Friday, June 29, 2018


Second cousins meet today - Sunday, May 27th, 2018

It is 4.25 p.m. and Gregg and I are sitting in the main room of the hotel, with the elk's head staring down at us.  The fire is keeping us nice and toasty, and once again I am drawn to the wrought iron screen with the wonderful design of salmon, which I fancy are swimming upstream.  The flames in the grate are spurring them on.  No one has let the fire go out yet.  It has always been very welcome when we sit down, especially after coming in from outside.

5.09 p.m. and we are having an early cocktail in the bar while a basketball game is going on.  Several customers are in here this time, showing their support by cheering loudly.  Even my sports' loving husband isn't paying attention to the game.  

Way too noisy for me. We are sitting at our usual table, the one by the window, and we have been spoilt by the previous days of quietness after a busy day of sight-seeing.  We move down to the coffee shop downstairs and order an individual slice of pizza and a salad for dinner.  It is nice and quiet down there. 

From the coffee shop we go outside, have our evening walk and see the bronze bear that stands outside of one of the large windows.  
It is one of my favorite sculptures on the property.

There are a few flowers around but it is still too early for them.  I have read that the place is awash with colorful blooms later in the season, and the hotel is well known for them.

After a nice walk we sit outside next to the fire pit. It warded off the chill in the air very nicely. (This is actually the firepit in the front of the hotel, but the one in the back is identical.)
Now we are in our room after deciding to have an early night.  Before I fell asleep, I decide to jot a few more things down.

Earlier today we spent a few hours with Gregg's second cousin and her family on the outskirts of Anchorage.  Her grandmother and Gregg's grandmother are sisters.  They met on Facebook as she is part of their cousin's group.  

It was lovely meeting them, and also a friend of theirs. They cooked us barbecue, and we were treated to fresh wild salmon and burgers, with all kinds of delicious side-dishes. We enjoyed talking to the family and the next door neighbor's dog came over to say hello.  A few neighbors walking by waved.  

We want to thank Gregg's second cousin and her family again for giving us such a good time. We weren't able to give a lot of warning beforehand.  Our schedule had been hectic and though they knew we were in the area and might be dropping by, we weren't sure on timing.  Gregg called to say hello and we were invited over, they made us very welcome.  It was a lovely ending to our holiday. 
(I finally got a photo of the white whale sculpture as we enter the hotel.)

But, it's not over yet.  There is actually one more day tomorrow.  We are getting up early and going back to Seward.  You guessed it, to see the sea otters, one last hurrah.  And I do hope they are still there.  Even if not it will be lovely to see Seward one last time.

We will be ready to head to the airport the following day.  It has been an amazing vacation, but once you know it is coming to an end, the old homing pigeon instincts kick in and you can't wait to get going.  We will have been away for a month.  Time to go home.

But first, the sea otters...and they will be in my next post.


  1. Replies
    1. I had the same reaction when I first saw it :)

  2. I have never met any of my cousins (didn't find out I had any until a few years ago). Meeting up with them would have been icing on an already delicious cake.
    Love the bear sculpture - and too many otters would be barely enough.

    1. I hope you get to meet them one day EC, and I will have several sea otter photos for you :)

  3. What a nice treat to meet family members and be treated to a nice dinner as well and on short notice. Enjoyed the bear sculptures as well and glad the one by the window wasn't a real bear!

    1. Me too, it looked very realistic after that initial sighting. Yes, these wonderful people were very gracious.

  4. Wow a month is a long time away.

  5. A month's worth of blog posts, Wow! It was like a history lesson with one or two reminders of times when Joe and I visited similar areas.

    1. Thank you Valerie. I am glad you have lovely reminders from when you and Joe were traveling.

  6. I love all the bear photos and especially the one peering n the window.. that fire place is so pretty, love the screen, but the head on the wall needs to go.. I don't like wild life on the walls. I would love to have that fire pit you are warming your hands on, even if we are in FL

    1. Hi Sandra, it takes some getting used to if you weren't brought up hunting. Glad you enjoyed the bear and the firepit though.

  7. ooooh such a lovely fire pit, i do love those...except when little ones are toasting marshmallows!! hehehe!!

    the bear sculpture is very cool as well - so big and so lifelike!!

    i have enjoyed all of these posts, although i have missed some. i'm not sure i could be away from home for a month. i look forward to seeing the otters!!!

    1. It was and so toasty. I had to chuckle at your blog post about the little boy toasting the marshmallow. We didn't have any of those ;) After a month away it was so good sleeping in my own bed the first night we got home.

  8. FABulous trip! Thanks for bringing us

  9. The photo next to a fire pit is great

  10. Hi Denise,
    Sad when the end of a holiday arrives but my you have certainly packed a considerable amount into your time.
    To finish with a meeting with distant relatives and a relaxing day is perfect.
    We have seen some wonderful images from you, thanks.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, I felt blessed to have had this once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'm very glad you have enjoyed them. All the best to you too :)

  11. That fire pit looks amazing … just the thing for cooler days.

    All the best Jan

    1. It certainly was. I was drawn to it every time we got back to the hotel. All the best to you too Jan :)

  12. Ha, I know what you mean about that Homing Pigeon syndrome on a vacation. You really had a great one for sure!

    1. Yes it was, seems like a bit of a dream now :)

  13. Many memorable moments, and photos!

    1. Thank you Jenn, photos and memories are a joy.


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