Friday, March 18, 2022


I hope you aren't too tired of squirrels.  I'll give them a rest for a while after this.  I was looking for something to put on here while I am finishing off my Occoquan post.  It is an old one that I thought I would share today. 

As a wise blogging buddy told me when I first published it several years ago, if you have something good to say about someone, it would be a shame not to tell them.  I agree, people need to hear good things about themselves at times, even when they don't realize it.  I think the original quote was meant to keep calm and not speak out in anger, when someone says something hurtful or unkind. Easier said than done I know, but things can snowball so easily.  

Thoughts?  I would be interested in how you interpret the quote.

Thanks for looking and ...


  1. This is a good quote! And I take it to mean that you should not say something honest if it would hurt the other person. I never get tired of squirrels!!

    1. Thank you Ginny, that's very true and so glad you don't get tired of squirrels :)

  2. They are adorable! Saw a small one yesterday trying to cross the street..

    1. Hi Angie, thank you and they certainly are :) I have never seen one in my immediate neighborhood.

    2. Ups! I was thinking about my Hermit Thrush when I wrote this reply. I see LOTS and LOTS of squirrels around here, LOL!

  3. Thought provoking are those words Denise. Some words sometimes are best not said in case something that is said upsets someone :)

    1. I thought so too Margaret and thank you :) I agree with you.

  4. Cute squirrel. Some people speak without thinking about what they are saying first, it just to be hurtful, is it true. Always be nice, say something nice. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Eileen, glad you enjoyed my squirrel :) another wise person told me it says more about them than it does about you. Those words have stuck with me through these many years, though I always try to find out what makes them so unhappy.

  5. It’s true, we assume people don’t need to hear our kind thoughts as surely they would know. But voicing love or admiration out loud is validation that can be healing.

    1. I couldn't agree more with you Penelope, thank you :)

  6. I vote with ginny, bring on the squirrels. i agree with the quote, words are so harmful and there are many that hurt others. we need to think before we speak, now if ONLY I could learn to do that. my mouth goes off when my brain thinks it and the toothpaste can't be put back in the tube

    1. So glad you agree with Ginny, thanks Sandra :) None of us are perfect, we can only just keep trying :) I have never heard that expression about the toothpaste before, you always make me smile.

  7. Oh, it is so easy to retaliate just to get it off your chest. But, it is better to say nothing.

    1. Often yes, I agree, unless you know that person is in some kind of jeopardy, and they don't see it. Do we know better? It's fine line.

  8. I agree with you -- and I think it is a more elegant way of saying what I was taught: "Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?" (If not all three don't say it.) But as I think about your friend's interpretation maybe s/he was thinking that you could sometimes fudge a little in order to be kind? Like when my beauty operator yesterday said "You have beautiful hair" instead of "wow your hair is so white and thin" which would have been truer. LOL.

    1. Hi Sallie, I love that saying. Thank you for reminding me of it :) And maybe. Oh gosh, your beauty operator brought to mind my own the last time I saw her. She said, "Your hair is way too thin, this happens when you get older. You should get this product", which was shampoo for thinning hair. I came home and kept looking in the mirror at my hair for a while, LOL!

  9. I go with the... "If you think something nice, about a person, _say_ it to them."

    I try to do this.

    When younger, I'd think it, but never say it.

    But a perk of growing older is... You cease being *afraid* to say something nice, to strangers.

    If a woman has a pretty hair do, or dress, or some such, I tell her. It's delightful, the big smiles, I get, in return. Who doesn't like a compliment? :-))))

    🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼

    1. I agree, aging has a lot to do with that, and it's nice to offer an off-the-cuff compliment to people at times :) 9 times out of 10 people appreciate it.

  10. It certainly means to avoid outbursts.

  11. Replies
    1. A kindred spirit William, nice to know we both are :)

  12. Thinking kind thoughts and not expressing them is waste if you ask me. Kind words are always welcome to me. I try very hard to remember that others surely must feel the same. Love this post and your fury friends, Denise. We have the best time here watching their never ending antics!

    1. Couldn't agree more Martha Ellen :) Nice to know we both get enjoyment out of watching them.

  13. As Thumper says: if you can't say something nice, dont say nothing at all.


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