Thursday, June 29, 2023


 We decided to go out for lunch two days ago.  There was a 30 percent chance of rain and the skies looked blue when we went outside.  First of all I wanted to check on the flowers to see how they were fairing after the hailstorm we had last week.  Still pretty beaten down but the next bloom should sort them out - fingers crossed!  This coneflower had some kind of insect on it.  Looked like a bee but wasn't a bee, at least I don't think so.

When we got on the road the skies looked like this.

We had lunch and probably would have run a few errands, except the skies started looking like this.
and those clouds...
they just kept getting darker, and we saw lightning in the distance.
So, we decided we would try to get home before the rains came, though we stopped at the drive-thru coffee shop on the way.
Not long after it started sprinkling...
and turned into pouring.
At least we didn't have to water the plants that day.  How's your weather?


  1. Hooray for going out to lunch. We have had a teensy weensy bit of rain, but could do with more. Winter is here on the temperature front.

    1. Hurray indeed :) I hope you get more rain, not too much and just enough.

  2. It's just hot here...101-106*F
    Looks like a honey bee with a lot of pollen stuck to it's legs to carry back to the hive.

    1. Oh my, that is so very hot! Thanks for your input on the honey bee. I was trying to figure it out :) sending hugs.

  3. Amazing cloud photos well done, Hope all is well Diane.

    1. Thank you Diane :) all his well here and I hope it is the same for you.

  4. we are hoping for rain each day, we just got 3 mintues of sprinkles, which is better than nothing. keep hoping for a big downpour like yours. I do not like to drive in rain, glad you are safe. awesome black cloud pics

    1. Thanks Sandra! Goodness, that’s a tiny sprinkle. Hope you get enough to help soon :) I don’t like driving in heavy rain either. I have seen people pull over under bridges at such times, they are almost monsoon-like. It is scary being caught in them.

  5. It has been raining here in South Dakota quite a bit as well. Well, a lot for SD at least. Barb planted 50 trees a few weeks ago, they are doing well, except the hail has pounded them pretty hard the last couple of storms. The leaves have taken a beating!

    1. How wonderful that Barb has planted all those trees! I hope they recover from the hail. My flowers are still struggling.

  6. Great story of a thunderstorm developing.

  7. Toronto air quality is poor till Saturday.

    1. Sorry to hear that Christine and I hope it's much better for you today :)

  8. Clouds are so fluffy and beautiful.

  9. My coneflowers are not nearly ready to bloom, Denise. Nice to see yours. The cloud photos are so pretty, but ominious. We had a rip snorter of a storm a couple of evenings ago. I am thankful for the recent rains.

    1. Me too but heavy rains can be a little intimidating to me. I should have looked at those clouds and said uh-oh! I hope you will be enjoying your coneflowers soon Martha Ellen :)

  10. I haven't been out to lunch in a long time. Those clouds do look pretty nasty. I would have headed home too.

    1. Going out to lunch means going up to the fastfood place once a week :)

  11. Today we're back in smoky haze. We had some storms recently.

    1. Hopefully the storms will clear that haze William :)

  12. Here in the UK we could do with rain!

    All the best Jan

    1. I hope you get some soon Jan, all the best :)

  13. Thanks, Denise for taking us along the lunch road trip and hope you made it home without getting soaked. We have had rain nearly every day for the past two weeks and some have been downpours.

    1. Thank you Dorothy. We had a few sprinkles but it really poured as we were rolling into the garage :) We lucked out! I hope you get some rain-free days soon. Sounds like you've had more than your fair share.

  14. It was 30% chance rain around here too. Instead, I got soaked wet so bad that I am not trusting the probability.

    1. I hope you don't get soaked for a while. Next time I see a 30% probability of rain, I will be throwing my weather gear into the car :)

  15. Those clouds did look ominous! We are in a warm spell with temps getting into the 90's so any work we do outside is early morning or late evening. Happy end of June to you!

    1. Same here Ellen, I was out in the humidity the other day and it just about knocked me off my feet. I went flower shopping at noon the other day, and that old Noel Coward song came into my head about mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun. A popular tune my family used to sing when I was young. Happy July to you :)

  16. Cool sky captures. Your coneflower looks pretty. We could use some rain here.
    Have a happy day and a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Eileen, I hope by now you have had your rain. We had a nice, steady rain just now, enough to help the gardens and didn't have to get out there to water the plants :))) You have a happy day and great weekend also.

  17. Our weather has been all over the place. We had the rain, and now we have gray air that burns my eyes.

    1. Ugh, that sounds awful. I hope that goes away soon Linda :)

  18. At least yo got out for lunch. We went out for lunch yesterday to a new restaurant in the loval shopping centre but we were disappointed in the uncomfortable chairs , the wind blowing in the open door, the food was not the best and they were short of staff and didn't have a liquor license yet. Won't be going back. Our weather has turned cold and grey today not at all like Queensland weather.

    1. That's too bad about the new restaurant. Always disappointing when it doesn't live up to the hype. I hope today your weather warmer and sunnier :)

  19. We sorely need rain. Your skies were looking very blue. We haven't seen that in Michigan for awhile!

    1. I hope you get your rain Jeanie, and your blue skies :)

  20. I'm so glad you got some rain. Rain makes everything fresh and clean again. I didn't have to water either the other day, as we got a little rain. That's always nice that nature does it for us. Your cone flower is a beauty. That drive through coffee shop sounds nice.


    1. It certainly does Sheri, it’s always lovely for our plants and flowers to get this natural liquid sunshine :) Good to read you had some too. Thank you, I do love those coneflowers.


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