Thursday, March 17, 2022



We were trying to decide where we were going to take our walk.  I suggested Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge.  It is hard to believe that our last trip was in October of last year, which we enjoyed tremendously.  Then and now there were only a few people.  It is probably a different story on the weekend.  

On our last trip we said we should go to Painted Turtle Pond, and that's what we intended to do.  Where you see the people walking in the picture above, that's the route we took before.  You can see the water in the distance.  Where I am standing is a right hand fork, which is the way to the pond.  As it turned out we didn't spend a lot of time there, but will be going again in the not too distant future.  All our time and energy will be devoted to the pond, and we now know of a short cut. 

One of the trails was closed and I read the sign.  It is the first time I have come across an area where birds are actually banded.  
We are never too far from the water…
and I loved all the trees.  This one had the sun behind its main trunk, and it gave a nice halo effect.
We were curious about this side trail and saw a bird blind at the end. 
It would give a great view of waterbirds, but there were none that I could see today.
We were surrounded by Red Maple trees and they were showing signs of warmer weather.
I saw this lying on the deck rail.
 I am assuming it is from one of those buds.
Further up the trail I noticed movement in a tangle of branches and found this sweet thing.
I have never seen this bird before so it was exciting to try and identify it.  
I looked at a lot of birds online and think I have it identified, a Hermit Thrush
If one of my blogging friends could confirm that, I would be very grateful.
We spotted an Eastern Bluebird high in the branches of another tree.  It also stayed long enough for a few photos...
and was still there when we left.
I always thank them as they yet again confirm that being around nature is good medicine for the soul.

If you missed our last trip and are curious, click on the links provided below.

I still have more to share from our walk but it is getting late and I will stop for now.



  1. Back when I lived near Woodbridge, this refuge was not open yet. Glad to see your pictures.

    1. Thank you Linda :) I hope you can take a trip over there to see it for yourself one day.

  2. How wonderful! I would spend all day by the water, waiting for the birds. I have seen Thrushes, but never a Hermit one! I hope someone gives you a positive I.D.

    1. Thanks Ginny, I could spend hours there just sitting. It is so calming and peaceful!

  3. A lovely walk on a good path by the look of it and being able to see the birds as you went - a good day I bet.

  4. Looks nice and great for a quiet walk! I definitely would enjoy a walk there.

  5. What a wonderful place for walking.

  6. Hello, Denise
    I believe you are correct about the Hermit Thrush. Lovely photos of the Hermit Thrush and the Bluebird. The wildlife refuge looks nice. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen and for confirming that it is a Hermit Thrush. Glad you enjoyed :) You take care and have a great day also!

  7. Replies
    1. Fico muito feliz que tenha gostado das minhas fotos :) Obrigado! Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  8. In a few weeks this forest will look very different. However, a forest without leaves has it's own beauty.

    1. I agree Red, I consider those bare branches works of nature's art :)

  9. I pushed my finger on your thrush and per the internet it is a hermit thrush. also adorable. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all these trees, and the leaves on the ground. A place i would like to walk.. you are blessed to be close to this place to walk

    1. Great! Thank you so much for confirming the ID Sandra :) I am very fortunate that there are so many places around here to enjoy walking.

  10. Such a nice walk and such pretty, pretty birds.

    And you can see them more easily now, with out all the foliage yet grown.

    🍀💚🍀Happy St. Patrick's Day!!🍀💚🍀

    1. Yes, it will be more difficult to photograph them when there are more leaves on the trees. I hope your St. Patrick's day was a great one :)

  11. bird blinds are wonderful, if you have access to them. pretty pictures of the birds, the bluebird is gorgeous...they always look like such a "sweet" bird!!

    1. They certainly are, totally agree. I've even thought of getting a small one to go over my chair and sit out there, lol! Thank you Debbie :)

  12. You always choose the best days for your outings, Denise. The beautiful blue skies in your photos is so lovely. A great backdrop to view nature. How grand to see a Hermit Thrush and Eastern bluebird!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen :) I was a happy camper when I saw those birds :)

  13. What a great place to visit and a bonus that there were not too many people around. (Kind of a great side benefit of being retired I have found out.)
    Great photos of your birds.

    1. It is Yogi, and thank you :) Many benefits in retirement, one being able to pick and choose your times for visiting these places.

  14. What a wonderful place for a walk and great bird photos. I'd love to see a bluebird!

    1. Hi Jeanie and thank you, we were happily surprised to see these birds :)

  15. What a great day you must have had. That first pic made me want to be there so bad. I think you are right about the Hermit Thursh, but I am not an expert.

    1. We certainly did Rose and thank you :) I am no expert either and still rely on my blogging buddies to steer me in the right direction.

  16. Beautiful walk -- bare trees are so graceful! and the birds are wonderful (and congrats on being right on the adorable hermit thrush!)

    1. Thanks Sallie, I was so excited to see that little bird, all birds really but to find a new one is a lot of fun :)

  17. Thanks Linda :) I was very lucky to get them.


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