Wednesday, May 19, 2021


This trip was taken before the recent gasoline crisis on the East Coast.  We were fortunate to get our car filled up, which was not too far from empty, after driving by a dozen gas stations.  Most of them were closed in our immediate area, and the one or two that were open had lines stretching a very long way.  Hubby drove into Manassas the next morning, and after passing several that were closed, on his way home he found one place, still in Manassas, where there was only one person ahead of him on each gas pump.  I do hope you had no problems if you had to get into work.  

After an hour-and-a-half mini road trip we reached Brookside Gardens.  We haven't been here in about four years and we were very happy to get back as it is a gorgeous garden.  This year we will try to visit some favorites during each season.  
There weren't many empty parking spaces left (there are other parking lots in other areas also) but the garden is large enough that you don't get that overcrowded feeling, a few people here and there.
This is a link to a Facebook page where you can see photos and information.  At Trip Advisor you can see even more photos and read what people have to say about it here.  
Brookside is an award-winning 50-acre public display garden as I read, and it is situated within Wheaton Regional Park. 
I have been to the Butterfly exhibit in years’ past and look forward to going again, hopefully next time we go.  (I always look forward to seeing the butterflies no matter where we are.)  You can visit an Aquatic Garden, Azalea Garden, Children's Garden, Rose Garden, Japanese-Style Garden, Trial Garden, Rain Garden and the Woodland Walk. 

Added note: I have just learned that the butterfly exhibit, Wings of Fancy, will not be opened this year because of health concerns due to Covid.  
The Formal Garden areas include a Perennial Garden, Yew Garden, the Maple Terrace and the Fragrance Garden.  It has two conservatories for year round enjoyment, and a wedding gazebo.
The garden is open daily and there is no admission charge.  All this information came from here where you will get up-to-date information if you would like to visit.  At the time of preparing this post, it said the Visitor Center is open from 10.00 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.  The Gift Shop is open from 10.00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday to Monday (closed on Tuesday).  The Conservatory is open from Thursday to Sunday via free-timed tickets only, with entry at 11.00 a.m. and 12.00 p.m.
I learned of its history at that site also.  The garden grounds were originally part of a landscaping and garden center on a small farm owned by the Stadler Nurseries.  
Brookside Gardens opened to the public on July 13th, 1969, with a conservatory and 25 acres developed as gardens.  The landscaping and conservatory were designed by Hans Hanses and Carl Schoening respectively.  
More gardens have been added and refined to showcase local species over the current 54 acres.  A donation from Elizabeth Turley made possible the construction of a Visitors Center which opened in June 1998, along with a classroom and meeting space.
There were several very nice sitting areas and we made use of a couple of them.  People walked around, smiled and said hello.  
We were all very happy to be out and about.
I will have a lot more to share from here when I can put a post together.  Thank you for looking at these garden photos, and I hope your day is a great one.


  1. What a great photo of the two of you! This place has everything, and so unusual that it's all free.. But I think m favorite is the beautiful japanese Maple.

    1. Thank you Ginny and the Japanese Maple was my favorite tree, especially with the sun shining on its leaves. I wish I could have captured that in our photos.

  2. What an absolutely glorious place. Thank you so much for taking us with you.

  3. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado :) Um abraço e uma boa semana contínua para vocês também.

  4. Hello, Denise

    We were lucky to have filled up our gas tank the day before the pipeline being shutdown. The garden looks beautiful, I love the views of the pond. The trees and flowers are gorgeous. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen and so glad you were able to get a full tank of gas :) You take care and enjoy your day also.

  5. So nice to see you two, and it sure looks like a beautiful place!

  6. Glad that Gregg was able to gas up the car for your beautiful garden getaway, Denise. We did not experience any out of gas issues in Nashua, although prices at the pump have certainly risen the last few weeks. It’s unfortunate that the butterfly gardens will not be opened this season.

    1. Thanks Dorothy, but fortunately we visited the garden before any inkling of gas situation to come. We were due for a top-up a couple of days later when we found the problem. I enjoyed the butterfly garden but hopefully will see lots of them in the gardens during the warmer months :)

  7. so much beauty in that wonderful park. the trees are what I love the most. such a peaceful feeling just looking at the photos

    1. Hi Sandra, the trees are what draws me in :) It really is a most relaxing experience being around them.

  8. A lovely trip! Good if you have a Tesla in times like this.

    1. Thanks Christine :) I wonder if Tesla sales went up?

  9. The not being able to get gas must have been freaky. I don't know what I would do. I can see why you go back and visit this garden.

    1. Thanks Red :) I think it threw us for a loop, but I do remember the shortage in the 70s and long lines at the gas stations.

  10. Glad you had this lovely outing before the gas problems hit.

  11. so beautiful I would enjoy going there

  12. Great place, congratulations on your trip. Happy week :)

    1. Thank you so much and a happy week to you also :)

  13. Thank you Linda :) I'm glad you had the opportunity to visit. There is a Japanese tea house that overlooks the pond. Gregg found your Canada Geese photos and goslings on Facebook to show me. Adorable! I enjoyed them very much. Thank you for letting me know :)

  14. Glad you got gas. Tricky times. Love the gorgeous garden - what a place to visit. Beautiful photos too.

  15. What a gorgeous spot to visit on your road trip. It looks like they do a remarkable job of caring for the gardens well. You're that much further ahead of us here and things are more filled out. It's lovely.

    1. Thank you Jeanie :) The gardeners there do an amazing job. It must be a monumental task.

  16. We have never visited Brookside, Denise. Surely you are enticing us to visit. It's lovely to see such a nice photo of you and your sweetheart. I'll be sure to look for your next installment of Brookside.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, and I appreciate your sweet comments :) I hope you and your sweetheart get to visit the garden and enjoy it as much as we did.

  17. Looks a very nice garden. I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. That's great, thank you Jan and all the best to you also :)

  18. The garden looks beautiful!

    1. Thank you Linda, they have made it into one to be proud of :)

  19. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful photos, Denise.


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