Friday, January 18, 2019


I only have a few more snow photos left after this post, until the next snow anyhow.  We are expecting more but I think it will be more sleet and rain from what I was told.   I couldn't help but take ones in this neighborhood when we were driving through.  Everywhere looked so pretty, even with the roads ploughed.
When it snows you have two choices, shovel or make snow angels (or take photos)!
~Author Unknown~
"Therefore my age is as a lusty winter, 
frosty but kindly."
~William Shakespeare - As You Like It~
I thought the fir trees looked especially pretty.
Finishing up with a collage.
We are all ready for our company arriving in a few hours (I wrote this on Thursday the 17th).  I will be back on Monday.  

Have a great weekend everyone and as always, thanks for stopping by.


  1. These are beautiful! The sky is so lovely, and the pine trees. You live in a beautiful neighborhood. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Ginny, it looked particularly pretty after the snow. You have a great weekend also.

  2. Oh how beautiful.
    Thank you.
    Enjoy your company and your weekend.

  3. Beautiful snow pics and fun quotes. Enjoy your company and the weekend.

    1. Thanks Diane, and 'frosty but kindly' is my favorite :)

  4. enjoy you company and the beautiful snow scenes

  5. I join the others in wishing you a specially good weekend, snow or no snow.

  6. Hello, pretty snow photos. I love the snow covered trees. Enjoy your day and have a happy weekend.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, you also. Your friend in Virginia, Denise :)

  8. that fir tree has stolen my heart. so beautiful. I love all the trees with their limbs decorated with snow.. so much beauty in these photos of your town

    1. It is pretty isn't it Sandra? Happy you enjoyed them, thank you :)

  9. We have some snow already, and are expecting our first "real" snow, this weekend.

    Enjoy your company.


    1. After all this time I found your message. So sorry I missed this the first time round. Thank you :)

  10. Beautiful scenes! That is my kind of weather.

  11. The blue skies and the beautiful snow make gorgeous photos, Denise. Enjoy your company and stay warm and cozy. ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, so glad you enjoyed these photos. We are all sitting around, catching up on our e-mails and enjoying our conversation also :)

  12. Hi Denise,
    Have an enjoyable time with your visitors.
    Lovely to see the snow whilst its with you, just hope we don't see as much, good quotes.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, thank you. I hope you don't also, difficult to get out there and take all those beautiful bird photos I would imagine :)

  13. Oh, so beautiful. I always love snow on fir trees! (and on fence posts, and tree limbs, and just anywhere it gathers, it adds beauty.)

  14. Hi Linda, I bet you got a lot of snow didn't you? Or did it miss you again? Hope you're all okay out there.

  15. It looks very pretty especially with the blue skies. All that snow is managed well where you live. Here just a little ice and snow is dangerous in our hilly region. I hope you have a good weekend with your visitors.

    1. Hello there :) We have a very steep driveway which we have to dig out. It can be treacherous and there are hilly spots around here, but the community does send around a snow plough asap. Very grateful for that. We are having a lovely time with our company, thanks so much :)

  16. What lovely photos. You have really composed each of the photos so nicely. Isn't snow beautiful. I think I like all the choices -- shoveling as I love play with snow; making fairies and also to take pictures. What's your favorite?

    1. Thank you KL. My favorite? A nice walk in the snow with a proper pair of no-skid snow boots is my favorite :)

  17. These are beautiful photographs, and I like the mosaic too.
    Isn't the sky a wonderful blue.

    Hope your weekend has been good and you've had a lovely time with your visitors.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, the sky seemed extra vibrant that day. Had a lovely time thanks. All the best to you too :)

  18. Those fir trees are really lovely, as you commented. Beautiful photos Denise :D) xx

  19. The fir trees are beautiful, for sure!

    1. Wholeheartedly agree Linda, especially so in this snow.


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