How about some pretty art?
The foxes don't seem to mind the snow, but I think they are looking forward to the warmer weather just like we are.
Love this one!
This looks really good! If you want to see the full instructions, you can find them at this link.
Time for some fun with Food
All these would be fun for the kiddos. I would even make this one for this big kiddo!
Wise Words!
It reads, "There is a place I go when life gets too static, and civilization seems far from civil. It's a place where they all know me and everyone is free, where I can sit in solitude and feel the Earth's energy, be at peace with everything around me, where I can hear the voices of animals. A place where I can speak the secret language of trees."
by Emelia.
"We witness other people's storms
From the shelter of
Our Own perspectives.
Let us be mindful
That we don't add the
Cold rain of judgement
To their already
Soaked spirits."
Liz Newman
Totally agree!
"There is nothing wrong with having a tree for a friend." - and that of a lamb would make me doubly happy.
Ah now! Hello Cottage of Mine By The Lake.
You make a lovely cottage of my dreams.
Little Cottage
Virginia Wauchope Bass
I know a little cottage
Where everything's just right;
The windows bloom with tulips
At dusk there's candlelight.
The knotted oak beside it
Is webbed with ivy leaves,
And honeysuckle tangles
In clusters round the eaves.
The friendly gate swings open
Against a low stone wall,
Where quaint old-fashioned blossoms
Design a Paisley shawl;
and up the winding pathway
The stones with moss are grown.
I love that little cottage
Because it is my own.
(How I wish but it's nice to dream!)
Close your eyes,
Take a breath,
Inhale calmness.
Exhale stress.
Make a cuppa,
Sink into a chair,
Pick up a book,
And what a lovely bedroom this is.
A bee? I would put one of these gates to enter my secret garden. Then I suppose it wouldn’t be such a secret would it, if we could peek through.
I would like a gate such as this.
I have changed my mind, I think I will have this one. I will just build my secret garden out of sight.
How pretty to light up the pathway.
Another wall. Let’s hope this is miles from anywhere, and the big kids (you know, adults like us) and little kids aren’t playing baseball nearby.
A few friends were meeting in the garden.
Having a little chinwag, just catching up on the latest news. This little one looks like he has big shoes to fill, but he's doing a grand job so far.
Not sure what's going on here but I like to think kitty is little birdy's protector.
Little duckling is trying hard to do snow angels. Keep trying little one!
As for mothers everywhere, fathers too, they know how to keep their chicks warm and dry.
I wonder what's happening on the other side of the fence. I think it's a game of football.
Kitty has the hang of it, that's a darned good snow angel. We had a lot of snow a while back. I am too old to try to get down and do snow angels. Come to think of it, I never did snow angels when I was young. It was not the thing where I grew up. My loss!
Some wise words.
1. Compliment three people every day.
2. Watch a sunrise at least once a year.
3. Be the first to say, "Hello!"
4. Live beneath your means.
5. Treat everyone like you want to be treated.
6. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen.
7. Forget the Joneses.
8.Never deprive someone of hope. It may be all they have.
9. Pray not for things but for wisdom and courage.
10. Be tough-minded but tenderhearted.
11. Be kinder than necessary.
12. Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
13. Keep your promises.
14. Learn to show cheerfulness, even when you don't feel like it.
15. Remember that overnight success usually takes about 15 years, sometimes longer. Never give up on your dreams.
16. Leave everything better than you found it.
17. Remember we rise by lifting others.
18. When you arrive at your job in the morning, let the first thing you say brighten everyone's day.
19. Don't rain on others people's parades.
20. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
And now something for the love of all children.
"Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count. It is a small window of time to learn and develop at the pace that is right for each individual child.
Earlier is not better!"
~Magda Gerber~
The bird is telling the rabbit that spring is on the way. There is no snow now but if you close your eyes and feel the warmth of the fire, the soft rain outside will sing you a lullaby. Wrap yourself in a cozy throw someone gave you and think of the love they put into every stitch.
I hope seeing these lovely things has kept your heart happy and you don’t have any...
I don’t have any mubble-fubbles today. The weather is getting warmer, but I am not going outside until the temperature is at least my age, or near to it!
Thanks for looking everyone
and have a great day!
(With my thanks to Pinterest for today’s inspiration.)