Tuesday, October 16, 2018


An evening with our son and daughter-in-law at the Alamo Drafthouse. They have the most interesting old movie clips before the main movie, this one dating back to the early talkies.  If you have never been to one of these places, there is a long bench wide enough that acts as your table, and this runs all along in front of the seating, and a menu and order slips at each seat where you can order meals and beverages.  There is enough room between your bench and the seat in front for a waiter to come by and pick them up, and delivers soon after.  The seats are also staggered enough that you don't block the view of the people behind you, or disturb the people in front.  It took me a while to get used to having something delivered after the movie had started and I wasn't sure I liked it that much, but now after several meet-ups with son and daughter-in-law at one of their favorite movie theaters, I find it part of a very enjoyable experience.


  1. Not something I have ever done. I suspect I would be uncomfortable (at least initially) too.

    1. I was originally but got used to it after a while.

  2. I have never heard of a place like this. It would be a fun and different adventure!

    1. They seem to show a lot of old movies which is what I enjoy, and are very popular. The food is also a big draw.

  3. All I can imagine is worrying that the noise of having a meal would interrupt the viewing of the film.

    1. I can honestly say you get used to it and everyone is very considerate of their neighbors.

  4. Hello Denise, sounds like an interesting and fun place. Have a happy day!

  5. I have never seen one, been to one or even heard of one until now, not even in a movie. I love the photo of the glasses and clip... so much out there I don't know about

    1. I am always learning by visiting your blog Sandra, fun to learn something new.

  6. That's the first I've heard of that concept for film viewing.

    1. I had never heard of it before either except for the outside movie theaters, which I have never been to. Only one or two around now.

  7. Hi Denise,
    Sounds a wonderful place to visit with the bonus of a really old film plus food.
    However not sure I would feel comfortable with the food element but no doubt every one else is eating so just get on and enjoy.
    All the best, John

    1. Thanks John, I never worry anymore because the food part is a big draw and everyone does their own thing. No one seems to be bothered by the people in the next seat and what they are having. You also get so engrossed in the movie that everything else kind of disappears, including the waiters coming and going.

  8. Sounds different,
    Looks fun.

    All the best Jan

  9. There are at least two in our area that I know of and have been to both, thanks to the invites we get from our son and daughter-in-law.

  10. I have not experience that before. Not sure if I would like that


    1. I understand completely. It feels a bit awkward at first but I was surprised how quickly I got used to it and actually enjoyed the experience :) As someone might notice, I am answering this two years later!!! Occasionally when I pop into old blog posts, I see that I haven’t answered a comment. It’s not my intent to do so, and many apologies Small Kucing.


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