Friday, September 6, 2024


I have not gotten out to take any photos lately so I am thankful I can go to my old blog and find something for you. One of my favorites popped up, a bunny we found while on a road trip in September 2013. Meet Buffalo Bill Bunny. We found him in a quiet area of the garden when visiting the Buffalo Bill Center in Cody, Wyoming, which you can look at here.  

Buffalo Bill Cody is famous worldwide. I remember my father telling me stories about him as a child. Dad was a big western fan and new all about Buffalo Bill's Wild West Tours in the UK, stories he had read when he was a young lad. That was the first time I had ever heard of this famous showman. You can read a biography at this link.

His namesake, Buffalo Bill Bunny wanted me to tell you "Howdy!"

He was a bit too busy to get into an in-depth conversation...

but told me he was very happy I had named him so auspiciously.

I couldn't interest him in any kind of conversation. That grass was just too tasty.

An addition to my post on Saturday, September 7th, 2024. There is another from this center that I published on Annie Oakley.  She was a very popular performer at Buffalo Bill's Wild West Tours. You can see that post at this link.

Thanks for hopping by and 
I hope your week has gone well.


  1. Nice tale about the rabbit, Denise.

  2. I love how you captured the delicate veins in his ears! Which seem a bit larger than the ears on ours here.

    1. He was a beauty and his ears were the first thing I noticed :) Thanks Ginny!

  3. This is the very first time that I have heard about this Buffalo Bill Bunny...:-))

  4. Buffalo Bill Bunny is a big and beautiful boy.

  5. Buffalo Bill Bunny is so cute! I like how you captured him eating away. Appearing to paying no mind he definitely has his radar working. That's so neat that your Dad told you about Buffalo Bill Cody. Thank you for sharing this memory Denise. I hope you have a good Friday!

    1. He must have been used to a lot of people going back and forth. Didn't seem to mind me at all. Yes, I have good memories of Dad telling me about Buffalo Bill Cody. Glad you enjoyed it Martha Ellen, thank you :)

  6. I love your penultimate photograph of Buffalo Bill Bunny with grass in his mouth.

    1. That's one of my favorites too Janice, thank you :)

  7. Buffalo Bill Bunny is such a cutie. Nice of him to take time out of his busy grass eating schedule to allow for a photo shoot.

  8. Smart bunny. Pay attention to your food and don’t talk with your mouth full. I have met humans who could learn from rabbits.

  9. Cute bunny and a fun post! Take care, have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Happy you enjoyed it Eileen and I wish you the same :)

  10. Bill will was not in danger of starving, there is enough grass to munch for a long life. he may still be munching. he is very handsome and appropriately named.

    1. And a lot more out of frame too Sandra :) He was a very handsome bunny, that's for sure.

  11. Oh my, Buffalo Bill Bunny has the cutest ears!! Very nice of him to stay for awhile as you took photos:) Thanks for sharing. Hope you will be out and about again soon...and that all is going well. Here's to a nice weekend ahead!!

    1. Doesn't he though? :) Glad you enjoyed Jennifer, and thank you! Every so slowly getting out there and I wish you the same with a nice week ahead.

  12. Replies
    1. Very much so, thank you Jan and all the best to you too :)

  13. Replies
    1. Estoy de acuerdo, un conejo muy lindo :) Gracias y te mando un beso.

  14. You entertain us well with photos of the cute rabbit munching the grass. Thank you for the link to Buffalo Bill Cody. The stories told to you when you were young has jogged my memory as Buffalo Bill was well known in our home too.

    1. That's interesting about your own memories of Buffalo Bill Linda. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my rabbit :)

  15. Buffalo Bill Bunny is VERY handsome!! I love counting bunnies each year but he is particularly striking!

    1. Very handsome indeed Jeanie :) I wish we had bunnies around our way. I haven't seen any in a long time.

  16. Hello Buffalo Bill. He's a big fellow, Denise. That's interesting to hear that your dad was a big western fan and used to tell you stories. My dad loved John Wayne, and watched all this movies. You took some great photos of this guy.


    1. Your dad and my dad had a lot in common Sheri. My dad loved watching all the John Wayne movies :) Thank you, it was nice seeing photos of this bunny again.


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