Saturday, October 13, 2018


It looks surprised and just a little bit guilty, like that feeling I used to get getting caught snitching a piece of chocolate when supposedly on a diet.

Now these days you can't deny yourself everything while trying to be 'good'.  You need those occasional treats.  It helps you keep on track.  A wise old owl told me that.  

Thank you wise old owl.  

More of our guilty looking friend at a later date.


  1. I totally agree. If we don't eat a bit of a treat once in awhile, then it will build up and we will binge!! At least I will! Can't wait to find out what this strangely odd creature is.

    1. It works that way with me anyhow. Sounds like you guessed that this was an eel from your other comment Ginny.

  2. Denise, reading this produced a memory flash, right back to when I was about five or six, when I stole a piece of chocolate from a not-so carefully chosen hiding place thought up by my mother. Best of all, though, I remember the hiding I got for even opening the door!! Thank goodness for wise owls, and an ability to laugh!

    1. That is a great memory Valerie :) Yes, laughter is very important.

  3. that is not true for me, I can't eat sugar of any kind or I go off the wagon and start to eat everything in sight. I do eat treats but not sugar treats. I went 7 years without eating sugar, ate one ice cream cone and 2 years later had gained 60 pounds, now I have lost 65 and been almost 2 years without food. sugar is like alcohol to me, I can't eat it... I do eat honey and peanut butter and fruit is so much sweeter now.. this guy is so ugly he is cute

    1. Congrats on the weight loss. When you get that much into a groove it's best to stick to what you know. Great job Sandra!

  4. It's true, we all deserve a treat now and then :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Agreed! Thanks Jan and all the best to you too :)

  5. It is a Moray Eel. He is really something isn't he/she?


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