Saturday, May 14, 2016


I have shared many posts on our visit to Mount Vernon, George Washington's home located in Virginia.  Today I am sharing the website where you can find information on the animals kept there.  You can click on this link.  The page also includes the sheep.

I am sharing with the following memes, with my thanks to Theresa, Eileen and Misty for hosting.  If you wanted to visit other participants or to join in, you can click on the name of each meme. 

Theresa at Good Fences
Misty at Camera Critters


  1. The little lambs are gorgeous. You always know spring has arrived when you see them. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Good to see the sheep out in the open by the neat fence.

  3. Gorgeous lambs, lovely to see that Spring is definitely in the air with you!
    Wren x

  4. they are all so pretty, i love the ones with black face and feet and the babies white with black... i sure would love to hold one of the babies.. my favorite shot is the one with the ram behind the feeding trough...

  5. Wonderful post and photos of the sweet sheep ~ especially the 'wee ones' ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  6. Hello Denise!:) It was intersting to learn about the kind of animals kept at Mount Vernan by George Washington, and I enjoyed seeing all the sheep, and lambs.
    Have a good weekend.:)

  7. I am surprised that animals are being kept at Mt. Vernon.

  8. Some of those sheep appear to be in need of a good shearing. I hope the crew at MV does this regularly. I assume you heard about the poor sheep in NZ who hadn't been sheared in years and was suffering horribly when they found him. Apparently, that wool keeps growing and growing and growing and can eventually kill the animal.

  9. "Cute barnyard critters!," he typed sheepishly.

  10. I imagine they attract quite a bit of attention. What a difference in size between the adults and the young ones.

  11. I really love these animals and hardly ever get to see them here in a big city like Montreal. Thank you so much for sharing, Denise. :)

  12. Looks like it was a bit of a dreary day, but still wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Hello Denise, I love the lambs and sheep! They are adorable critters. Awesome collection of photos. Some day I hope to visit Mount Vernon. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  14. I had no idea about the animals there. Are these all sheep? Even the ones with the horns? (Country girl I am definitely not!).... the black lamb is cute.

  15. Hi Denise, looks an interesting place to visit, love lambs at this time of the year when then start chasing around. Regards John

  16. Sweet little lambs are always a joy to see! Loved these photos & even the leery look the sheep is giving you over the feeding trough
    Happy weekend!

  17. Love them by the white fence ...
    It's a great time of year to see the little lambs.

    All the best Jan

  18. We have quite a few sheep farms around here. I love them!

  19. Wonderful photos of the sheep. The little lambs are so cute.


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