Tuesday, September 3, 2024

ODDS AND BODS - 9/3/24

The beginning of today’s post, apart from the cutie above, is for the kitty lovers out there. 

 How about learning the…

Or being…

Well, I never!

There are those days that…

The spirit is willing but…

How about a well-read rabbit?

And yes, children can learn from us, but we can learn so much from them.

For the J. R. R. Tolkien fans out there.

I read something very interesting about author, J. R. R. Tolkien. His mother, Mabel Tolkien, died when her son was 12. She cultivated his natural fascination with languages. He went on to master more than a dozen languages and then created several Elvish languages of his own. He learned Middle English, Old English, Finnish, Greek, Latin, Italian, Old Norse, Spanish, Welsh, Danish, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish and could understand older forms of modern Germanic and Slavonic languages. Amazing! 

My neighbors just turned up. Time to put the kettle on!

With no disrespect intended to my other guests, Mr. Grizzly had such good table manners.

More fun with food.  

And another.

Colder days and nights will be here soon.

Or this, because the holidays will soon be here too.

I haven’t tried any of these recipes yet, but they all sound good.  

How about those Apples? According to this website there are over 30,000 apple varieties in the world.

I have not tried this either but it sounds wonderful!

If you go to this link, it shares several (not all) and tells you about each one

Now for a few wise words.


Very true!

Here is my fantasy cottage. I am very happy where I live I hasten to add, but I do love these older places.

I can see this fitting in there somewhere. 

I would definitely have this in my fantasy garden, and with a view like that. 

That’s all for today, and until next time…

From the lady who just had to have that 
extra cup of coffee this morning.

Happy September!



  1. Such a pleasant post! Is that cat house for real or AI generated?

    1. Thanks Angie, and I am not sure if the cat house is real or AI. I have watched a lot of talented people build their own homes on YouTube and build on amazing decorative touches. I can see someone being clever enough to do this and yet I am still not 100% certain :)

  2. We are CAT PEOPLE, so I love your cat section. Especially the expression of their feelings; each one is so cool! And I would gladly live in the cat cottage. The cheese boards are awesome and maybe I could copy one. The quote about life humbles you is SO true for me!!!

    1. Hi Ginny, so glad you enjoyed the section on cats. I will have to add more of them to future odds and bods. I liked the cheese boards too. The quote you mentioned, definitely relating to it :)

  3. Those cheese boards look great and as a dedicated cat lady I thank you for the cats. Ours are certainly not as well mannered as that bear though.

    1. You are very welcome Sue, I promise to add more kitties in the future. Bear is definitely heads above his friends in teatime etiquette :)

  4. I was just thinking that the catface cottage must belong to a Hobbit with some kitties. Lovely scenes. Linda in Kansas

    1. It does look that way doesn’t it Linda :) Happy you enjoyed, thank you :)

  5. These are lovely creations. Apples are interesting, Tasmania is known as the Apple Isle, Denise.

    1. Thanks Margaret, and that is very interesting that Tasmania is known as the Apple Isle :) Thanks for sharing that.

  6. What a delightful post this was. Something for everyone. That cat house is so cool. All the recipes made me hungry especially when I got to the chicken gnocchi soup. That is one of my favorites and I usually make it a couple times during the winter months.

    1. That’s great, thank you Ann :) I would like to make that chicken gnocchi soup myself.

  7. I am betting we will see Ginny making one of these cheese boards. the cat cottage is cute, i would make mine a hound dog cottage. my fantasy cottage is a log cabin, the small real log cabin, not the large modern log cabin. each grahpics is beautiful and tells its on story.. my favorite is the drop the book and get up and do something, I think it but never do it.. reading over rides housework every time

    1. Ginny said as such in her comment :) I would love to see a photo of what she puts together. It would look very festive I’m sure. A hound dog cottage would be cute. Love log cabins too, one might pop up on here one of these days. I am with you on the reading.

  8. My goodness Denise such a happy, happy post! A great read this early morning. I have some serious cat lovers in my family and I will be sharing your post with them. Such interesting facts about the genius Tolkien! Thank you for the smiles, my friend!

    1. I am extremely happy you think so Martha Ellen :) thank you my dear friend and you are very welcome.

  9. Hello,
    I love all the cute images and the quotes! The apple pie sounds yummy, I made an apple cobbler yesterday. The cottages are cute, especially the cat cottage. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen :) glad you enjoyed. I bet your cobbler was delicious. You take care and enjoy your day also.

  10. What a cornucopia of delights. I love the cats - of course! - but also the sunflowers - and the cottages. Thank you, Denise.

    1. You are very welcome Janice, always happy you enjoy what I put on these :) Thank you so much.

  11. Love the post today! So much to see and steal! Lolol
    Thanks for the chocolate and pie recipes!!

    1. LOL! Go ahead Donna, you are welcome to any of them. I have them on here thanks to Pinterest :) sending hugs!

  12. Replies
    1. That’s great! Happy you liked them Linda :) Thank you!

  13. Is that cat house for real?!?! I am in awe of people who can speak multiple languages, I cannot even master one!

    1. Not 100% sure tell you the truth but it’s fun isn’t it? Know what you mean about languages :)

  14. Wow what a great post. That cat face house is amazing if it is real, I have a friend in RSA who would love it. I just wish I could master two languages but I cant!
    Keep well Diane

    1. Thank you Diane. Glad you liked my post. They are always fun to put together :) I admire people who can speak even one other language. Years ago a friend of ours spoke several. I was always in awe of his talent.

  15. OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH such fun from the red couch all thru the adorable kitty photos and especially the pic showing kitty moods. And this chocolate lover thanks you for the holiday cocoa recipe and the who's who in the apple world.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Hi Cecelia, wonderful you found so much to enjoy :) thank you and you are very welcome. Sending hugs!

  16. Denise, this was a brilliant post! While I have three dogs in my house now, I grew up in a cat loving home! My very first word, according to my sweet momma, was Pepper. He was our family cat. The house we currently live in has a special cat room that the previous owners had for their precious pets! It even has a little opening cut so they could go in and out! Thanks for the fun today, my friend.

    1. That’s so sweet Billie Jo :) and having a cat room too. My family cat was Binky, my one and only kitty that I grew up with. You are very welcome! So glad you had fun with this my friend.

  17. Our daughter and her hubby are the cat people in our family. We all happen to be Tolkien fans and our daughter learned Tolkien's Elvish. She was going to be an ancient languages major but changed schools where that was not an option. When we were in England with this same daughter we had to hunt down all things Tolkien! We even found his grave. Lots of fun gifs to enjoy here. Happy day to you, Denise!

    1. How wonderful! I have never heard of anyone learning Elvish before. Good for your daughter! Must have been a fascinating course. It would be fascinating to seek him out on a trip to England. I would have enjoyed that tremendously. Thank you and happy day to you also Ellen :)

  18. There is so much in this post and I LOVED every single thing in it...I love the house you love...but oh, that last gateway/doorway...whatever. It sets my mind to spinning. How I would love to have it and have a view like that..

    1. Hello Rose, so glad you enjoyed it and great that we liked the same door with the view. Thank you so much!

  19. Ame la foto del perro. Te mando un beso.


    1. ¡Muchas gracias! Agradezco tu comentario :) Te mando un beso.

  20. A fun post, Denise. I especially love the cat chart!


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