Monday, March 18, 2024


This was a very fast meal, and one of those times I forgot to make a note of a link. It was one I may have found on Instagram, a video, so not written down that I could find anyhow, and then it was gone and I was onto something else. Happy to say it was a delicious meal.

1 lb. ground pork (you can use any favorite protein)

1 whole diced onion

4 finely chopped garlic cloves

1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger (you can use the powdered one - a teaspoon maybe, to your taste)

1 tablespoon chili paste (or any favorite seasoning that gives it a bit of a zip, or leave this out, entirely up to you)

1 14 oz. bag of coleslaw mix

3 extra carrots sliced into thin sticks (you can leave these out.  We just like carrots)

1 diced cooked potato (we had one leftover baked in its skin from the day before - it was a great addition - you can leave this out also but we enjoyed)

A handful of cilantro leaves, or you can use Thai basil, or baby spinach leaves (again, only if you like, not really a necessary addition. It wasn’t in the original recipe)

1/4 cup water

1/8 cup of soy sauce

1/2 teaspoon sesame oil

1/2 teaspoon rice wine vinegar

1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of hoisin sauce

Get all your ingredients measured out and ready. 

Heat your pan on medium-high (we put ours on 6 - electric stovetop).

Start with putting your meat and onions into a large-ish frying pan, stir and cook until meat is no longer pink. We added the carrots at this time. It said to drain grease when done but there really wasn't any with the ground pork we had.  I think this is if you use ground beef as we have had to do this when we have used it.

Add in the chopped garlic and ginger, mix in.

Do the same with the chili paste (here is when you can use your favorite seasoning instead).

Next mix in the bag of coleslaw, along with the 1/4 cup of water. Let everything cook down for a few minutes.

Stir in the soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar and desired amount of hoisin sauce.

Add in the Cilantro, Thai Basil leaves or baby spinach leaves if using.

Simmer on low until the veggies are as tender as you like them to be.

Serve and garnish with sliced green onions at the table.

Thoroughly enjoyed this recipe.  We made four servings and we will have the rest for tomorrow's dinner.

We thought it would be nice to add a poached egg on the top.

That's about it.  If you think I have left anything out, or haven’t made it clear enough, let me know in the comment section.  This meal is a great one for making it yours, tailoring it to the ingredients you have in your own supplies.

Thanks for looking, have a great week and...


  1. Denise seems a very tasty and quick idea for food. Have a beautiful week!

    1. Thank you Katerina and I wish you a beautiful week also :)

  2. Wow! This looks really delicious! But it doesn't seem that fast. I'd love to have this for dinner.

    1. Thank you Kay and I should have added that it went fast because both Gregg and I did the prep :) Sorry about that!

  3. It is pretty, and I LOVE your plate!

    1. Thank you Ginny :) it was a treat to myself after I had been a bit under the weather.

  4. I thought it was sitting on top of a large cabbage leaf at first. Then I realized it was a plate. This sounds a lot like the Egg roll in a bowl recipe that I have. Looks delicious.

    1. LOL! It does rather look like that doesn't it? :) I've heard of those recipes, maybe this was moreorless the same.

  5. Hello Denise,
    It looks delicious, another great recipe. Take care, have a great week ahead.

    1. Hello Eileen, thank you and I wish you the same :)

  6. I like a combination of hot food with cold salad. The spring onions look delicious.

    1. Thank you jabblog, it's a very nice combination :)

  7. if this tastes as good as it LOOKS it is fantastic. I can eat some of this and ground lean pork is one of my proteins I tolerate. last week I got hold of ground pork that was full of fat and boy did it talk to ibs. usually there is no grease and the tiny bit it has disappears quickly. thanks for sharing

    1. You are very welcome and I'm glad you can eat this Sandra :) This was pretty lean so we were lucky. I always try to get as much grease out of food as I can as I have issues too. Not like yours I don't think but enough for me to take notice.

  8. Looks similar to a deconstructed egg roll recipe I have. Love your cabbage plate.

    1. Yes, I'm beginning to think it is. Thanks Pamela, the plate was an impulse buy and I am happy I bought it :)

  9. Looks delicious, must give it a try. Have a good week.

    1. Thank you so much, I hope you like it. You have a good week also :)

  10. Smacznie wygląda, dziękuję za przepis. Miłego tygodnia:)

    1. Dziękuję i proszę bardzo. Miłego tygodnia :)

  11. Reading the ingredients, I can see why this was a hit! Happy week to you!

    1. Thanks Ellen, we catered it to our own taste and it worked out great :) You have a happy week also :)

  12. I do a stir-fry very like this and I think I got the sauce I make from one of your previous recipes! Much better (and less salty) than the bought one I used to use. And just about as easy. Adding the potato was a very useful suggestion -- Here in Florida our supermarket doesn't always have the best ones, so if I'm going to bake potatoes I'll pop in an extra just in case and then I'll have one leftover if they were all good.

    1. Wonderful, I'm glad you have been enjoying them Sallie :) Interesting about your potatoes, we've been lucky with ours so far, although Gregg finds some a bit sweet when cooked. Good to bake one ahead isn't it?

  13. Beautiful plate! I love it. You have inspired to make this dish for David, but with ground turkey, which I prefer. Oh, it will be delicious!

    1. Thanks Gigi, so glad you liked it. I hope you and David enjoy this :) Ground turkey would be a great substitute.

  14. Great meal choice, Denise. It looks very tasty. Adding it to our list of quick and easy meals. Thank you x

    1. Thanks Beverley and you are very welcome, enjoy! :)

  15. Replies
    1. Great, it was with us Martha Ellen :) Thank you!

  16. I like making stirfry with leftovers, sometimes with salad greens. A few cashews and an egg, perhaps.

  17. Thanks Linda, I bought it on my last trip to the store :)

  18. The stir fry looks amazing, Denise. And the green leaf plate you served it on is so pretty.

    Happy Spring!


    1. Glad you like the look of the recipe Sheri, and the plate. I treated myself recently :)


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