Tuesday, February 19, 2019


The Blue Jays visit every day...
The Red-bellied Woodpecker visits but less frequently.
Mourning Doves are here daily.
The Blue Jay and the Red-bellied Woodpecker seem to get along quite well.
The camera caught an incoming Dark-eyed Junco and the Dove doesn't seem to mind.

In this frame there is a White-throated Sparrow in the background, with the Dove and the Dark-eyed Junco a little bit closer.
I find it interesting that I haven't seen a female Cardinal in quite a while, just the male with its bright red plumage. 
And that's it for today's deck camera birds.  My little Dark-eyed Junco with Leucism hasn't been seen since the last time I posted about her/him. I find myself developing attachments to these birds, and hope she/he is okay and off visiting some other bird feeders in another area.

Happy day to you all and thanks for visiting.


  1. Replies
    1. We are very lucky to get such a regular variety, with the odd pop-ins from other birds which I always enjoy. Thanks Christine.

  2. Replies

    1. Obrigado, estou feliz que tenha gostado dos pássaros. Tenha uma boa semana.

  3. You are lucky to have a camera plus the willingness to share. I am, of course, desperately jealous...lol. Wondering if I could fix a camera somewhere.

    1. Hi Valerie, it took me a few years to take the plunge and only because of the generosity of my brother-in-law, niece and nephew's gift card one Christmas from Amazon. I had been seeing them on other blogs and always enjoyed them. These are motion sensitive cameras.

  4. That is a lovely selection of birds Denise and you didn't have to go far to see them.:)

    1. Hi Roy, glad you enjoyed and very true. Sometimes I have better luck taking photos of my back garden birds than I do when we go out further afield.

  5. Hello, love all your cute birds. The camera takes great photos. Wishing you a happy day!

    1. Thank you Eileen and I wish you a happy day also!

  6. We like to think that we see the same bird each day but do we? We are total "racists" when it comes to birds. We just can't seem to recognize individuals.

    1. I know Red. However, I do try to recognize the differences between the squirrels, which are easier somehow.

  7. Lovely captures, Denise. I still haven't gotten a field camera--boo hoo! I especially like your photo of the junco in flight--wonderful! I am attached to our birds as well. Whenever I hear a hawk I check to see if everyone is hiding. Enjoy your day. ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen. So glad you enjoyed these. I love the hawks too but always fear for my little birds. Have a great day!

  8. i am so glad you are showing these again, the cam takes fantastic pics. these are so cute, that sweet little dove i want to pet it... we heard our first male cardinal loud and clear yesterday. they are so noisy and he was calling for the female

    1. You don't know how happy that makes me feel Sandra, so glad you enjoy them. The first female cardinal turned up. It's been a while. Not a very good photo though as it snowed yesterday and it was a bit too dark to get a decent image. I'm hoping for a good photo next time we check.

  9. Wonderful close-ups! The doves are my favorite.

  10. I think my favorite is the last picture, with the beautiful golden evening light. The Blue Jays are gorgeous, but I find them to be bullies. I once saw one snatch a worm right out of another bird's beak!

    1. You can't beat that evening light can you Ginny? I have never seen that happen, I just hear them being a bit screechy to put it mildly.

  11. Thank you Linda, we are very happy with it.

  12. Hi Denise,
    What wonderful images you get from your deck camera.
    Always good to see the Blue Jays and Red-bellied Woodpecker then you get an image of the male Cardinal with its blast of red, a really stunning bird.
    Super post.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, we're very happy with our deck cam, and said next time we go road tripping we will take it along. Thank you and all the best to you too.

  13. What a great idea! Look at all the cool shots you get.

  14. Love these ... (and must admit I’m a bit envious.. of it all ... birds, feeders and cam)....My favorite pictures are the ones with two different kinds of birds together, for some reason I always love seeing that.

    1. Thank you Sallie, I didn't have either for years so I know what you mean. I am always thrilled to see a variety of birds in one shot. Gives me home for humankind :)


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