Tuesday, October 8, 2019


in this photo.  I didn't spot it at the time as I was so interested in trying to focus on the bee.  I only saw what was behind it when I transferred it to my laptop that night.  Can you see him?

How about a little closer?
I was kicking myself that I didn't see it at the time.  I probably would have taken a hundred photos to try and get it into more focus than this one single shot.  The funny thing is I have been looking all summer for a Preying Mantis to photograph.  Oh well!
I asked our son if he would pose on one of my favorite bridges, and he obliged.  When I showed him this shot later he joked that the only thing that would make it better would be if he had a big bug next to him.  Hmmm....
I got to work.
Not perfect but he had a good laugh when I showed it to him.


  1. Smiling broadly.
    And you have reminded me to keep an eye out for praying mantis this season. Thank you.

    1. My job is done if I made you smile broadly :) And you are very welcome. I bet you have some very interesting praying mantis' over there.

  2. I DID see the mantis in the first picture. I actually love the mantis/bee picture just the way it is. The mantis is lurking in the background ready to pounce, and the photo really illustrates that! The photo of your son is so beautiful! And Attack Of the Giant Mantis is hilarious!! Wish I could do edits like this.

    1. Thank you Ginny, that's very sweet of you and I'm happy this post brought a smile. Those edits are all done on Paint Shop Pro, they make it easy.

  3. A praying mantis is fascinating to watch and photograph. I like your edited photos with your son �� Have a lovely day Denise!

    1. It certainly is and thank you. You have a lovely day too :)

  4. You are a clever clogs. its amazing what you see when you import them to a computer.

    1. I haven't heard that expression since I left the UK and it brought me a smile, thank you Diane :)

  5. I have never seen a praying mantis so thanks, Denise. Your son looks very happy on that bridge.

    1. They are interesting to watch Valerie. If ever you get on YouTube search for praying mantis. They have a lot of interesting ones on there about them. Yes he was happy. Married life suits him and he has a sweet wife :)

  6. You have amazing photo editing talent! Seriously impressed!

  7. Hello, the Praying Mantis is a great find. Cute edited photo of your son and the big bug. Wishing you a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, it certainly was, after the fact :) Glad you enjoyed my additions. Have a great day also :)

  8. thanks for my morning smile, make that morning GRIN... love the bug with your son... something i would do also.. i really like the photo with the blurred mantis behind the bee. beautiful

    1. You are very welcome Sandra, I'm happy it gave you a grin :) It turned out well. Funny how that happens when you don't even realize what you are taking a photo of in this case.

  9. "Interesting surprise" for sure.

  10. Lovely surprise indeed! And the small white camel is above the orangutan to the right side of the photo!

    1. Thank you Christine, I am going to have to take a look at that again :)

  11. aw, such a sweet post - a great surprise and some fun with your Son... gorgeous! xx

  12. Denise, this was a fun post. I remember catching a praying mantis when I was about 5 and keeping it in a cigar box for a few hours until my parents told me it needed its freedom. It's always been one of my favorite bugs. Isn't it the truth - we focus on one thing and often miss a real surprise.

    1. Hi Barb, happy you think it was fun and a sweet story about your own experience with one when you were 5. I love that! Yes, I suppose in this one instance, I couldn't see the wood for the trees, lol!

    2. Back again, I just read your wonderful blog post and loved all those Autumn colors. A great walk you took us on, thank you. I tried to leave a message but am not involved with the other media venues, so I do hope you read this so that I can let you know how much I enjoy your blog.

  13. What a darling post! I love seeing praying mantis in my garden or anywhere. Love what you did for your son's request, very clever. Looks like a fun day out with your son.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, it was fun to play with that photo. Yes, it was a wonderful day :)

  14. Oh, Denise...I know just how you feel. I think we have all did that...focus on one thing only to see later that we really missed something else terrific. I do like your innovation with the photo of your son...LOL

  15. Haha, love that you had a preying mantis to photoshop next to your son!

  16. As a kid living in Baltimore way back in the day, we used to see Preying Mantis' all the time. These days here in NC I can't say that I've seen even one!(lol) Bees on the other hand seem to hang out pretty regularly!(lol) Great pics as always! Hugs, RO

    1. That's interesting RO. The last time I saw one was a couple of years back before I spotted this one on my laptop screen. Yes, we gotta keep those bees coming :) Thank you and hugs to you too :)

  17. i have been there so many times. nice of your son to be such a good sport!!

    1. Lovely! Our sons are good sports aren't they Debbie? :)


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