Friday, February 8, 2019


Today I am sharing old photos that hubby recently acquired of aunts and uncles from another time.  With thanks to our family and friends who share them, we are accumulating many of these wonderful treasures.

I think I have shared the one above previously but as it was part of the group I didn't want to leave it out.  I hope you've enjoyed these old photos.  

We are having some quiet time  and I will be catching up on visiting blogs over the next couple of days.  Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great weekend.

(If anyone would like the tag above with your name on it, let me know via e-mail - - with "Penny Farthing" in the subject line and I will make you one.  A small thank for visiting, and a gift from me to you.)  


  1. Treasures they are. You are very, very lucky to have them - but you know that.

  2. These are priceless and thanks for sharing them with us.

  3. Lovely photographs to treasure for evermore. I particularly liked the style of presentation. Thanks for sharing, Denise.

  4. Hello, I love all the old family photos. The last one is awesome. I like your cute tag! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

    1. Thanks Eileen, you too :) And if you want that tag with your name on it I would be happy to make it for you.

  5. I love seeing how they looked and dressed in the past. the one of the woman leaning on her elbow is much like my grandmother looked in her wedding photo. she was a flapper, married in 1923.. I enjoy seeing your new old family photos

    1. Thanks Sandra, I have always loved the fashions down through the ages. Your grandmother's wedding photo must be wonderful.

  6. These photos are to be treasured and such cute little ones in the last one. Beautiful tag Denise.

    1. Thank you Christine, if you want one just let me know either here or in at the e-mail given.

  7. It's always a pleasure to view old black and whites!

  8. These are truly wonderful! They should be treasured and treated carefully. And the quality is still so good. Do you know why people rarely smiled in these old photos? Because back then, it took so long to hold a pose and get the camera to capture the scene, that most people could not hold a smile for that long.

    1. Thanks for the info Ginny. I would imagine it would be very hard for the little ones especially :)

  9. Hi Denise,
    How wonderful to acquire these old photo's, they are a real treasure.
    So good to see the clothing worn, and the last image with the children in ascending heights, they were always taken in the same format.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, thank you. I thought the last photo was particularly darling with all the children. All the best to you too :)

  10. There’s nothing like vintage family photos as you know, Denise. Do yiu and Gregg know the identity of people in the photos?

    1. Thanks Dorothy. Yes we know the identify of all. Gregg is enjoying his genealogy search, and has appreciated all the help he gets from his relatives.

  11. Old photos are such treasures, Denise. Those you shared are amazing and look to be quite old. The dress, the hair, and the smiles are priceless. I hope you know who each of them are. I have some from my parents and have no idea who some of them are. That's a shame! Lovely photos. Have a great weekend. ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen and you are very welcome. We have been given their identities and also Gregg has a cousin's group on Facebook where he shares any old photos. He is always very grateful for the additional information his family provides.

  12. Beautiful old photos! Black and white holds up so well.

  13. The old black and whites do hold up incredibly well, especially when compared to the more recent printed photos that fade and discolor easily. It used to be that getting your picture taken was an "experience" ... there was artistry involved because each scene was precious. This heritage post makes that wonderfully apparent.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly Penelope, they are works of art.

  14. gorgeous. so precious. the last one made me smile, they are adorable.

    1. Hello Kiara, thank you so much, I am so glad they made you smile.

  15. Wonderful mamories. Happy Sunday Diane

  16. Oh, I so ao love seeing old photos...we don't have hardly any photos in our family...on my side.

    1. Hi Rose, me too. I hope someone finds and sends you your family photos one day. We are amazed at what we are turning up. A family friend once told us years ago, he was very much into his own genealogy search, that once we started it would become addictive. He also said it was like becoming a detective searching these little bits of information out. He was right.


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