Sunday, June 25, 2017


Gregg was at his Dad's house looking through old boxes of family photos.  There have been some treasures he has come across, ones of his mother he has never seen. 


This, however, is a mystery. There are no people here that we recognize. There were lots of photographs with nothing to identify them on the back.  A reminder to us both to start looking through the boxes of photos we have taken over the years (before the digital era).  We are guessing this was taken in the late 20s, early 30s.  I loved it!

I went on line and found the following poem.  Says it all for so many of our photos found.

"I love my family photos,
Such a simple treasure to me.
So many wonderful people
That are part of my history.

I look upon their faces,
My uncles, cousins and aunts.
I see myself in some of them,
The eyes...the smile...the stance.

Decked out in Sunday fashion,
They gathered for a quick snapshot.
Some clothes were made at home,
And some of them they bought.

And look at how far back they go,
To the horse and buggy days.
Perhaps we were not born yet,
Or were small with the past a haze.

Oh, look at Grandpa's trophies.
He tooks so very good.
He knew he was quite a hunter,
Though he wouldn't say out loud.

Let's not forget the animals
That helped to work the farm.
They too were part of our family
And had their special charm.

Just look at the family autos.
They had such class and style.
Yes, I love my family photos.
Come and look at them a while."

~Marilyn Lott~

Thank you Marilyn!


  1. Love the photo and the poem. Yep, we have lots of photos from Dear's side of the family that we have no clue about.

    1. Thank you Ellen. I think many of us are in the same boat :)

  2. The photo is very interesting. And I love your poem whicjh is so wise and wonderful

  3. I love the poem and love the photo even more. what a treasure

    1. Thank you Sandra, and once again I am very happy Bob is home :)

  4. Hi Denise, family photos are so precious, most of ours are slides pre-digital. Love the header photo and the poem. All the best to you both, John

    1. Thank you John, they are indeed. All the best to you also :)

  5. I love this poem! So is this Gregg's dad with all these ladies? Is he the one in the center? There is another man lurking about, too. Quite a mystery, for sure! They look like showgirls, so maybe they were in a show of some kind that he went to.

    1. Hi Ginny, this photo is from his mom's collection of photos. We don't recognize anyone here so unless someone gives us any more info, it will be a complete mystery. He has put it on Facebook to see if his cousins will give him any ID's. Keeping our fingers crossed :)

  6. I have so many family photos and I do know most of them. Just sad I have no children to pass them on to!
    Love the costumes here :-) Take care Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, I thought so too. Maybe there are some nieces and nephews who would treasure them for you.

  7. I so would love to know who they are...surely they are family? To have survived so long...and I would have thought, but don't know it for sure, but I bet photos were not just given away to whoever back then.

    I love the poem, too. It fits perfectly.

    1. I agree Rose, we are keeping our fingers crossed that someone will recognize the people in the photo. Even one ID would be welcome.

  8. What a wonderful find - and a great photo.
    My parents kept almost no photos, and those they did keep are mysteries to us.

    1. Thank you EC. I hope some of those photos will turn up one day, maybe from a relative?

  9. Denise, I love this old photo!!! I would have also guessed the late 1920's or the early 1930's! What a treasure! This post reminds me of what I have been doing on Facebook. I have found many of my cousins, both on my father's side of the family as well as my mother's side of the family, and they are friends on Facebook now. I started a couple of family albums on my personal page there, both on my mother's side as well as my father's side, and my cousins have been sending me their photos that I have been adding to these albums. It is such a joyful and rewarding experience! And some of my cousins have had photos of my father and mother that I had never before seen! Thank you so much for sharing this photo.

    1. Thank you Linda and you are very welcome. How wonderful that you are finding your cousins and friends on Facebook, and exchanging old family photos. I know Gregg enjoys being in touch with his. Those old photos are incredibly precious.

  10. Old family photos are such a treasure, Denise. After my mother's death, I inherited a lot of B&W photos which I had never seen while growing up. Luckily, most were of my parents and other relatives and as our family is small I could recognize most people. However, Pat has a large collection of family photos and even he isn't sure of who everyone is in them. I hope your online search turns up some clue for you as to the identify of the folks in your mom's vintage photo. And the poem was a good one for this post too.

    1. Thanks Dorothy, the same happened when my parents passed away. I treasure my old photos and am glad Gregg got some from his mom this time round. These mean a lot more to us than material possessions, our true treasures.

  11. I would imagine you're right on the era.

  12. So lovely to see old photo's.
    I enjoyed the poem.

    All the best Jan

  13. Thanks Linda! I think we all must have photographs that we can't ID. Still hoping that Gregg's relatives will be able to help.


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