Sunday, October 20, 2019


No recipe post today. I have a bad cold and  between the sneezing and coughing, and lolloping, along with the catch-up naps, I have been watching a wonderful British TV show called Grantchester. It is on the PBS streaming channel I subscribe to.  
I am a little slow answering comments, and I thank you so much for them.  I will be visiting when I can during the week. 

Fortunately I have been better organized as I have set several posts well in advance.  This week is taken care of, all except my recipe post which I was going to make yesterday but, you know, lolloping! 

Have a great week everyone and thanks for visiting.


  1. I am so sorry you are sick. I hope the worst is over. Phil and I have both just gotten over colds. This flower photo has the coolest perspective!! It is gorgeous!

  2. Get better soon. We will keep the light on for you.

  3. I applaud you, Denise. If I was sick I would think twice about blogging. I do hope you soon feel more like your 100 percent self.

    1. Fortunately I have several of my posts done ahead of time, so just needed to write a few lines :) Thanks Valerie :)

  4. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado e uma boa semana para você também :)

  5. Hello, I hope you feel better soon. Take care ! Wishing you a happy week too!

    1. Hi Eileen, thank you and happy week to you also :)

  6. I like the word lolloping... I do that a lot and I am not SICK. hope you feel better soon....

    1. Hi Sandra, well over the lolloping thank you but yes sometimes it's nice to just lollop for not particular reason :)

  7. Take care of yourself, Denise. Hopefully you will be feeling better soon!

  8. Sending my good wishes, hope you feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, all better now. All the best to you too :)

  9. Thanks Linda, I hope you didn't catch a cold. I am well over mine.


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