Wednesday, June 7, 2017


When we returned home from our road trip back in mid May, it wasn't but a couple of days later that we headed to Meadowlark Gardens.  I have done many posts on my blog about this place.  It is one of our most favorites, where we enjoy a great walk with the added benefit of all that exercise, without realizing it is exercise. 

This shows the pathways we take going down the hill.  We always seem to choose the one going straight.

And of course we enjoy looking at the flowers in bloom.  There were others besides these but I will share those later. 

This is called Indian Pink (Spigelia marilandica).

This is called Small Sundrops (Oenothera perennis).

This is called Love in the Mist (Nigella damascena).  There are also ones with a pretty cornflower blue color.

Our path takes us by the children's garden and I am always pleased to see not only the flowers, but also the whimsical characters that reside here.

Here is an old favorite and has been in residence for a few years now...

as has this one, intently focused on the book he is reading.

They would delight any child, they would delight the inner child in all of us.

I was delighted when Gregg took a photo of the little Catbird that posed so nicely.

I have more photos from Meadowlark from that day, which I will share another time.


  1. What a beautiful place, a perfect spot to walk and enjoy. Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, we love walking around there.

  2. Beautiful flowers! I don't think we see the catbird up here.

    1. Thank you William, the Catbird is also a welcome visitor to our own garden.

  3. Denise, your photos are absolutely gorgeous, crystal clear, bright and delightful! I love to take long walks in nature, and I love scenes like in your photos. When I walk in nature it is so enjoyable and therapeutic that I don't even realize how long I walk! Thank you so much for sharing, you have brightened my day. :)

    1. Thank you Linda, I am so glad. I agree about walking in nature, it is very healing.

  4. I love it! Cannot wait for the rest!! And I love the Children's section just as much. The frog is just adorable! The Indian Pink I have not seen, it is incredible! Looks like some kind of fancy lily. Going through Botanical Gardens is my favorite, but I cannot walk very far now. Phil cannot wheel me through the one here, because it is mostly cobblestones. I do go, but can only get to a few of the close places.

    1. Thanks Ginnie, I was looking at old photos I had taken of the frogs. They have had a nice new coat of green since the rusty old days :) We have easily accessible pathways but it is a bit of a hill to climb at the end to get back up to the car park. Fortunately there are lots of benches, many of them in shady spots.

    2. I would have trouble walking over cobblestones.

  5. That's a sweet bird shot! Beautiful with that green background.

    1. She was a very cooperative bird but Gregg has fast reflexes as she didn't hang around for long after the photo.

  6. I would love to have a place like that Indian Pink and Love in the the latter one's name, too. I had not heard of either one that I remember.

    1. There always seems to be a few flowers that are new to me too :). They do have pretty names.

  7. I would just love a walk around these gardens, they are amazing.
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I always love it here. All the best to you too :). Denise

  8. Me too and you are very welcome :)

  9. Gorgeous gardens, though after your road trip I might have stayed at home for a while.
    I am glad you didn't.

    1. It is only 45 minutes away and is always a nice walk :)

  10. The place is simply lovely. Love in the mist. a lovely name

  11. I like the Indian Pink - it's an outstanding flower.

  12. Hello Denise, it is a lovely garden. The flowers are all beautiful. I love the Catbird posing for you. Beautiful place for a walk. Happy Thursday, have a great day!

  13. Now that is the kind of exercise I like. A gorgeous place

  14. The interactive garden for children is a really nice idea, I like the way that is laid out.

  15. that love in the mist is gorgeous and I would not even realize I was walking in a place with this much to admire and enjoy and snap at

    1. Hi Sandra! Me too, such a beautiful flower :) Always a lot to see here.

  16. Very nice photos, and colorful, too. Nice to walk there.

  17. Hi Denise, and such a beautiful place to visit and the children's Interactive Garden looks magical. You have captured some beautiful flowers as well, the Indian Pink is stunning. Even managed a bird at the end. All the best, John

    1. Thank you John, there was a lot to capture that day. All the best to you too. Denise :)

  18. what a beautiful place! have a lovely weekend!

  19. What a beautiful place to take a walk. No wonder you keep going back to the garden. Love the cute green frogs.

    1. Thank you Nancy, we are going again soon. The green frogs are cute aren't they?

  20. This is such a gorgeous place. I love all those flowers!

  21. Looks like a great place to visit and I am totally enamoured of the Grey Catbird perched so cooperatively for you.


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