Friday, September 20, 2024


 This is the entrance to the garden. I should say first that they are closed on Monday, both garden and the museum next door. You can buy your tickets at the kiosk on other days, and also inside the museum. Their link is here
This is all part of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. If any of you find yourself in the area, the address is 901 Amherst St., Winchester, VA 22601, and contact information can be found at this link. Their main phone number is 540-662-1473 and their toll free number is 888-556-5799.
I shared the daffodils in this post and also an information marker about the artist.
Photos don't do any of these exhibits justice, but it was fun taking them. I also love the old stone walls.
I explained on my previous post that the following are hollyhocks, and the piece was inspired by the original celluloid hollyhocks used in the production of the "Wizard of Oz" which the artist saw during a backstage tour at Disney World.
You can click on all the pictures to enlarge for better detail.

I am once again sharing a photo Gregg took. This is in the statue garden and you can see the crepe myrtle piece behind it. If you ever followed Greek mythology, the statue depicts a Bacchante or Maenad. Maenads were the female followers of Dionysus, often depicted as mad women who roamed the mountains and forests performing frenzied dances. This sculpture is a copy of a marble bust by Leandro Biglioschi. I couldn't find out much about him other than that he was an Italian artist who was born in the 19th Century.
Another view that I took with my cell phone.
Onto another piece, also in the Statue Garden was one called Wave Crest.

One more glass exhibit and then I am going to put the machine up for the night. In the center you can just about see it.
I didn't get close enough to take a photo of the ID info but found it on a leaflet picked up at the kiosk as we entered. These last two photos are Gregg's. He asked very nicely for me to stay off the grass as it was still wet and very slippery, the undulations would have done me in, and he knows my reputation. He took the photos for me.
This is called 'Making A Wish'. It is a dandelion puff, and one of my favorites even at a distance.

I am slowly making my way through the exhibits we saw that day. It is hard to transfer these amazing pieces into a photo, but I was very happy to be able to see most of them relatively closely. 

There will be more posts next week.

Thanks for looking and I hope your day is a great one.


  1. Beautiful art! I love that daffodil one especially.

  2. Oh how I adore those daffodils, they look so real, all the flowers are wonderful, Denise.
    Take care.

    1. They are beautiful aren’t they? Thank you Margaret and you take care also :)

  3. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pieces. It is an exhibition I would LOVE to see in person.

    1. So glad you enjoyed them Sue :) I am hoping to go one more time before this exhibition leaves sometime in October, round about the 13th I believe. I will have to check on that. Anyhow, fingers crossed.

  4. The dandelion seed head is beautiful and one of the favourites for me of the ones you've shown. What a lovely exhibition. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Yes, that’s my favorite also :) you are very welcome Janice and thank you.

  5. These are all amazing and fascinating. I don't think I can even pick a favorite. I do like the name for the last one though and I've always been fond of dandelions.


    1. It is hard Ann as I like them all but like you, I have always been fond of dandelion :) There is a website that has a lot of amazing sculptures of them, one has always been my favorite, that of a young girl rotating holding a dandelion. There are several if you go here.

  6. Hello,
    I would enjoy seeing this exhibit. The glass sculptures are beautiful. Take care, have a wonderful day and a happy weekend!

    1. That ‘s great Eileen, thank you so much and I wish you the same :)

  7. My plan for the day now is to go out into the forest (there are no mountains here) to search for mad women performing frenzied dances. I’ll let you know what I find.

    1. Thank you David, for my first laugh-out-loud of the day. You be sure to let us know if you find any ;)

  8. How beautiful!! What a neat place to visit!

  9. What a wonderful place and memorable holiday. God bless.

    1. Thank you very much Victor and the same to you :)

  10. I love them all, dandelion and jonquils are my favorite. awesome, glad you listened and stayed off that grass

    1. That’s great, thank you Sandra :) Yes, I had a stern talking to as I am still hobbling.

  11. How I love beautiful art! I would have enjoyed this.

    1. Me too Gigi, always have :) I know you would have enjoyed this exhibition.

  12. Oh my goodness these florals are amazing Denise! Like you I really really like the dandelion piece. Great photos! Sorry to hear you are still hobbling. Our daughter takes after her mother and is in the same boat. She's been going to PT for help. They really did help me as well, even though it seems to act up all the time recently. Take care and have a good weekend!

    1. They really are Martha Ellen and how very nice that you liked the dandelion also :) I am so sorry about your daughter’s problem, you too. I will be going back to the doctor very soon. You take care and I in turn wish you a good weekend.

  13. How very pretty the artistic daffodils are and to have them in your yard year around would be lovely
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. They are lovely, aren’t they? I would love to have something similar in our garden. Thank you Cecelia, sending hugs :)

  14. I so love all of that Make A Wish dandelion. But still, couldn't pick a favorite.

    1. Hi Rose! It is hard to pick a favorite I agree but I keep going back to that dandelion :)

  15. Replies

    1. ¡Muchas gracias! Me alegra que te guste el jardín. Te mando un beso.


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