Friday, March 25, 2022


 The photo and poem are from an old blog post dating back to a road trip in 2013, out west somewhere.  It is fun for me to look back to see a previous post years ago.  I forget sometimes that I started blogging in April of 2008, starting this 'new' blog officially in 2016.

A Little Further

The reason I never can quit the road
Is a reason that's plain and clear.
It's because no matter where I may stop
And whether it's far or near

There's a place beyond the place I am
Wherever I may be at,
And then beyond is a place beyond
And the world beyond all that!

And as long as a man has eyes to see
And a brain that wants to know,
I figure there's things he's bound to miss
If he doesn't go on and go;

For there's always a place beyond the place
I happen to hang my hat,
And another place beyond that place
And the world beyond all that.

There's some folks stay in a single spot
Or a town of which they're fond,
And never worry a little bit
At the thought of a place beyond;

But the place beyond the place beyond
Won't never let me rest,
For there's a sort of a kind of urge
That's burning within my breast.

To go and go till the end of life,
And when I've left it flat,
Go on beyond the place beyond;
And the universe after that.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!


  1. An interesting poem - but this homebody is happy to have a place to hang her hat.

  2. I can't help but say "Are we there yet?" from seeing this photo.

    I used to like to travel, but now I'm content to stay close to home..
    still,I find no words to make this a poem.

    1. I think I may have said that a few times on that journey Anni, lol :) I'm feeling the same lately, but I enjoy the memories I have of traveling.

  3. Love the photo. Great poem too.

  4. That's an inspiring poem. Oh, longing to hit the road! Thanks for popping by last night (or very early this morning!)

    1. Happy you thought so Jeanie :) I am ambivalent about traveling these days. My dear other half, however, is looking forward to our next road trip :) and once he gets that cannon to shoot me out of the house, I daresay I will enjoy it too ;)

  5. I have trouble with meanings in poems and this one I read it out loud to myself and understood every word of it. I may try that with other poems. I am a homebody, never have cared for travel, but my mother and her sister would have traveled every day of their lives is they could have. which means I understand both the wanderlust and the stay at home parts

    1. Hello fellow homebody ;) I liked this poem a lot. Yes, I have a foot in both camps that way :)

  6. This poem is exactly the way I feel and I lived part of my life that way.

    1. I have enjoyed your stories of when you traveled Red, you should write a book :)

  7. Fun poem. I do love to go on and on for a road trip!

    1. That's great Ellen, happy this poem spoke to you :)

  8. WOW, I LOVE this poem! And it makes me wonder how the two types of people come to be...the travelers and the homebodies. And A photo where the land is so FLAT, yet there are mountains!

    1. So glad Ginny :) it's a beautiful country, has something for everybody :)

  9. A beautiful and sentimental poem! I like the photo.

  10. Replies
    1. It was indeed, I always loved those long roads out west :)

  11. I do like the photograph here and I enjoyed reading the poem.

    Have a great weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Happy you did so Jan :) Thank you, all the best to you and have a great weekend also.

  12. At my age, short road trips are best. I like my own bed.

  13. The poem is a good one. It's a strange feeling when you have gone as far as the road takes you, then you come to the sea and you just can't go any further - strange feeling.

    1. Thank you Margaret, I thought so too. I remember thinking that once when we were on a trip and reached the Pacific Ocean :)

  14. Great poem. I like moving forward and seeing what is ahead. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Margaret, thank you and have a great weekend also :)

  15. Replies
    1. Fico feliz que tenha gostado :) Um abraço e continuação de bom fim de semana!

  16. Thanks Linda, so glad you enjoyed :)

  17. i started blogging a just a little after you in 2010. this is a great picture and the poem is perfect for it!! enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

    1. Thank you, I am glad to have met you through blogging Debbie :) We have been posting for a lot of years now haven't we? You enjoy what's left of the weekend, and have a great week :)

  18. Interesting view, but not mine. :-) I'm one of those, who are happy, to stay in one place.


    1. Good for you :) I loved my travels but am happiest when I am home these days. The road doesn’t have the pull on me it once used to.

  19. Boy can I relate to this poem, Denise! And a great photo as well.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I hope you get to traveling again real soon :)

  20. I like this poem very much; it fits us! Except that when I am in one place I'm not unhappy. But as soon as we hit the road (even for a short trip) I want to go on and see what else there is.

    1. Thank you Sallie :) once I am on the road I know I enjoy it, it's just getting me out there that's the crux of it all right now. I am very content being ho me right now.


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