Wednesday, January 16, 2019


A female House Finch

Dark-eyed Junco

Red-bellied Woodpecker

I enjoyed taking photos of our backyard birds last week.  They are always enjoyable to watch.  These were taken before the snow came.  I have others I will share next time.

Gregg is out right now.   I am having a quiet moment, and have a cup of tea in hand while watching an episode of The Durrells in Corfu.  It's about an English family in the 1930s, whose widowed mother takes her children off to the Greek Island.  It can be quirky, poignant and quite funny at times.  I started watching it last year, and am through the first season and now into the second.

We have company coming tomorrow for a few days.  Time to drag myself away from this wonderful show and tidy up, but let's have one more cup of tea, one more episode and then off I go!

Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by.


  1. How much of this post, is from 2016, and how much, current, please...? :-)

    Is Greg out and is company coming? Or was that, in 2016...?


    1. Hi WoW, this is all happening right now and if I share anything that is an old picture or story I will explain that at the top of my post. I had an old blog that stopped at 2015. I had it from 2008. I started this blog from 2016 so all my posts are from that year, up until I will figure out how many years I want to continue this blog before starting another. Our company is arriving tomorrow.

    2. Oh mercy, I completely misunderstood!!!! -grin- Silly me!!!!

      Well, I'm glad I asked!!!!! :-)))))

    3. Happy I cleared that up for you. Not silly at all and I always welcome questions :)

  2. I love to be able to watch a series without commercials and back to back without having to wait a week to see what happens next. that junco is so pudgy and cute. I saw two of the wood peckers in a tree on my walk, cell phone will not shoot that high up

    1. Hi Sandra, yes that's really nice not to have the commercials, and then if we need to take a break we can just stop the video. The junco's are a favorite and they only turn up in the wintertime and disappear in the spring.

  3. We LOVE the Durrells, and have watched every episode. Two of the boys did indeed become famous authors. The show is based on the younger boy's book about their adventures in Greece. We read it, and it is a wonderful book. I wish I could find it, I would read it again. He became a famous naturalist. We have these same birds, except for the beautiful woodpecker.

    1. Hi Ginny, I'm happy you like this show. I expect many have seen it already as it seems very popular. I haven't read the book but if I come across it I will definitely read it. Interesting about the famous naturalist. I always seem to have the same birds come in day in and day out. And when a new one pops in I get very happy :)

  4. Love your birds.
    I suspect The Durrels in Corfu is an adaptation of My Family and Other Animals, a book I thoroughly enjoyed.

    1. Thanks EC, I will look that book up you mentioned.

  5. Your bird photos are great, Denise! I share your love of them. We've watched the Durrels as well. British programming is so much better than what we have here. Enjoy your company. Oh, I'm joining you with that extra cuppa. ♥

    1. Thank you :) Happy you liked them Martha Ellen and how nice that you also know The Durrells. I am a big fan now and heading for another cup of tea here.

  6. Hi Denise,
    Super set of bird images, the Red-bellied Woodpecker is a real beauty.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, he is a beauty isn't he? All the best to you too :)

  7. I love birds from your backyard, especially the woodpecker. :)

  8. Love your backyard bird shots! Enjoy your company!

  9. What a joy to see my little dears! Thanks D

    1. You are very welcome Cloudia, and thank you :)

  10. Your bird photographs are lovely to see.
    Enjoy your cuppa and 'The Durrells'

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan, happy you enjoyed them. Always enjoy a good old fashioned cuppa, and The Durrells are good companions :) All the best to you too :)

  11. That's great Linda, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

  12. Great photos! I have not missed a single episode of the Durrells....and I just finished the trilogy. I wondered how much was exaggerated in the show, but found that none is. And had moments of laugh out loud when reading the trilogy.

    1. Thank you Rose, and that's great to know you enjoy the Durrells. I must find the book.

  13. Replies
    1. He is a beauty that's for sure. Thanks Margaret :)

  14. The birds are great. A lot of ours have emigrated to warmer climates and I do miss them. Still, some old loyal favourites are still in the garden. It's been a long time since I saw the Durrells on TV. Mind you, it's a long time since I saw anything worth watching.

    1. Thank you Valerie, a lot of ours fly south and they are a welcome sight in the spring. We are seriously thinking of getting rid of our cable for TV, we seem to be able to get everything on line these days anyhow.

  15. Lindo, belas fotografias, gostei e aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Obrigado, e gostaria de lhe desejar uma boa semana também. De sua amiga na Virgínia, Denise :)

  16. Enjoyed the bird close-ups, Denise. They all posed so well for you.

  17. Beautiful pictures of beautiful birds.
    We all need a few moments of solitude with tranquility. Enjoy.
    Good weekend.

    1. Thank you Cuco, that is very true, I enjoy my quiet moments. Enjoy your weekend also :)

  18. You really do take the most amazing photos of birds, Denise.

    1. Thank you Kay, those birds are very helpful at posing :)

  19. Red-bellied Woodpecker is so cute. If can be honest i never seen this bird in Poland.

    1. Thank you Claudia, you probably have birds I've never seen either. I am always grateful when I can travel to see what kinds there are in the area, even over here.

  20. love watching the birds in the yard. Great shots.


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