Friday, June 23, 2017


Thank you for all the lovely comments you have left.  I will be answering them shortly.

After picking up our car from the underground parking lot at The Plaza, CityCenter, I took a few shots when driving through Washington DC on our way home.

The building in the photo below is the newest of the Smithsonian museums, The National Museum of African American History and Culture.  On our next trip into the city, it will be first on our list.  It opened in September 2016.

I have been taking photos of The Washington Monument for 41 years.  We started married life just outside of the city and brought our bikes in often, riding around all the monuments.  We rode for miles and miles.  Even though we have lived in several places on the East and West Coasts, we always seem to end up not too far away from Washington DC.

In the distance you can see The White House.

This is the Eccles Building, home of the Federal Reserve.

The statue of Albert Einstein had a lot of company that day.

And a quote by Albert, which I rather liked.
"Our task must be to free ourselves - by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."

This building is part of the United States Institution of Peace.  

It is one of the newest buildings on Constitution Avenue, only about 10 years old.

We are driving by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.  It is undergoing an expansion project.  I saw Swan Lake here when I first came to the States and a few years later, Madame Butterfly, a couple of other performances I can't remember.  I haven't attended any for a long time.

Here we are driving across the Potomac River via the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge.  The buildings are in Rosslyn.  When we cross we are back in Virginia.

It was a lovely day weather-wise.  Not too hot!


  1. Hello, pretty skies and clouds. I have not been to D.C. in a long time, I do not like the traffic or the crowds. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Eileen, I am not one for traffic or crowds either, so try to pick quieter times. Even that is hard to do at times.

  2. Hi Denise, it was a lovely couple of days here in Montreal as well, not too hot, perfect summer days, breezy and comfortable. This series is amazing, and I love the skies, too! I really like the architecture, and I got a kick out of the tie-dye T-shirt in your fourth photo! I love the colours! I hope you have a fantastic weekend. :)

    1. Thank you Linda and happy to hear you also had lovely days to enjoy. Enjoy or weekend :)

  3. Very nice photos. I have visited Washington, DC three times. Enjoyed having lunch with you and Gregg in 2013.

    1. Thank you Gigi. It is a lovely memory meeting you both.

  4. Interesting! Love to see your photos. Great statue of Albert Einstein!

    1. Thank you Aritha, this statue is one of my favorites.

  5. I LOVE seeing how D.C. has changed since I lived there!! This post is a big WOW!! I think my very favorite is the statue of Einstein. We have been watching his life story on National Geographic channel. It was a truly wonderful series. I cannot recommend it highly enough. The African Museum has very interesting architecture, too. I have never seen a building like this. But of all the buildings, I think my favorite is the Institution Of Peace. I think Einstein would love it!

    1. Thanks Ginny, so happy you enjoyed it. I have heard about the Einstein series. Must watch. I think you are right, Einstein would enjoy the Institution of Peace :)

      The design of the African American museum intrigued me and I found the following website if you would like to take a look.

  6. Fabulous photos and some of those buildings I actually recognise from our visit last year. Thanks for sharing and bringing back some great memories. Have a fab weekend Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, so glad and the same to you :)

  7. wow nice photos and my favourite is the monument of Eistein.

  8. Thanks for the tour, I just remembered when I saw the White House that I once drove through Washington on the way south and snapped a photo of the White House. I mentioned on your last post that I've never been there!

  9. The African American museum is one that I must see someday.

  10. Love the reflections in the second photo. And the Einstein quote - a scientific genius and a man of compassion.
    Thank you for the tour. I doubt I will ever see the city for myself.

    1. Thank you EC, very happy you enjoyed the tour.

  11. I bet it would take a lot of visits and a lot of time to see all there is to see.

    LOVE the sky in these shots.

  12. Lovely to see your photographs, and I really like the Einstein quote you included in your post ...

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, always happy you enjoy them. All the best to you too:)

  13. There's always lots to see in Washington DC. it's interesting to see the new development going on.

  14. Wow.... looks like you have seen and been to so many places on your trip. Lots to talk about and show.

    1. We have been home for some time now Pam. DC isn't that far away so we go whenever we feel like it, which is about four or five times a year.

  15. We're planning to head out to DC this summer and just hoping that it won't be as HOT as it was last year. That was the pits! We'd like to go to the African American History museum too, but we've heard that there's too much of a waiting list.

    1. I hope the weather cooperates for you Kay. We have a visitor coming next month and we are hoping for the same thing, as no doubt we will be going into DC again. I haven't read anything about a waiting list for the museum, but hopefully by the time you get here it will have lessened some.

  16. Hi Denise, we are most certainly seeing plenty of America lately, another wonderful post, I have only been to Washington once and that was a fly in, turn around and back to Heathrow. Most enjoyable, all the best, John

    1. Thank you John! With the city only 25 miles away, we enjoy going in a few times during the year, mostly to visit the museums.

  17. Denise, appears that you had a splendid day for your visit to our nation's capital.

  18. Looks like a wonderful adventure, that trip. Fantastic photos indeed, love the randomness. Thanks for sharing and greetings!

    1. Thank you Blogoratti, and the same to you :)

  19. Thanks Linda, I can't remember the last time we went into the city. I will have to look at my blog to find that out.


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