Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Yesterday before breakfast I had a feathered friend at one of the bird feeders, a male Downy Woodpecker.  A welcome visitor.
I grabbed my camera quickly and didn't realize I was taking these first few photos through the screen on the window, but they came out okay I think.
At least the sun wasn't directly overhead.

This is pretty much photo overload but I had a hard time deciding on which ones to share.

I love the feather pattern.
You can find more at this link.


  1. We have the Downys around here. But I have NEVER gotten pictures this good. Even through a screen, they are wonderful; sharp and clear. I love your sunflower feeder! It is both yard art and a feeder combined. Where did you get it?

    1. Kind words Ginny, thank you. I found the sunflower feeder at the Plough and Hearth. They have a shop we go to occasionally.

  2. Gosh, it's years since I saw a woodpecker. I hear one occasionally but the crafty bird knows when to keep out of sight. You got some good shots.

  3. Muito bela esta sequência de fotografias.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  4. Cute shots of the Downy Woodpecker. Have a happy day!

  5. I am famous for overloads so bring them on, I love photos and this is one little cutie, in all his shots.

  6. Your third one is my favourite. I don't know if we have this kind of woodpecker here.

    1. I bet you have some other beauties though William.

  7. Wonderful shots of the woodpecker!

  8. Ohhhhhhh ..... this is really cool !!
    A woodpecker in your own garden! Great to see :-)
    I love owls, squirrels and woodpeckers :-)

    Greetings, Helma

  9. Well done.
    I loved all of your pictures.

    All the best Jan


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