Friday, October 6, 2017


One of those change of pace posts today.  These were taken of the artwork and nicknacks in the house we stayed at when we were on vacation in Corolla last month.  Someone had put a lot of thought into decorating.  I took notes for when I decorate my son's old bedroom.  I intend to put mostly framed photos on the walls, but a few works of art plus a collectible here and there, would be nice.

Many of the prints were those canvas ones without frames, the kind where the sides are about an inch deep and stick out from the wall.

Definitely a beachy theme which fit in perfectly being near the ocean.

These were hanging up in the breakfast nook.  Made me want to go get my coffee right away!  Talk about the power of suggestion.

As you can see, I had a great time walking around snapping away.

The birdhouses below fit very well in one of the bathrooms.

I can't remember where I found this tile.

A lovely wrought iron piece in one of the hallways.

There are enough photos for another post sometime, but I will leave it alone for now.

Things are slowly getting back to normal after our trip.   A visit to my dentist was at the top of the list.  Gregg and I are going to the same practise, so we have both had appointments since we got back.  

My second visit was today.  It went better than the first time.  I tend to be a bag of nerves when I go.  It has been a while as the last place I went was like a house of horrors.  I think I may have written a post about it once on my old blog, when it was still a fresh memory.  Suffice to say it took me a while to get back to a dentist, and Gregg did the ground work to make sure it was a good place.  I am happy to say it was.  The people in there are lovely.  

The first time the dental hygienist noticed that the small bottle of water I had in my hand looked like a storm at sea.  My hand was literally shaking.  She immediately took my blood pressure and I think was surprised to see that it was very good.  The next question was, she wanted to know if I was on any blood pressure medication.  I told her I wasn't and she seemed surprised; she probably thought it would be out the stratosphere.  

Both the dentist, the dental hygienist and the receptionist treated me with kid gloves on that first visit, and the dentist and dental hygienist kept telling me I had done so well and that they were proud of me.  I had a hand rub or two with kid-gentle expressions, and I'm thinking all the time, wondering if Gregg had said anything to them beforehand.  I asked him when I got into the car at the end of that first visit (he had taken me and waited for me), "Em.....what did you tell them about me, just curious?"  "I told them to be nice to you or you'd be out of there faster than a bat out of you-know-where."  I had to smile, he was speaking the truth, and I would never have gone back.  I think they also noticed that when they called me in, I hesitated for several seconds and quickly looked at the exit door.

I'm glad to say on my second visit I felt a little calmer.  I have to go back in three weeks, and then it will be on a normal schedule.  They are very nice people, and I will be going back on a regular basis.  

And you are going to have to put your sunglasses on when you speak to me, my teeth are nice and sparkly.


  1. Love the art work.
    And am glad you and Gregg have found a good dental practice. Many years ago our dentist slapped my face. I will never, ever forgive her. I was young (10 or so). What she was doing didn't hurt precisely but felt vile. A tear formed. Just one. No sobbing. And the vile woman slapped me.
    These days I grip onto the sides of the chair with a death grip - even for checkups.

    1. Thank you EC, what a dreadful thing to do. No way would she get away with that now. I am as rigid as a board in the chair. Hugs to you too :)

  2. Oh boy I definitely get all worked up for my dental visits and they know they need to treat me with kid gloves. I sometimes take my dear daughter or husband along to hold my hand and calm me down. It's the only place I feel this way. I can have surgical treatments that I'm a lot calmer for. For me it's the swallowing and gagging reflex I have. Oye! Glad this visit was calmer for you.

    1. Hi Ellen, I am glad you have that support from your family. Gregg is very good at calming me down.

  3. These are some really lovely paintings and decorative pieces. My fave painting I think was the colorful sailboats and loved the wrought iron medallion! What a wonderful place that must have been to stay! Glad your Dental visit went well.

    1. Thanks Marie and funny you should say that, these were my two favorites also :)

  4. I agree Linda, looks like you had a great time in Corolla :)

  5. I absolutely love the art, Denise, and Gregg is so sweet, referring to what he said on your dentist visit. :)

    1. Thank you Linda, and Gregg was a sweet taking care of my well being.

  6. How nice to come back from vacation full of inspiration. Not necessarily nice to go directly to the dentist but at least that is behind you :-)

    1. It is very nice Amalia and yes, I have a break from the dentist for a while.

  7. I am so glad you found a good dentist's office! Gregg did an excellent job in finding one. The decorations in this house are amazing! This woman really knows how to decorate! I have never seen little birdhouses up on stands like this. I think my favorite of all is the picture of the colorful sailboats with their reflection in the water.

    1. Thank you Ginny, he certainly did. I love the sailboat print because of all the colors.

  8. Love this post as I love all art.
    I feel for you re the dentist. I have never been worried about a dentist as I have had 6 monthly visits all my life since my first tooth came through. That was until I went to a dentist here who did a root canal treatment with no anaesthetic. I never returned and found a lovely dentist in our local village.
    Take care Diane

    1. Hi Diane, happy you enjoyed the artwork. I was always very good about dental check-ups until I had this very upsetting, painful and strange episode with a dentist who took over my regular dentist’s practice when he retired. I found out later people were leaving in droves. What a dreadful experience for you. Mine was a tooth extraction that could have been prevented, also with not enough anesthetic. That is the short version of the story :)

  9. Hello, love the pretty art work. I like the beachy theme. Glad all went well at the dentist. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Eileen, and a happy Friday to you too :)

  10. so glad you found a good dentist, it really matters which one you go to.. love all the pics of the décor where you stayed, you can put your beautiful photos on the canvas really cheap at Walmart.. check it out. and hang your own artwork

    1. I agree most definitely about a good dentist. Thanks for the tip about Wal-Mart Sandra, I will check that out.

  11. Somebody really put a lot of effort and thought into the artwork and decor in this home!
    I do find a visit to the dentist daunting but glad you survived!

  12. I haven't been to the dentist since 2015. No pain so I guess my teeth are okay.


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