Friday, May 3, 2024


“Nature is a wise mother.”

~Frederick William Robinson~

Under the Spell, 1870

I had a lot of fun putting together Mother Nature pictures. Here are a few of them in various applications. It was hard choosing so there are several but not all.  

I have also included several nature quotes and when I can find it, links or information about the authors. If there is none I was unsuccessful but if you my blogging friends succeed, please pass it on. I will be delighted for the help. 

“I may never traverse the halls of art, yet the dawning day is mine, and the fading twilight, and the lake at Eve, and the galaxy of the midnight sky…I may never place in a Dresden vase one single hothouse flower, but I may lave me in a field of yellow buttercups.”

~Muriel Strode (1875 - 1964), My Little Book of Prayer, 1904~

Muriel Strode (1875 - 1964) was a writer and poet, known in her heyday as “the female Walt Whitman.”  Sadly much account of her has disappeared from history, except her famous 1903 words, “I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail!” which has been widely misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Her book, “At the Roots of Grasses,” from which this poem is taken, was described as “the very rhapsody of an American soul pouring itself forth in songs of the strong.”  This paragraph came from The Outside Institute. I will try to find the link later.

“O, money can’t buy the delights of the glen,
Nor poetry sing all its charms:
There’s a solace and calm ne’er described by the pen
When were folded within Nature’s arms.”

~James Rigg, “Nutting Time,” Wild Flower Lyrics and Other Poems, 1897.

“There’s sunshine in the heart of me,
My blood sings in the breeze;
The mountains are a part of me, 
I’m fellow to the trees.”

~Robert W. Service (1874 - 1958)~
“A Rolling Stone,” 1912

“I am grateful for everything that is green.”

“I had an early run in the woods before the dew was off the grass. The moss was like velvet, and as I ran under the arches of yellow and red leaves I sang for joy, my heart was so bright and the world so beautiful.”

“Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.”

The last one is like the first but with a few changes. 

Thank you for stopping by.
Happy Friday everyone, and enjoy your weekend.


  1. My favorite is the first one. I could tell right away it is Mother Nature. And my favorite quote is the Murial Strode one.

  2. This is so lovely, thank you so much! And thanks for the introduction to Muriel Strode!

    1. You are very welcome Cloudia and so glad you enjoyed :)

  3. Nature is the best artist - and her galleries are superb.

    1. So true, so very true :) a lovely way of putting it Sue!

  4. Fantastic pictures of mother nature and I loved the quotes too!
    Have a nice day Denise!

    1. Happy you enjoyed Katerina. Thank you, I wish you a nice day also :)

  5. So lovely Denise as are the quotes.

    1. Thank you Margaret, happy you enjoyed them :)

  6. These are all wonderful. It's hard to choose a favorite because there is something about each one that I like. I love the expression on the fox in the very last one.

    1. Thank you Ann, very much appreciated :) That fox is very cute!

  7. I can see you had fun composing this post. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. It shows I know Janice :) Thank you and I hope your weekend was great, and I wish you a lovely week!

  8. How lovely to read all the quotes about nature this Friday morning, dear Denise! Each picture and verse tells the joy of nature. Thank you for the smile to start my day.

    1. Happy you enjoyed them Martha Ellen :) and you are very welcome indeed!

  9. it is hard to choose but I think the last one is my favorite, they are each and every one beautiful and show joy and happiness in nature..

    1. Hi Sandra, it's a beautiful version I agree :) and I was very happy how each one turned out.

  10. Dear Denise :=)
    Thank you for this most beautiful post, with lovely poetry and pictures of Mother Nature and all the charming creatures of the forest. They are all lovely but I like the first and last one best. Thank you also for the introduction to Muriel Strode. It is sad that in the passage of time not much is known of this lady poet. I will try to find out more about her work and life.
    Have a happy weekend Denise

    1. Dear Sonjia, so happy you enjoyed my post and so nice to see your favorites. I'm happy to introduce Muriel to you, especially as there is so little known about her. I have to ask myself why but I'm glad there was at least this :) If you learn more I would love to know what you find.

  11. i was going to pick a favorite but alas, that was impossible as i really loved them all. i enjoyed all of the quotes as well!!

    1. It's hard I know, so glad you enjoyed pictures and quotes Debbie. Thank you!

  12. These images are so magical!

    1. That they are, I was delighted how they turned out :) Thank you Jeanie!

  13. Perfect post for this time of year!

  14. I loved all of these and the verses you chose...

    1. Great, thank you for letting me know Rose. Very much appreciated :)

  15. These are delightful images. Have a good weekend.

    1. Happy you thought so Linda. Thank you and I hope your weekend was great :) Have a wonderful week!

  16. These are so beautiful. We're on our way to Illinois next week. I hope we get to see some of Mother Nature's spring.

    1. That's wonderful Kay, I know you will look forward to seeing everyone. Mother Nature will be waiting for you I'm sure :)

  17. God's nature brings me so much peace when I spend time there. I like the "mountains" quote. The first photo is very nice. She looks peaceful in the woods with the sun shining on her face. ; )


    1. Thank you Sheri, so glad you enjoyed my post :) She looks very serene doesn't she?

  18. Replies
    1. Happy you think that Sallie, thank you so much for letting me know :)


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