Friday, November 3, 2023


  • "Teach us to remember the little courtesies, to be swift to speak the grateful and happy word, to believe rejoicingly in each other's best, and to face all life bravely because we face it with a united heart."

Walter Russell Bowie (October 8, 1882 – April 23, 1969), was a priest, author, editor, educator, hymn writer, and lecturer in the Episcopal Church.  He was born in Richmond, Virginia, actually the fourth of his family to have the same name, and with family relationships among the First Families of Virginia.  He entered the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary, now known as Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia, where he earned a B.D. in 1908 (shortly after which he was ordained a deacon) and later earned a D.D. (1919). His aunt was the suffragist and educationist Mary-Cooke Branch Munford, and novelist James Branch Cabell was kin as well.


  1. Wow, this author apparently had a lot of talents. It is a really good quote, and something to be taken to heart.

  2. He certainly came from an illustrious family - and I love that quote.

    1. Me too, and I like to share the ones that speak to me. Thanks Sue :)

  3. Fabulous quote - here's to more unity in the world, kindness and gratefulness.
    Have a happy weekend!
    Wren x

    1. Hello Wren, and oh yes indeed! You have a happy weekend too:)

  4. Great quote and a pretty sky! Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  5. Excellent words and ones we need to remember, Cheers Diane

    1. Most definitely Diane and cheers to you also :)

  6. The world would be a better place if more folks actually lived those words.

  7. Wise words for us all to remember. Happy weekend, Denise.

    1. Yes indeed and I wish you a happy weekend also Jeanie :)

  8. sadly i think some of what is wrong with our world is the loss of remembering the little courtesies and all the things mentioned i the quote

    1. We need to remember more of those don’t we Sandra? :)

  9. It's always good to hear the grateful and happy words from someone and better yet to be the one who delivers them...

    1. Thank you Ellen, it is a pleasure to share such wise words :)

  10. Great quote...and always a needed (and timely) reminder! I have the hardest time getting to your blog. My computer wants to keep me away/block you...grrr and every time I think I have solved the problem, the next time it reappears. While I'm here, I hope to catch up a bit:) Hope you have had a great week!!

    1. Thanks so much for persisting Jennifer, I really appreciate that. I have been wondering if some servers don’t like the links I provide in my posts? Is it when people update with new computers and have different servers that won’t talk to mine? I am not too computer savvy so I really don’t know. These thoughts just pop into my head. I have been to other blogs and have been given a warning page about going no further, so there have been times I have not been able to return a visit. I am happy I don’t get this issue too often. I had a great week thank you, I hope you did too :)

  11. So beautiful and certainly timely every day, my friend! Being born in Richmond I was particularly interested in Rev. Bowie. I didn't know about him, but certainly do know about Mary Munford and James Branch Cabell. On our walk today I was telling Grayden that I wish to look to the positive more. I'm afraid the news is getting to me...Thank you so much for this beautiful thought and your lovely cloud photo with the moon!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I'm very happy reading this quote gave comfort. They often speak to me too when I need them. I understand how you feel about trying to be more positive. There is so much going on here and around the world that is heartbreaking. We certainly need more acceptance and kindness out there. How nice to learn you were born in Richmond. I enjoy going there when I get the chance and like many places, it has been too long. Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend.

  12. Interesting. I did not know anything about him.

    1. He was new to me also. I just happened on this wonderful quote :)

  13. it's so important. i find being kind to others makes me feel really good!! pretty picture and words, have a wonderful weekend denise!!

    1. Very true Debbie, and I couldn’t agree with you more. You have a wonderful weekend also :)

  14. This is what I love about Hawaii. Everywhere we go most people smile at you and often times wave even though they don't know you.

    1. That’s awesome Kay :) I remember that from our trips there.

  15. I loved the quote dear Denise!
    I agree that it is only kindness that make us human, specie better than animals.
    I think wisdom behind kindness is faith knowingly or unknowingly our faith in goodness we have received from our God as human make us humble and kind to all we encounter throughout our life

    1. Hello Dear Baili, so glad you enjoyed the quote and I agree :) Thank you my friend!

  16. Thank you for sharing this quote.

    All the best Jan

    1. You are very welcome Jan, thank you and all the best :)


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