Friday, October 20, 2017


I shared the picture below back in July, and I thought he deserved his own post today.

We found him on our last visit to Huntley Meadows Park mid May.  You can learn more about him here.  If you scroll down that page, just beneath where it shows you a silhouette of the bird (left-hand side of the page you will see 'key to identification'), you can click on a button to hear its call.

We always find them at the park, as we walk along the wooden boardwalk that goes over the marshy water.  We have seen them in other similar habitats over the years.  I love their colorful epaulettes on their shoulders.


  1. Beautiful photos of this bird, Denise! I do see them here in Montreal occasionally, but not often! Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. You have captured his look perfectly! We have many of these that fly down on the cattails at sunset. The females look nothing like these males! They look like large grey striped sparrows. No black or red. Of course I love your singing picture the best. Look at his throat all puffed out with air.

    1. Hi Ginny, thank you. They love perching on those cattails, and to see them at sunset would be especially appealing to me. I have seen the females and at first didn't realize they were red-wings.

  3. Those birds are so pretty. I used to love looking out for them when we went on outings.

  4. So much prettier than our blackbirds. Wondering if we have any like yours over here.

    1. Hi Valerie, I would be very interesting in finding out what kind of blackbirds there are over the pond. I remember regular blackbirds and they have those here too. When I lived in the UK I enjoyed the birds but wasn't as interested when younger as I am now.

  5. Hi Denise,
    Such a colourful Blackbird, you certainly have some super finds on your trips about, some wonderful images of this delightful bird. Hope you are feeling much better.
    All the best, John

    1. Thank you John, I am missing getting out. Feel better but still a bit housebound. I am itching to get out, so must be getting there :) All the best to you too.

  6. Hello, wonderful post on the Redwing Blackbird. Your photos are awesome. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend.

    1. Thank you Eileen, I had a real nice Friday. I hope you did too.

  7. I remember you posting this guy's picture before, he is a cool looking bird with that splash of color on his wings.

  8. he is really pretty and the call has a kind fo warble in it, like a country singer LOL

  9. I love red winged blackbirds, often when driving I would stop to hear their chirping while catching insects in fields of farmer's or grass fields. I wonder if the top photo is a tri-colored blackbird? It's so difficult to tell the difference between the two.

    1. Hi Linda, I have never heard of the tri-colored blackbird before. I will have to check.

  10. Beautiful photo, love the effect of the leaves as well.

  11. Beautiful birds! We've got them here as well, though I imagine they've migrated.

  12. Your photos are wonderful! I see them here too, but am never able to get good shots like these.

    1. Thank you Lois, we consider ourselves lucky that this one stayed in place long enough for us to get a few photos.

  13. Your photos are so pretty. I don't think that type of bird exists here in Hawaii.

    1. You have lots of other pretty birds we don’t have :)

  14. Lovely photo's here, such amazing colour in the wing.

    All the best Jan

    1. I never get tired of seeing or hearing them. All the best to you too Jan :)

  15. Cool looking bird. Great shots.

  16. What a pretty bird, love that red wing. Have a great weekend, Diane

  17. You got some great shots of this pretty bird.

  18. Thank you Linda, always love to see these birds.


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