Tuesday, August 13, 2024


I am not getting out and about right now as I have a sprained knee and have been told to rest up, so I am using another archive post from The Everglades. It's one I published on my old blog 10 years ago.

I was very happy to keep company with this Green Heron while he was fishing, and he wasn't that far away. He was very focused on his fishing to bother about me. I was on the walking path not too far from his position. (These photos were actually taken in January 2014.) 

You can learn more about this beautiful bird here. Its calls can be heard here.

A few facts, the Green Heron is one of the few tool-using birds.

In flight it resembles a crow but the wing beats are slower, a slightly different shape and the neck is a reddish brown.

Both parents incubate the eggs for 19 to 21 days (three weeks). My information came from this link and there is much more to learn at their website.

The birdlife in Florida left us with several amazing sightings, this being one of them. Since my first sighting of this awesome bird, I have seen them since in various places, on other holidays but also closer to home at Huntley Meadows Park in Alexandria. You can revisit those posts below if you like.  
I hope you have enjoyed my first ever sighting of the Green Heron.

Thanks for looking and have a great day!


  1. Hope your knee is not to painful Denise, wishing you well.
    The bird is a beauty and good to read the post..
    Take care.

    1. Thank you Margaret, much appreciate that :) glad you enjoyed this post.

  2. I hope your knee recovers quickly - very painful.
    The green heron is beautiful, sleek and glossy, and its call is almost like a dog's bark.

    1. Thank you Janice, so kind :) it does have an interesting call doesn't it? I can hear the dog bark.

  3. Sorry to hear about your knee. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
    That green heron is quite striking.

    1. Thank you Ann, so kind of you :) That's a good word to describe the heron.

  4. Take it easy with that knee and recover soon. The local Green Herons will be happy to see you later.

    1. Thank you so much David, appreciate your kindness. Yes, I am eager to see them but will have to learn some patience :)

  5. wow, these are excellent of the Green heron, they are difficult to see and to get great shots of them... sorry about the sprain, I must have missed that on my test day

    1. Thank you Sandra :) I'll be over to see how you did. I've been thinking about you a lot. Glad to see you here.

  6. Hello Denise,
    Awesome photos of the Green Heron. It is one of my many favorite birds. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. thank you so much Eileen, I remember being ecstatic every time I see one. It's been a while. You take care and enjoy your day also :)

  7. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos of the Green Heron. Lovely reflection of him there! I understand about the knee issues my friend. Do take care as you rest.

    1. You are very welcome Martha Ellen, I'm so glad you enjoyed him. He was very cooperative the day I met him. I couldn't believe my luck :) Sounds like you have had some knee issues yourself my friend. Thank you for the empathy :)

  8. I've only gotten glimpses of green herons. They are beautiful.

    1. They certainly are, I agree :) I hope you get to see one up close some time.

  9. The Herons in the first two photos look so different from the others! We have them here, and they look more like your last four photos. Maybe it is the difference between male and female? Here, they are incredibly shy and will hide when seeing anyone. So I just love it when I spot one. How long should it take for your knee to heal? I hope not much longer. I have heard that a sprain can be more painful than a break!

    1. That's interesting, I look forward to the day I see one again. I think it's going to be a long time for my knee to heal Ginny. I have had sprains before and it's been a couple of months or more. I have had ankle sprains my whole life and they are very painful also and take weeks. I have never broken a bone, but I know how painful these are.

  10. Hope you get well soon, Denise. That heron looks really beautiful.

    1. Thank you very much Angie, much appreciated. The heron is a real beauty, I agree :)

  11. Sorry gto read about the knee issue, Denise, but resting up will give you a chance to go through some of your past adventures to share like this one. These were really good images of a green heron and I recall seeing them in VA at the Chincoteague Wildlife Refuge.

    1. Thank you for the sympathy Dorothy, I do appreciate it :) I will be doing a lot of knee rest for a while, and it has been fun going through my old posts. They bring back a lot of good memories.

  12. Good to see waht this heron looks like. Heal soon.

    1. Thank you Christine, so kind and I am glad you liked seeing the heron :)

  13. I hope you recover well. Thanks for posting.

    1. You are very welcome E :) and appreciate your well wishes, thank you :)

  14. Wow - what great photos! I love that concentration:) I do hope your knee is 100 percent soon. Please take it easy as you recover. Thanks for sharing your photos. I always enjoy my visits to your blog!!

    1. He certainly is focused isn't he? :) Thank you for your sweet comment both on my sprain and visiting my blog Jennifer. I am so glad you enjoy coming here. I certainly feel the same way about yours.

  15. I've never seen a green heron....yay for flashbacks.
    Ouch on the knee. Sprains heal at their own snail pace.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Hello Cecilia :) and yes, definitely yay for flashbacks. They come in very useful at times, and it's fun to revisit the memories. You're right and that's a great way to put it, snail pace, very much so. Sending hugs!

  16. these images are spectacular, so crisp and clear, showing all of the colors wonderfully. i thought the song?? i think it was the song, sounded like a dog barking!! i hope you heal quickly, but honestly, it's been so hot outside, this is a great time to rest indoors!! and i am sure you have great images from the past to share...i am sure i have never seen these pictures before!! and thanks for the fun facts...i really enjoy learning about the different birds!!

    1. After seeing all your beautiful photos Debbie, you've made my day by saying such nice things about mine. Thank you! That's a great positive attitude you have about staying inside. I needed that, thank you my friend :) Yes, learning about birds is a wonderful part of blogging. As I do my research on things I photograph, I learn so much!

  17. I hope your knee recovers quickly.

  18. Oh so sorry to hear about your sprained knee. I do hope it heals up well for you! Take care.

  19. Oh, my, these are fantastic captures! I love them all.

    1. That's great, so glad you enjoyed them Rose. thank you :)

  20. Bello pájaros. Cuida de tu rodilla y alíviate pronto. Te mando un beso.

    1. Muchas gracias. Aprecio tus amables palabras sobre el pájaro y mi rodilla. ¡Eres muy amable! Te mando un beso.

  21. Oh Denisse, I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. That sounds very uncomfortable and/or painful. Please take it easy.

  22. These photos are much too good to sit in the archive. Glad you shared them again. And I hope you are feeling in Tip-Top shape very soon dear. Aloha

    1. I am happy you think so Cloudia, and thank you so much for the well wishes :)

  23. Nice shots of the green heron. I've never seen a green one before.
    Sorry to hear about your sprained knee. Hope it heals quickly.

    1. Thank you Sandra :) and much appreciate your caring words.


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