Wednesday, March 20, 2024


This was one of the days when I didn’t have a lot to share, except for a few photos when we went out last Friday. I had been a wee bit under the weather, and it was the first time I had felt like getting out in a week. 

 I was very happy to see that my Hellebores were thriving. It had grown into quite a big plant and is in a patch near our front door. There are two but I don't see hide nor hair of the other one. Perhaps it didn't survive the winter. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.


I saw new shoots growing so I think the lilies will be showing next and further along, the Coneflowers?  We hired someone to do the winterizing of our garden last Autumn, and Gregg was wondering if the people who did the tidying up, pulled them out of the ground thinking they were dried up weeds. There again I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I tried to get a bit artsy with my second photo above, but it is too dark and my reverse shot to get the inside of those droopy flowers didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to.

I sometimes take photos of other vehicles on the road. An industrious individual has a mobile grooming center. What a clever idea! I hope they get lots of customers, and what pooch doesn't want a face pack with slices of cucumber on its nose?

We have a Santini's not so far away, where they do submarine sandwiches. Gregg had the Italian Cold Cut and I a Steak and Cheese. We both order the small and I usually cut mine in half and take the other half home for later. It makes a nice snack as usually Gregg shares that half with me. Neither of us eat too much in the evenings. 

So, of course I get my camera out while he is ordering at the counter. Yes, I take photos of sauce bottles and that's an amazing amount of bread! This place is very popular, though we always avoid the lunch crowd whenever possible. 

Next we drove to the supermarket to pick up a few groceries. I don't buy the cookies but I can certainly take photos of them. They are designed for the kiddos in mind.

We were good, no cookies, and just for fun here is what was on the grocery list, and the flowers were an impulse buy. Those were a bunch of sunflowers because I love sunflowers and they look real pretty on the kitchen table. I treated myself to the plate  shared in Monday’s recipe post. Iced tea, for Gregg because I don't drink iced tea, ground pork and a bag of coleslaw mix for that Monday meal, a container each of blackberries, blueberries and strawberries, a head of broccoli and a few birthday cards that are coming up for family and friends. A very ordinary day but ordinary can be fun, and relaxing, and especially so as I hadn’t been out for a while. After getting our groceries we drove home and I had a nap!  

Thanks for looking and I

hope your day is a great one!


  1. I'm glad you took a nap, and I hope you continue to feel better. You must have a really nice grocery store. Between dinner and bedtime is when I am the hungriest. It is hard to not eat anything. The Hellebores are amazing; I have never seen a real one. What a cute doggie advertisement on the truck!

    1. Thank you Ginny, feeling better. I like my hellebores too, an unusual plant and one I saw for the first time at a local garden. A friend got them for me. Yes, that was a cute doggie :)

  2. Comprehensive post, I liked it because it shows many sides of your daily life and is optimistic.

    1. Thank you Katerina, glad you liked it. I always try to keep my posts on the light side :)

  3. A lovely day, D. That is one of the pleasures of being retired. We can avoid the rush at our favorite places. I'm really anticipating seeing your beautiful spring shots. And I actually do enjoy highway photography as well so bring them on. Aloha!

    1. It was fun and you're right about being retired, it's so nice being able to take our time. I'll remember that about highway photos, stand by, lol! I am putting a post together about the spring flowers we saw the other day. It will be out in a day or so. Thanks my friend, you have a wonderful day!

  4. Hellebores are so pretty, but hide their heads - I saw on another blog that someone had displayed the flower heads in a saucer of water. It was very effective.

    1. Thanks jabblog and what a lovely idea. I can see how pretty that would be :)

  5. Always good to see things coming back up in the garden. I've never seen one of those plants you have. Those cookies are cute. Good for you showing constraint and not buying any :)

    1. Isn't it though? I only noticed them two or three years ago at one of the gardens we go to. Sometimes it's easy (not buying cookies) and other times, not so much ;) but we haven't bought any in quite a while.

  6. Hello,
    Happy Spring! Your Hellebores are pretty. I hope they return, we always look for our Bleeding Heart plant to pop up. The dog on the van is cute . Take care, have a great day!

    1. Hello Eileen, and the same to you! Thank you and I am still keeping my fingers crossed. I look forward to seeing your bleeding hearts. Yes, the grooming van picked a good ambassador for their business :) You take care and have a great day also.

  7. I consider your day a proper outing, at least it is for me, shopping and eating and taking photos, what could be better.

    1. Me too really and it's nice getting out and about. Yes indeed, what could be better :)

  8. For most of us most days are ordinary, so it’s good to consider them fun. I have a friend who says that every day he wakes up is a great day. There’s something true in that.

    1. Thanks David and I think your friend is very wise :)

  9. Your day sounded like a perfect outing to me, Denise, and hope you re feeling better. yes, taking photo of everyday sightings is great and something I do most of theb time too.

    1. Feeling better thanks Dorothy :) Taking photos is just a fun things I like to do. I'm glad I have a kindred spirit.

  10. Replies
    1. I am a bit late visiting blogging friends but will get there eventually :)

  11. Nice outing with hubby. What's not to like?

  12. Thank you Linda and I am very sorry you are not so well yourself, 6 days is way too long. Hopefully you will be able to sit out in the sunshine very soon, and I hope you feel better already.

  13. I often wish sandwich shops would just sell their bread!

  14. An enjoyable post! I am glad you are feeling better.

    1. Thank you so much e :) Very much appreciated!

  15. Well, I find this a super fun post and there's so much to see and read that I don't know what I want to comment on first. Firstly, the photo of the bottom of your flower, I like it. Especially because I often try that too but rarely manage to get them sharp. Then those cute cookies... so funny, those bright colors. And then knowing that you buy sunflowers, I find that so nice to know. I also cheer up when I see those little suns on their stems. Cool blog, sometimes we just have to stay close to ourselves and our photos. Then a story will naturally come, right?

    I came from this one today:

    1. Greetings Aritha, so glad you enjoyed. I love sunflowers, they brighten and cheer any room. Very wise words, thank you :)

  16. Glad you made it out and about. So much going on these days, in terms of physical health. Take care!

    1. Hello Jenn and thank you :) Yes there is, very true. You take care also.

  17. Your photos are always fun so I'm always glad when you share them! And the day out sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, so kind of you and very much appreciated. I find the simplest days a lot of fun :)

  18. So sorry to hear you've been under the weather, my friend. Glad you felt like getting out for an adventure. Your hellebores look lovely. They are so difficult to photograph. I hope more and more surprises pop up in your garden. You always take the most interesting photos. I'm afraid I haven't had out my camera for a while. Always enjoy what your share. Take care and get some rest.

    1. Hello my friend :) and thank you very much, so kind of you. I checked the garden again and wagged my finger at the squirrel just in case he was thinking of doing any digging over there! I go through spells when I don’t pick up my phone, but it doesn’t last long. I sometimes wonder if I am OCD, smiling here. I hope you are getting lots of rest too :)

  19. Hi! Ordinary is the best. I enjoyed your day, and I have to tell you, I love a steak and cheese! I like it with lettuce, tomato, and mayo. We used to have a pet groomer come to our home in a van. She did a great job, but it got to be very expensive for her, and for us too. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

    1. I try to remember that Billie Joe, and I truly believe even the simplest days are a blessing :) Interesting about your pet groomer. I was wondering about that when I saw this grooming van. I wished them well and hoped they had lots of happy customers. You have a cozy evening also my friend :)

  20. Those cookies look amazing. What child or adult could resist such a colourful treat.

    1. Totally agree Beverley, I would have enjoyed seeing them being decorated :)


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