Saturday, March 12, 2016

A poem

"The nightingale has a lyre of gold, 
The lark's is a clarion call, and
The blackbird plays but a boxwood flute,
But I love him best of all.
For his song is all the joy of life,
And we in the mad spring weather,
We two have listened till he sang
Our hearts and lips together."

~William Ernest Henley (1849-1903)


  1. I love it. Mind you, many of my favourite birds are tone deaf and screech rather than sing. Screech loudly, and with joy.

  2. What a nice poem and picture!
    Enjoy the sunday

  3. Lovely. I was listening to the blackbird this morning, he sings such a lovely song.

  4. Spring is coming, and with her joyous singing of birds. Listen to their joy. Regards.

  5. beautiful.. our blackbirds don't sound like a flute, they say Ha Ha Ha Ha really loud...

  6. Good morning, Denise. Pretty poem. I love to the Redwing singing. Happy Sunday, enjoy your week ahead!

  7. I was rearranging for spring and hung a photo of a red-winged blackbird today and will be reminded of this poem. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Beautiful picture ... Love how you did this and it is a perfect illustration to the poem, which is new to me and a treat to read.

  9. How very lovely and welcome! Your excellent photo is a fitting partner to that poem. You brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for making my day sweeter!

  10. Wonderful spring time poem :-) We've had red-winged blackbirds visiting our garden too.

  11. Lovely poem and photos ! All our spring birds are back and the Turkey Vultures shows up this morning soaring over the valley ! Thanks for sharing have a good week !

  12. That is a lovely poem.
    I do like the way you've pictured this bird and the frame is just great ...

    Here's to a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  13. such a pretty poem and a lovely image!!!!


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