agree!

  23. It would be hard to make a choice there...but I think mine would be the foxes, or the frog. Not sure which.

    1. Yes, those would definitely be difficult to choose between. Thank you Rose :)

  24. Fantastic garden center. Good thing there isn't one in my city. I would have to live there because there are so many wonderful things.
    I send greetings from far away Poland.

  25. I hope the foxes found there forever home by the end of the day . They are very cute.


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