Thursday, February 21, 2019


My theme this week seems to be of birds.  This one is from my archives.  I like to re-share my favorites occasionally.  We were in Cody, Wyoming.  I was sitting in a garden and watched the birds as they came to the feeder.  The feeder alone was worthy of a shot.

It snowed most of the day yesterday, a more wet, heavy snow according to Gregg as he shoveled the driveway.  Our neighbor across the street has one of those powered snow removers, but said it was too much of a wet snow and it wouldn't work properly.  Never having had one I wouldn't know.   This latest snowfall left three or four inches on the ground, so not so bad compared to other areas.  The good news is that it is going to get up to 50 degrees F. today.  That should get rid of quite a lot.

We will be seeing our son tonight.  He has been out of town on business for a couple of days and we are picking him up at the airport.  Our sweet daughter-in-law dropped him off.  We volunteered to pick him up as she will be working, and we never miss a chance to enjoy his company.  

I am heading to the coffee pot for my first cup of the day.  I wish you all a good one, and thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. So much snow! Love the little Chickadee and also your feeder.
    Yes, it's always beaut to be able to spend some extra time with our dear ones :D) xx

  2. Snow can be problematic at times for the typical snowblower like that.

    1. I would think up your way you would have to have industrial strength snow blowers :)

  3. Very unique bird feeder. Looks like a little chickadee, and he is really enjoying it. We have had the same weather here. about 2' of snow yesterday, then hours of sleet.

    1. Hi Ginny, thank you and all the snow has gone now, how about up your way? We had milder days that helped a lot.

  4. I love your little chickadee on that darling feeder. They are my husband's favorite. Have a wonderful visit with your son. ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, the chickadees are a really sweet bird. We had a great visit thank you :)

  5. I don't like snow blowers! They don't do as good of job as I do!!!

  6. Gorgeous bird feeder! And a lovely shot.

  7. Interesting bird feeder! I just bought one because it will look cute in photos.
    We got snow too, about 5 inches,But we didn't shovel it except for the stoop.By the time we left at 10:30 this morning, enough of the snow had melted that we easily got the car out of the driveway.

    1. Now that made me smile Linda, I did the same thing the last time I bought a bird feeder :) That's good about being able to get your car out now. Ours has all gone too.

  8. A fabulous looking feeder.Denise can I a ask you about 2 years ago did you mention a little book on decluttering. I cannot remember the name of it and I know one blogger had it on their blog?

    1. Thank you Margaret, I was glad I came across it. I'm afraid I can't remember about the little book you mentioned. I have been racking my brain box and haven't come up with that.

  9. Love that first picture, Denise. Great capture. You have snow, although we are in the middle of winter it's more like a summer's day. Can't be right, I guess we'll suffer for it eventually.

    1. Thank you Valerie, and I am glad you are getting some nice weather.

  10. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado e desejo-lhe uma boa semana também.

  11. Hello, it was nice that we had a warm day to melt our snow. I like the bird feeder and the chickadee is cute. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead!

    1. It was indeed. Thanks Eileen and the same to you :)

  12. I love that birdhouse. great shot. enjoy your son. today my son is 52, last week other son was 54

    1. Yes, we turn around and mine is almost 40 and yours is 52 :) How time flies!

  13. Lovely photo Denise, have fun getting your son, the important joys of life alongside a good cup of coffee!

    1. Thank you Christine, we said goodbye to him a little while ago and had a wonderful time as always.

  14. the bird house is beautiful and kind of steals the show!! enjoy the special time with your son, i don't get to see mine that often and it is really hard!!!

    1. Thank you Debbie, I am always looking out for something similar over here. I hope it won't be too long before you get to see your son :)

  15. Hi Denise,
    Fascinating feeder, I have never seen anything similar in the UK.
    Not happy that you are having snow, we have gone the other way and are basking in wall to wall sunshine with balmy temperatures.
    Hope you enjoyed your cup of coffee and have a good evening with your son.
    All the best, John

    1. Thanks John, it was a very rustic feeder, one that I really took to when I saw it. Hope you still have that lovely sunshine. Yes I enjoyed our son's company and he always brings me a coffee from my favorite coffee shop on the way over here :) All the best to you too.

  16. Too much snow!
    I do like the little Chickadee and your feeder too.

    Always good to spend time with loved ones.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it certainly is and all the best to you too.

  17. The one thing I miss about our “big” house (in our former life) is having bird feeders... that one you show is a winner for sure and the chickadee posed so sweetly. Hope your snow goes away soon. Our Oregon family got 7 inches or more today. Snow is really unusual for them. I have been getting tons of texts as we sit here in Florida enjoying the sunshine.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Sallie, we are in the middle of downsizing here. Not sure if we will leave this house for several years but starting now just in case :) I saw a cute cartoon recently with a character busy shoveling head high snow and his wife comes out with the telephone. He says something like if it's that brother of mine in Florida I am not talking to him. It made me laugh, not that he wouldn't talk to his brother but just the situation of having family in a warmer climate as we ourselves were dealing with snow :)))

  18. I wish they were for sale but alas it was just for the birds :)


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