Monday, September 16, 2019


This recipe came from the Pioneer Woman via the Food Network, and brought back a memory of my Mum fixing us this when we were kids, just for fun.  I think it was called Eggs-in-a-Basket, so the idea has been around for a while and you may have done your eggs and toast this way too at some point.

The recipe I found by Ree Drummond was made into a more involved sandwich which looks great.  See here for that one.  However, I wanted something simple for breakfast, but a little different.  I am giving you my version, with thanks to Ree Drummond for a refresher of the technique, and the idea.  

Basically fried egg and toast but the presentation is nice and puts a more decorative twist on things.  

Egg-in-a-Hole Breakfast, for 1

1 slice of your favorite bread
1 egg
1 tablespoon butter
Fruit as a side dish

Melt the butter in a frying pan on medium to medium-high heat.

While butter is melting, use a cookie cutter or the rim of a small glass to cut a hole in the bread.

Put the bread in frying pan, along with the little round piece you cut out, making sure the bread soaks up some of that butter on both sides.

Break an egg into the hole of the bread.  When one side is golden brown, carefully flip to the other side using a spatula.   When that side is golden brown, your egg should still be soft on the inside.

Place on your plate along with your choice of fruit, and you have a nice breakfast.  Timing is only a few minutes each side.  You be the judge depending on how you like your egg, but be careful not to burn your bread.  

This was delicious!  

As I was making a cake for company, I had the raspberries on hand and they made a nice accompaniment, but obviously any favorite is a good thing.

A sprinkling of grated cheese over the egg in the pan would be good.  

Also a small glass of juice maybe.  I finished with a cup of coffee.


  1. Yummy, I like watching The Pioneer Woman.

  2. I make this quite a bit. In fact, in the morning I am trying a new recipe. You make the egg-in-a hole using mini naan. It should be interesting. The Pioneer Woman version is just too much!

    1. That's great Ginny! I am going to make this more now. It's quick and easy. Naan sounds like an excellent idea. I used to make a breakfast with naan and a poached egg and cooked tomatoes. For what I wanted that morning, the more involved sandwich just wasn't for me. Maybe sometime when I feel more awake. I am not a morning person :)

  3. I have heard of it, but never seen it. Thank you. And yes, a little cheese would be a great addition.

    1. Thanks EC, next time I will sprinkle that cheese :)

  4. Lovely! I like the added fruit idea Denise.
    When we travelled in outback Australia, the egg in toast was used for ease of cooking over the campfire plate. Brought back lots of good memories, thank you! :D) xx

    1. Hi Sue and so glad :) That must have been a wonderful trip! I love the idea of this being made over a campfire.

  5. Oh my, how wonderful. The photograph looks so real, I could eat it right now ... the food not the photograph!!

  6. Hello Denise, it looks delicious. I have made this for breakfast, it is yummy. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead!

    1. Hi Eileen, thank you. It's fun to see how many have fixed this for breakfast :) Enjoy your week also :)

  7. Wygląda pysznie spróbuję zrobić coś takiego na jutrzejsze śniadanie . Pozdrawiam:)

    1. Cieszę się, że podoba ci się to na śniadanie. Życzę szczęśliwego tygodnia :)

  8. I've heard of this but had never tried it. I think I'll give it a try - it's so cute!

    1. That's great Carol, glad you like it enough to try.

  9. I never had that as a child, but then again my mom didn't like to cook. looks delicious especially the raspberries

  10. my longtime highschool friend eats this almost every day, minus the fruit. she even has it for dinner with her hubby sometimes. I showed it to bob, he would love it and eats egg and toast every day. beautiful to look at to

    1. Interesting about your friend. I would have this for dinner also. Thanks Sandra :)

  11. Thanks for the memories. My mother used to make this for me and my sisters for breakfast quite often. She also called it eggs in a basket. What fun to think about.

    1. That's great Sharon, I had fun thinking of my mum making this too, and so many other things :)

  12. i use to make this for my kids, now i make it for my husband once in a while. fruit is nice, i use to make bacon!!

    1. Hi Debbie, yes, bacon would go great with this too :)

  13. Must try that, thanks. Have a good day, Diane

    1. Let me know what you think of it Diane, you have a good day too :)

  14. Nice breakfast idea, Denise. My husband would love this. Thank you.

    1. You're very welcome Martha Ellen. Good to hear :)

  15. Oh fun memories! Our kids loved this I can’t imagine quite how I did it for six of us.... must have been a weekend thing, I’m not sure how I learned about it ...don’t remember about it in my childhood. I guess I’ll have to go see what Pioneer Woman did differently ... I really can’t imagine it as anything other than breakfast.

    1. That's wonderful Sallie, that's impressive fixing this for the six of you :)

  16. Ok, I looked, not worth the effort (or the bacon)... the old way —your way — is by far the best! Thanks for the reminder of an old favorite that now I’ll fix again (for two — we are both breakfast people).

    1. Happy you think so Sallie, sometimes the simplest things really are the best :)

  17. Fun way to serve a piece of toast and an egg. :)

    1. It is and I enjoyed the difference, though it all tasted the same :) Just prettier and some days I love pretty food on my plate :)))

  18. Looks good Denise, I can understand why you enjoyed it.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, some times the simplest things are the best :)

  19. Thank you for the compliment Linda and you are very welcome :)


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